Search Field Tab

This tab appears when displaying or modifying a Destination-type Gateway element. The Search Field tab contains attributes which define Search fields for the Gateway element.

Catalog Search Fields

These fields appear on the Search Field tab for the Gateway element type, Catalog Access. On this tab you can define the various search fields displayed in the e-Library. These search fields may have preconfigured search criteria. Up to eight search fields may be defined.


The Search Field tab includes the following the attributes.


The search field label appears next to the entry field where the user types the search term. This label may up to 20 characters.

Keyword Index

This attribute allows you to define which Keyword Index will be searched. Select a Keyword Index policy from the list. The Keyword Index Policy helper (Keyword Index Wizard) is available for you to create a new keyword index or modify an existing one, if needed.

Browse Index

This attribute allows you to define which Browse Index the system will default to if a keyword search doesn’t retrieve any items. Select a Browse Index policy from the list. The Browse Index Policy helper (Browse Index Wizard) is available for you to create a new browse index or modify an existing one, if needed.


This attribute allows you to define which Boolean operators are available when typing terms in multiple search fields.

If AND is selected, an item retrieved as a result of this search contains the term typed in this field and the term typed in the next field.
If NOT is selected, an item retrieved as a result of this search contains the term typed in the next field, but not the term typed in this field.
If OR is selected, an item retrieved as a result of this search contains either the term typed in the next field, the term typed in this field, or both.
If XOR is selected, an item retrieved as a result of this search contains either the term typed in the next field or the term typed in this field, but not both.

Predefined Search Key

This attribute allows you to type a predefined 1-60 character search term or expression.

Search Icon

This attribute allows you to specify a graphic icon to represent the search field. Select an icon image from the list.

Special Processing

Terms typed in this field may receive one of the following types of special processing.

Author — This type affects browsing only. If no hits are found in the browse catalog, the term is right-circular rotated, and a check is made to see if a match is found. For example, if a user typed “Ayn Rand” and no match is found, then it would search “Rand Ayn.”
Phrase — This type is found on Chinese systems only. SirsiDynix Symphony will perform Chinese language phrase processing on terms typed into this field.
Pinyin — This type is found on Chinese systems only. SirsiDynix Symphony will perform Chinese language pinyin processing on terms typed into this field.
Title — This type affects browsing also. If no hits are found, the stopword that was typed at the beginning of the search will be automatically dropped so that the matching is successful.


This attribute specifies that the thesaurus will be searched and that cross-references will appear if the typed search expression has any. Select an Authority Thesaurus policy from the list. The Authority Thesaurus Policy helper (Authority Thesaurus Wizard) is available for you to create a new authority thesaurus or modify an existing one, if needed.

Note: This field is required.

Z39.50 Search and Reference Database Gateway Elements

For Z3950 Search and Reference Database Gateway elements, the Search Field Elements tab displays the Name, Search Key and Operator attributes. Up to 10 search fields may be defined.


This tab displays the following attributes.


This attribute allows you to predefine a search; predefining a search can either narrow the search criteria or completely automate the search the user performs when the element is selected. The Name attribute defines the Z3950 search field label that displays next to the entry field where the user types the search term.

Search Key

This attribute allows you to type a predefined search term or expression.


This attribute allows a predefined search to be expanded or limited using the following Boolean operators:

If AND is selected, an item retrieved as a result of this search contains the term typed in this field and the term typed in the next field.
If NOT is selected, an item retrieved as a result of this search contains the term typed in the next field, but not the term typed in this field.
If OR is selected, an item retrieved as a result of this search contains either the term typed in the next field, the term typed in this field, or both.
If XOR is selected, an item retrieved as a result of this search contains either the term typed in the next field or the term typed in this field, but not both.

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