Policy Operations for the Gateway and Gateway Database Policies

You can access the Gateway and Gateway Database policy operations using the buttons in the Gateway window, or by right-clicking a node in the gateway tree and selecting an operation from the shortcut menu.

In general, Gateway policies are not created, but an existing policy is copied and modified to create a new gateway.

Only one user at a time can work with policies. This is a safeguard to prevent users from modifying the same policy at the same time.

SirsiDynix strongly recommends that you do not remove policies, specifically policies that have ever been used by the system. Contact SirsiDynix Customer Support before removing policies.


Click Cancel to close the current window.


Click Close to exit the wizard.


To quickly close a gateway tree folder, right-click the folder and select Collapse from the shortcut menu. Or, you can click the minus sign next to the folder to close it.


The Copy operation allows you to copy the current values of an existing Gateway policy into a new policy.

To copy a Gateway policy


Click Create to create a new Gateway or Gateway Database policy. When a new policy is created, you will need to provide attribute values; descriptions of these attributes are included in the gateway tab topics.

SirsiDynix strongly encourages you to copy a similar, existing Gateway policy (or Gateway Database policy) and modify it, rather than building an entirely new gateway.

To create a new Gateway policy and associated Gateway Database policies (elements)

Cut and Paste

You can move gateway elements using the Cut and Paste operations. Select a gateway element in the gateway tree, right-click, and select Cut from the shortcut menu. Point to the gateway tree node where you want to paste the element, right-click, and select Paste from the shortcut menu.


The Display operation allows you to display a Gateway policy’s current values.

To display a policy

To display the current values for a Gateway Database policy and its associated gateway elements


To display all gateway elements in a gateway tree folder, right-click the folder and select Expand from the shortcut menu. Or, you can click the plus sign next to the folder to open it.


The Modify operation allows you to modify the current values of Gateway policy.

To modify a policy

To modify the current values of a Gateway Database and its associated gateway elements


The Move operation allows you to move a gateway element from one group to another.

To move a gateway element


The Remove operation allows you to delete a Gateway policy or Gateway Database policy.

To remove a policy

Remove policy [policy name]?

SirsiDynix strongly recommends that you do not remove a Gateway policy unless you are absolutely certain that no Environment policies use the selected gateway. Removing a policy that is referenced by any other policy in the system can cause SirsiDynix Symphony to malfunction. Contact SirsiDynix Customer Support before removing policies.


The Shift operation allows you to rearrange gateway elements, moving them up or down the gateway tree. You can shift group elements and destination elements.

To rearrange gateway elements, do the following.

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