FAQs: Creating and Modifying Gateway Elements

What gateway group elements are delivered?

The IBISTRO, ILINK, and SirsiDynix Symphony Gateway policies contain some or all of the following group elements

For more information about the various types of Gateway elements, refer to the Gateway Element Types topic.

Public Access Choices — This group element is used with all of the clients and manages the opening window of the e-Library. Depending on your client, this first level of elements may appear as choices on your opening e-Library window.

As delivered, elements contained in the Public Access Choices group of elements follow.

Catalog Searches — This group element is used by the e–Library and WorkFlows clients and contains the Advanced Search, Browse, and Call Number destinations. This group allows you to preconfigure searches, which patron’s can select based on their comfort-level with the catalog.
Digital Library — This group element is used with the Hyperion Digital Media Archive system.
Library Info (or Information Desk) — This group element is used by the e–Library clients and contains destinations such as New Books and Library Hours. These destinations display posted lists of new books, library hours, reading lists, and other library-related information.
Knowledge Portal —This group element is used by the e–Library and WorkFlows clients. This element contains other group elements, such as Z39.50, World Wide Web, and Broadcast Searches. The Knowledge Portal allows users to access Z39.50 sites or WWW pages from any of the e–Library clients.
Library Catalog — This destination element is a Relational Alias used by the e–Library. This element, by default, specifies that the standard Library Catalog search window be aliased to the Quick Search element. The Library Catalog window interface will be based on the attributes defined in the Quick Search element.
Request Group — This group element is used by the e–Library and WorkFlows clients. This group allows you to define the type of request accessible from the e–Library. The default request type is the UACS Request, which specifies that, when a user clicks the Request button in the e–Library, the list of requests permitted for that user will appear. These requests may include Place Hold, Interlibrary Loan, Recommend to Order, Requisition Additional Copies, or Search Services.
Reserve Desk — This Reserve Desk type of destination element is used by the e–Library. This group allows users to search the reserve desk by course number, course name, or by instructor.
User Services or My Account — This group element is used by the e–Library or WorkFlows clients and contains the destinations User Status, User Pin Change, and Renew Materials. User Services allows patrons to check their circulation status, change their PIN numbers, or renew currently checked out books. In the e–Library, when configured to use user logins, User Services will appear as My Account and may contain additional features, such as Review My Account.

What gateway elements are restricted to the WorkFlows client?

Using the Available Clients for Access attribute, you may want to restrict certain elements, such as Reference Database type elements or Z39.50 Search type elements, to be used only by staff users. This attribute appears on the Basic Tab with e–Library and WorkFlows choices.

Which type of gateway elements are restricted to use with the e–Library?

The following gateway destination element types are only used with the e–Library.

Another Gateway (ANOTHER) — This element allows you to create a link from one Gateway to another Gateway. For example, suppose you have an e–Library targeted to children and you have an e–Library targeted to adults, but you want to be able to search the full catalog from either type of public workstation. You would need to create two separate Gateway policies; each of these Gateway policies would contain a destination element of the type Another Gateway. Using this destination element, you can access the adult e–Library from workstations in the children’s area and vice versa. This type of Gateway element allows you to set up two introductory search windows that can be accessed from either type of public workstation.
Archive (ARCHIVE) — This element uses the e–Library to access the Hyperion digital media archive. Hyperion can be used to create an electronic image database of magazines, newsletters, memos, technical reports, organizational charts, or any other type of print documents. Hyperion can also be used to create a database of video, audio, and other multimedia clips.
Contents (CONTENTS) — This element defines the content and look of the e–Library Table of Contents.
Custom Page (CUST_PAGE) — This element determines the design of the e–Library pages at your library and allows you to access a custom web page that you created for the SirsiDynix Symphony system.
World Wide Web (WEB) — The WWW element type is only used with the e–Library. This type of destination element allows you to access a web page from your e–Library.

How can I change my e–Library gateway element icons?

To change e–Library gateway elements icons

How do I turn off the Reserve Desk choice in the e–Library?

To hide the Reserve Desk choice in the e–Library

This FAQ can be applied to any Gateway element.

Information about the ReferenceLibrarian gateway

SirsiDynix Symphony is delivered with the ReferenceLibrarian gateway. This gateway contains the Kids’ Library, Find It Fast!, and Have You Read? group elements.

Kids’ Library

The Kids’ Library group is a Group type element that contains Catalog Access type destinations used for preconfigured searches.

These preconfigured searches are qualified with the Item Category2 attribute, which contains the value “JUVENILE.” Only items categorized as JUVENILE will be retrieved from a Kids’ Library search. See the Item Category Wizards topic for more information about creating this policy.

Example The Kids’ Library group element contains additional groups, such as Animals, Cooking, Holidays, or Jokes. Within these group elements are Catalog Access type destinations. For example, within the Animals group, you may have a destination called Dolphins. The Dolphins destination element is actually a preconfigured subject (SU) search, as follows.


Find It Fast!

The Find It Fast! group element is similar to the Kids’ Library, except that this type of preconfigured search is not qualified by the JUVENILE Item Category2 policy.

For example, the Find It Fast! group element contains additional groups, such as A to Z or Cars. Within these group elements are additional groups or destinations. For example, within the Cars group, you may have a destination called “Car Repair.” The Car Repair gateway element is a Catalog Access type of element that is actually a preconfigured subject (SU) search, as follows.


Have You Read?

The Have You Read? group element is a Bulletin List type of gateway element and is used to create reader’s advisory choices in the e–Library, such as Award Winning Books. The 598 tag must be included in the bibliographic record, and this tag must have a value that matches an Information Desk policy.

For more information about the ReferenceLibrarian and how to modify its elements, see FAQs: Configuring ReferenceLibrarian.

For more information about creating a book list gateway element, see the FAQ: How do I post a list Award Winning Books to the e-Library?

How do I assign user IDs to children so that only Knowledge Portal connections created for children can be accessed?

You can assign children user IDs that restrict their Knowledge Portal access to destinations marked as just for children.

Follow these steps

Why don’t I get any hits in my Kids’ Library searches?

If you don’t get any hits in a Kids’ Library search, check for the following requirements.

Make sure that a JUVENILE Item Category 2 policy has been created.
Make sure that the items that should appear in a Kids’ Library search reference the JUVENILE Item Category 2 policy.
Check that the library has materials on the topic, by copying the search string from the preconfigured search and performing a catalog search on that search string.
JUVENILE Item Category 2

To create a JUVENILE Item Category 2 policy, follow these steps.

Editing an Item Record to be Used with the Kids’ Library Search

To modify an item record to reflect the JUVENILE category, do the following.

Checking the Predefined Kids’ Library Search Qualifiers

To check that the predefined search is qualified by the JUVENILE Item Category 2 policy, follow these steps.

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