FAQs: Creating Information Desk Choices

What is the Information Desk?

In the e–Library, the Library Info section of the window provides access to the Information Desk choices which, in turn, access memos, bulletins, catalog lists of titles, and so on. The choices listed in the e–Library windows are defined in the Gateway policies and can be configured by your library.

The Information Desk may include the following choices.

Book Lists
Library Hours
Community Info

These choices are linked to memo and bibliographic catalog records using the Information Desk policies. When a user selects one of the Information Desk choices, SirsiDynix Symphony searches the catalog for memo and bibliographic records containing the same Information Desk policy name as the one associated with the Information Desk selection. Announcements and community information are posted to the Information Desk by linking memo records to Information Desk policies. Special catalog lists are posted to the Information Desk by linking standard catalog records to Information Desk policies.

Information Desk reports can be used to post records to or remove records in batch from the Information Desk. A printed list of all records linked to the Information Desk policy can also be obtained using the Print Bulletins report.

How do I post Library Hours to the e–Library?

Library hours or announcements are posted to the Information Desk by linking memo records to Information Desk policies.

Configuration for Posting Memo Records

The Format policies and the Information Desk policies link records to the Information Desk choices in the e–Library. To set up the Information Desk policy, Format policy (and entry IDs), and Gateway policy, see the following sections.

Information Desk Policy

When you create an Information Desk policy, you can provide the policy name and a description about how records linked to the Information Desk policy are used.

Format Policy

Information Desk policy names are used as values in any valid entry ID, but the entry type for the entry ID must be Bulletin. Typically, with MEMO formats or other formats used for information only, the entry is LIST, but the associated entry type is still Bulletin.

OPAC Configuration

Using the Gateway Database Configuration wizard, you define the Information Desk choices that appear in the e–Library windows. These choices are gateway elements. Each element has a Heading attribute. The information typed in this attribute corresponds to what appears on the Information Desk choices windows in the e–Library. This element should be a Bulletin type of gateway element.

Creating Memo Records

Information Desk choices are linked with memo or bibliographic records. When selected, memo records usually display information about a particular event or subject. Use the Add Title wizard to create a memo record, the Modify Title wizard to update a memo record, and the Delete Title, Call Numbers or Items wizard to remove a memo record.

To create a library memo record

Using Reports with Memo Records

The following reports may be used with memo records.

Print Bulletins
Remove Bulletins

The Print Bulletins report is used to provide a printed list of all records matching the selected Information Desk name. The Remove Bulletins report removes memo records based on the value in their Remove On date.

The Remove On date is required in memo records in order for the Remove Bulletins report to function properly. The remove date must be in the format YYYYMMDD.

How do I post a list of award winning books to e–Library?

The e–Library is delivered with special lists including the following.

Recommended Reading Lists – updated from SirsiDynix Content Enrichment
Best Sellers lists, based on a library–defined profile and updated monthly
Hot Sites lists, based on a library–defined profile and updated monthly
What Others are Reading lists, created by a special set of programs included with the e–Library that analyze a library’s SirsiDynix Symphony server databases and history logs for circulation history and hold–queue depth

However, you can create additional lists, such as lists of award winning books or local authors.

In the e–Library, special catalog lists are posted to the Information Desk by linking standard catalog records to Information Desk policies.

Configuration for Posting Catalog Records

The Format policies and the Information Desk policies link records to the Information Desk choices in the e–Library. To set up the Information Desk policy, Format policy (and entry IDs), and Gateway policy, see the following sections.

Information Desk Policy

When you create an Information Desk policy, you can provide a name and description about how records linked with the Information Desk policy are used.

Format Policy

Information Desk policy names are used as values in any valid entry ID, but the Entry Type for the entry ID must be Bulletin. Typically, MARC format catalog records, the 598 entry tag is used for Bulletin entries. SirsiDynix Symphony uses the Bulletin entry type to locate records associated with the Information Desk choice.

OPAC Configuration

Using the Gateway Database Configuration wizard, you define the Information Desk choices that appear in the e–Library windows. These choices are Gateway elements. Each element has a Description attribute. The information typed in this attribute corresponds to what appears on the Information Desk windows in the e–Library. This element should be a Bulletin type of gateway element.

Creating Special Catalog Lists

A catalog list is a list of items from the online catalog which make up a specialized bibliography. These items are posted under an Information Desk heading. Your library may prepare as many catalog lists as desired. After identifying catalog items, each record to be posted to this list is assigned a special Information Desk policy. This policy is used to group related records and to associate these records with an Information Desk choice, such as Caldecott Award Winners or New Books. Posted records appear when a user selects the Information Desk choice.

Each destination posted to the Information Desk choice must have a corresponding Information Desk policy.

To create a catalog list

Any item may be placed on more than one catalog list, and the Bulletin entry type tag may contain multiple Information Desk policy names.

For example, using the Modify Title wizard, you can add the CALDECOTT Information Desk policy to the 598 entry of the title Make Way for Ducklings. Make Way for Ducklings will appear in the Caldecott Award Winners list in the e–Library.

Using Reports with Catalog Lists

The following reports may be used with catalog lists.

Add Items to Item List
Remove Items from Item List
Print Bulletins

The Add Items to Item List report links catalog records with the same Information Desk policy. The Remove Items from Item List report removes links between catalog records and an Information Desk policy. The Print Bulletins report provides a printed list of all catalog records matching the selected Information Desk policy name.

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