Keyword Index Wizard

When a search is performed in the catalog, search terms are looked up in keyword indexes. The majority of Keyword Index policies describe individual entries found in bibliographic records in the system. The presence of a Keyword Index policy for an entry means that the entry is indexed and searchable. Other types of Keyword Index policies are used to group individual entries for specific types of searches.

From List Policies window, you can create, display, modify, copy, or remove the Keyword Index policies. Click Close to exit the wizard.

Keyword Index Types

There are four types of Keyword Index policies.

Internal Synonym Keyword Index

Internal Synonym Keyword Index policies are used to define which entries are searched when a given type of search is performed in the OPAC. Internal Synonym Keyword Indexes refer to BRS equivalent field definitions, which are delivered in SirsiDynix Symphony to include certain fields for certain types of searches. This type of Keyword Index is handled internally by BRS, so searches that are qualified by Internal Synonyms are more efficient since the search term does not have to be expanded before being passed to the search engine. Internal Synonym Keyword Indexes should only be created, modified, or removed as a result of making changes to the BRS equivalent field definitions. Modifications to BRS equivalent fields should be made only by people with BRS training.

As delivered, the following entries are included in Internal Synonym Keyword Indexes.

The standard delivery may have been changed at your request during the preinstallation process or by a subsequent request to SirsiDynix Customer Support. If you believe the standard delivery may have been modified on your system, and you don’t have a record of your request, or if you would like to make changes to the standard delivery, contact SirsiDynix Customer Support.


Search Field

Internal Synonyms

Keyword Index Searched



100, 110, 111, 700, 710, 711, 720, AUTH, CORP

None, as delivered



Periodical Title





400, 410, 411, 440, 490, 800, 810, 811, 830, 840



600, 610, 611, 630, 650, 651, 655, 690, 691, DESC, IDEN



130, 245, 246, 440, 730, 740, TITL, CTTL

Non-searchable Keyword Index

Non-searchable Keyword Indexes are used for sorting search results in the library catalog. This type of Keyword Index does not represent an entry or group of entries for searching.

Searchable Keyword Index

Searchable Keyword Indexes represent a single entry from a bibliographic record. They are mapped to internal tags used by the BRS search software, and are also linked to sort indexes and Z39.50 use attributes.

Synonym List Keyword Index

Synonym List Keyword Index policies are also used to define which entries are searched when a given type of search is performed in the OPAC. However, these lists of entries are definable without requiring modifications to BRS configuration files. Like Internal Synonyms, Synonym List Keyword Indexes may be specified as part of a search (enclosed in braces). Unlike Internal Synonyms, Synonym List Keyword Indexes are expanded before being sent to the BRS search engine, which results in a longer search string being sent to the search engine. While using a Synonym List Keyword Index for a search is less efficient, this type of Keyword Index is easier to configure.

As delivered, the Gateway policies define general searches to use a GENERAL Synonym List Keyword Index that contains no synonyms in the Synonym List attribute. In this way, a search of the type General searches all indexed entries. (The GENERAL keyword index is associated with the ANY Use Attribute.)


The Keyword Index policy contains the following attributes.


This attribute uniquely identifies a specific Keyword Index policy. This name is ten characters or less, and may not include spaces or punctuation, except for dash (-), underscore (_), and dollar sign ($). Additionally, the pipe character (|) may not be used.


This attribute provides more information about the policy and its use by the library. The description may be up to 60 characters in length. Although the Description attribute may contain spaces and punctuation, the pipe character (|) cannot be used.


Select click either Searchable, Internal Synonym, Synonym List, or Non-searchable.

Internal Name

The Internal Name of a Keyword Policy is the name of the BRS paragraph used to describe an entry or group of entries. Typically, the internal name is the same as the Entry ID, although numeric Entry IDs are usually preceded by the letter “T.” A list of valid internal names is provided. Synonym List type Keyword Indexes do not use the Internal Name attribute.


The Synonym List attribute is used only in Synonym List type Keyword Indexes. This attribute is a list of one or more other Keyword Index policy names to be included in a search that uses this Keyword Index. The Synonym List attribute should include only Keyword Indexes of the types Searchable, Internal Synonym, and Synonym List. Select searchable Keyword Index policies to be used as synonyms from the list.

Sort Index

The Sort Index attribute identifies which Keyword Index policy should be used for sorting records that have been retrieved by limiting a search to this Keyword Index. Searchable Keyword Index policies typically sort on themselves, i.e., the 020 Keyword Index usually sorts on the 020 Keyword Index policy. A sort index selection is not required. Select a searchable or nonsearchable Keyword Index policy from the list.

When creating a new Keyword Index policy, the new policy is not available for selection as a sort index until the policy is saved, which is anticipated. Click Save, and the client will automatically set this attribute to the new policy name.

Use Attribute

When a Z39.50 client is used to search the library catalog, each type of search must be mapped to a particular attribute defined in the Z39.50 standard. Z39.50 attributes describe different types of searches, and categorize them by assigning a 1-4 digit number. Keyword Index policies include a Z39.50 Use Attribute attribute to link a keyword index to a Z39.50 attribute so that incoming searches from the Z39.50 client are performed against the correct keyword index. This attribute is not used in Non-searchable Keyword Indexes. Select a Z39.50 Use Attribute from the list.

Important: Do not associate the ANY Use Attribute with any Keyword Index policy, since it is used with the GENERAL Keyword Index policy to search everything indexed.

Note: The Use Attribute policy number appears in parentheses next to the policy name. For example, the TITLE attribute displays the policy number 4.

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