Destination Element Tab

This tab may contain different attributes, depending on the whether the selected element is a group or destination element. If the selected element is a destination, the attributes may vary based on the type of destination element. These attributes describe characteristics of the selected group or destination element.

Group Type Elements

The following attributes appear when a Group-type element is selected.

Sort Group

This group attribute specifies whether or not the group element will be sorted by description when presented to users. If selected, the element headings within this group are sorted by description; if cleared, the group element headings are sorted based on the order of element creation.

Application-level Group

This group attribute is applicable to WebCat clients using HTML frames. This attribute updates the main WebCat frame, not just the list of elements within the Table of Contents.

Destination Type Elements

Because the attributes that appear on the Destination tab vary based on the type of Gateway element, these attributes are listed in alphabetical order rather than in order of appearance.

Aliased Element

This attribute appears on the Destination tab for the Gateway element type, Relational Alias. The Aliased Element attribute allows tab navigation in the WebCat client. Tabs in WebCat are typically used to display different types of search windows, such as Quick Search and Complex Search. Relational alias elements point to specific destinations to be used by the tabs. Since this element type is used only by WebCat, the Available Clients for Access attribute should be set to only WebCat. Use the gadget to select aliased Gateway elements.

For example, in the SirsiDynix Symphony Gateway policy, the LIB_CATALOG destination element uses the QUICK_SEARCH value for the Aliased Element attribute. This causes the Quick Search window to appear when the Library Catalog choice is selected in WebCat.

Another Gateway

This attribute appears on the Destination tab for the Another Gateway element type. This attribute allows you to link from one Gateway policy to another Gateway policy. For example, if a library has a catalog for children and a catalog for adults, this e-Library choice would allow either catalog to be searched from the same login. Select a Gateway policy from the list. The Gateway Policy helper is available for you to create a new gateway or modify an existing one, if needed.

Authentication Needed

This attribute appears on the Destination tab for the Gateway element types, Reference Database and Z3950 Search. The Authentication Needed attribute specifies whether or not the server requires authentication. If you select the check box, an authentication string must be typed before the destination can be accessed.

Authorization String

This attribute appears on the Destination tab for the Gateway element types, Reference Database and Z3950 Search. This 1–60 character string must be typed before the destination can be accessed.

For connecting to a Z39.50 source using ID Pass authentication, this field should contain the following authentication information in the following format:


[username] is the ID Pass login user, [groupid] is the ID Pass user's group ID (optional), and [password] is the ID Pass login user's password. If a group ID is not required for authentication, leave that part of the string empty, using two forward slash characters [/] instead. For example:



This attribute appears on the Destination tab for the Gateway element types, Reference Database and Z3950 Search. This attribute specifies whether or not the server supports browsing. If selected, you can browse the catalog of the database to which you are connecting.

Bulletin Destination

This attribute appears on the Destination tab for the Gateway element type, Catalog Bulletin. Select the Information Desk policy used with the bulletin information to be posted from the list.

Catalog Element Set Name

This attribute appears on the Destination tab for the Gateway element type Z3950 Search. This attribute specifies whether a full or brief record will be captured when searching a Z39.50 catalog.

Important: SirsiDynix recommends setting the Catalog Element Set Name attribute and the Search Element Set Name attribute to the same value.

Possible values include the following.

BRIEF retrieves an abbreviated record from the destination database, and contains only the entries up to and including the 260 field.

Note: This setting is used only when connecting to the CALIS (China Academic Library and Information System) database.

FULL retrieves the entire record from the destination database. When the destination database is OCLC, the non-Latin script is included in 880 fields.
F1 retrieves the entire record from the destination database, with Latin script included in 880 fields.

Note: This setting is only used when the destination database is OCLC.

F2 retrieves the entire record in Latin script only from the destination database, excluding any 880 fields.

Note: This setting is only used when the destination database is OCLC.

F3 retrieves the entire record in non-Latin script only from the destination database, excluding any 880 fields.

Note: This setting is only used when the destination database is OCLC.

Catalog Search Qualifier

The Catalog Search Qualifier attributes appear on the Destination tab for the Gateway Element type, Catalog Access. The attributes in the Catalog Search Qualifier section let you define qualifiers to limit the predefined search.

Home Location: This attribute acts as a search qualifier and limits items retrieved to those with the specified home location. Select a Home Location policy from the list. The Location Policy helper is available for you to create new home locations or modify existing ones, if needed.
Item Library: This attribute acts as a search qualifier and limits items retrieved to those located in the specified library. Select a Library policy from the list.
Item Language: This attribute acts as a search qualifier and limits items retrieved to those filmed, recorded, or written in the specified language. Select a Language policy from the list.
Item Format: This acts as a search qualifier and limits items retrieved to those of the specified format. Select a Catalog Format policy from the list. The Catalog Format Policy helper is available for you to create a new catalog format or modify an existing one, if needed.
Item Type: This attribute acts as a search qualifier and limits items retrieved to those of the specified item type. Select an Item Type policy from the list. The Item Type policy helper is available for you to create a new item type or modify an existing one, if needed.
Item Category N: These attributes (such as Item Category 1) act as search qualifiers and limit items retrieved to those grouped in the specified category(s). Select an Item Category N policy from the list. An Item Category Policy helper is available for each Item Category N attribute for you to create a new item category or modify an existing one, if needed. There are five item category attributes available.
Publication Year Qualifier String: This attribute allows you to specify a publication year(s) or a range of publication years. Items retrieved from the OPAC will be limited to those matching this publication information.
Search Result Set Be Sorted By: This attribute specifies how items retrieved from a catalog search should be sorted, either by ascending or descending publication year, author, subject, or title. Select a sort method from the list. If this attribute is set, the Sort By Search option does not have to be specified at the workstation.

Note: Any search or sorting qualifiers defined for a Catalog Access-type Gateway element appear on qualifier/limit windows and override any defaults established in the e-Library environment configuration files. Search qualifiers may be added to any type of search, whether it uses a predefined search term or not. These qualifiers may be changed at the workstation.

Record Character Set

This attribute appears on the Destination tab for the Gateway element type Z39.50 Search. The attribute specifies the type of character encoding used in the records of this Z39.50 destination. For example, Chinese sites may use CCCII records, which are also MARC records, but use a different character encoding for Chinese characters. When records are imported into SirsiDynix Symphony from these sites, a different table for conversion is required to convert CCCII records to Unicode records, so this attribute should be set to CCCII. The WorkFlows client will know which character encoding is used by the Z39.50 site based on the value in this field. Possible values include UNICODE, MARC8, ANSI, CCCII, BIG5, GBK, DANMARC2 and UNIMARC. The MARC8 value is the default value. The DANMARC2 value is only displayed if the DANMARC2 MARC Family is defined on the system.

The following settings for the Record Character Set and Query Character set are recommended for the specified Z39.50 connections.

SirsiDynix Symphony Unicode system Z39.50 connection to OCLC WorldCat

Record Character Set

Query Character Set



SirsiDynix Symphony non–Unicode system Z39.50 connection to OCLC WorldCat

Record Character Set

Query Character Set



SirsiDynix Symphony system (Unicode or non–Unicode) Z39.50 connection to Library of Congress

Record Character Set

Query Character Set




This attribute appears on the Destination tab for the Gateway element type Contents (WebCat). This attribute specifies how the WebCat Contents is organized. This attribute usually points to a group element, and all of the elements (group and destination) within this group are included in the Contents.

Cross References

This attribute appears on the Destination tab for the Gateway element types Reference Database and Z3950 Search. This attribute specifies whether or not the server supports cross-references. If you select this attribute, and if your search expression has cross-references, the cross-references will be retrieved when searching the database.

Custom Page

This attribute appears on the Destination tab for the Gateway element type Custom Page (WebCat). The Custom Page attribute allows you to type an HTML file name. The Custom helper is available for modifying this file, if needed.

Database Name

This attribute appears on the Destination tab for the Gateway element types Reference Database and Z3950 Search. This attribute specifies the name of the reference database configured from the system in the specified directory or the name of the Z39.50 database to which users will connect. This name can be up to 100 characters long.

Note: For SirsiDynix Symphony databases, the specified database name is typically UNICORN. Optionally, a Library name or Search Library name may be specified. If the specified database name is not UNICORN, the Z39.50 server will check the database name against the Library policies and Search Library policies on the system. If a match is found, searches will be limited to that specific library or search libraries group. If a match is not found, the Z39.50 server will send an error message with the attempted match name.

Do Not Send Record Character Set Negotiation

The Do Not Send Record Character Set Negotiation attribute specifies whether to send a character set negotiation Protocol Data Unit (PDU) to a Z39.50 server. The attribute is useful when connecting to Z39.50 servers that do not handle character set negotiation packets well.

Domain Name

This attribute appears on the Destination tab for the Gateway element types Reference Database and Z3950 Search. The Domain Name attribute specifies the Internet Protocol (IP) address or domain name (depending on the site’s network configuration) of the site to which the user will connect. An IP address, for example, is used to connect to a site on the Internet. IP addresses are unique and also have domain names. The domain name is a version of the IP address, but uses letters rather than numbers. Domain names sometimes contain abbreviations related to the destination or responsible organization. For example, in the domain name,, the stis is an abbreviation for Science and Technology Information System. This attribute may be up to 80 characters long.

Note: When used with the Reference Database type of Gateway element, this attribute specifies the name of the reference database server.

The system requires an IP address if the OPAC Manager is not configured to use a name server. Go to the Network Wizard to define a name server.

Footer Search Destination

This attribute appears on the Destination tab for the Gateway element type Hyperion (WebCat).


This attribute appears on the Destination tab for the Gateway element types Reference Database and Z3950 Search. This attribute specifies how SirsiDynix Symphony will format the data when it is received from the destination database. This format controls window information such as which fields to display and which labels to use with these fields. Select a Z39.50 Format policy from the list. The Z3950 Format Policy helper is available for you to create new Z39.50 format policies or modify existing ones, if needed.

Note: For Z3950 Search destination elements, Z39.50 purpose formats are listed. For Reference Database destination elements, Reference Database purpose formats are listed.

Hyperion Type

This attribute appears on the Destination tab for the Gateway element type Hyperion (WebCat). This attribute specifies the type of search or browse to be performed on the archive data. Select a policy name from the list.

Include Subgroups

This attribute appears on the Destination tab for the Gateway element type Internal. The Include Subgroups attribute specifies whether or not the groups within the current element will be included in the alias.

Initial Catalog Operation

This attribute appears on the Destination tab for the Gateway element type Catalog Access. The Initial Catalog Operation attribute specifies whether the initial operation will be a search, browse, or a term search of the library catalog.

If Search is selected, the catalog is searched on the specified words or phrases, retrieving items that match these terms. Information retrieved includes the item’s call number, title, and location.
If Browse is selected, the catalog is browsed for library catalog headings in the same alphabetic range as the typed term. Each heading on the retrieved list shows the number of catalog records containing that heading. References to related headings may also appear.
If Term Search is selected, the catalog is searched for headings that match, either partially or completely, the typed search term. Each heading on the retrieved list shows the number of catalog records containing that heading. References to related headings may also appear.

Intermediate Results

This attribute appears on the Destination tab for the Gateway element types Reference Database and Z3950 Search. This attribute specifies whether or not the server supports intermediate search results. Depending on the number of items retrieved, intermediate search results are sometimes sent instead of full records.

Note: If this destination is for a SirsiDynix Symphony catalog, clear the check box.

Internal Destination

This attribute appears on the Destination tab for the Gateway element type Internal. The Internal Destination attribute specifies a Gateway element to which the Internal element is aliased. If the specified Gateway element is a destination element, the Internal element will alias to that element only. If the specified Gateway element is a group element, you must also decide whether to include the “sub-elements” contained within this group element.

Internal Search String

This attribute appears on the Destination tab for the Gateway element type Internal. The Internal Search String attribute specifies a search string to use when searching the Gateway. Elements that are contained within the current group and whose descriptions begin with the defined string of characters will be aliased by the Internal element.

Number of Simultaneous Users

This attribute appears on the Destination tab for the Gateway element types Reference Database and Z3950 Search. This attribute limits the number (1-24999) of simultaneous users that can be connected to this destination. A limit may be necessary because of technical capabilities or because of licensing agreements. When this limit is reached, no other users may log in to this destination until one of the current users selects another destination. To set an unlimited number of users, use the Maximum/Minimum gadget and click the UNLIMITED option.


This attribute appears on the Destination tab for the Gateway element types Reference Database and Z3950 Search. This attribute specifies the reference database server’s or the Z39.50 server’s port number (1–32768 characters).

Post Holdings

This attribute appears on the Destination tab for the Gateway element type Z3950 Search. This attribute specifies whether or not the SmartPort should post holdings to the database.

While capturing a Z39.50 record, SmartPort will display a Post Holdings button in the full bibliographic record display (the Viewing window). When you click the Post Holdings button, the wizard sends the OCLC record control number to the OCLC server. OCLC adds the library’s institutional symbol associated with your OCLC login to the master record in WorldCat. OCLC archives a copy of the master record for the library. The SmartPort wizard then responds with a confirmation dialog box indicating that holdings have been posted.

Presentation Type

This attribute appears on the Destination tab for the Gateway element types Catalog Access, Reference Database, and Z3950 Search. The Presentation Type attribute defines how the search fields appear.

If Labelled Fields is selected, multiple text boxes appear with descriptive labels. For example, in the e-Library, you would type “Hemingway” in the Author text box.
If Search Icons is selected, a single text box appears with graphical icons representing the search criteria. For example, in the e-Library, you would type “Hemingway” in the text box, then click the Author icon.
If Single Field is selected, a single text box appears, along with a list for selecting author, title, series, etc.

Note: This attribute is only available when the initial operation is Search.

Query Character Set

This attribute appears on the Destination tab for the Gateway element type Z3950 Search. The attribute specifies the type of character encoding used in the query sent to this Z39.50 destination. For example, the Library of Congress Z39.50 server expects search query strings to be sent using UTF8 character encoding, so this attribute should be set to UNICODE for the LC destination. Possible values include UNICODE, MARC8, ANSI, CCCII, BIG5, GBK and UNIMARC. The MARC8 value is the default value.

The following settings for the Record Character Set and Query Character set are recommended for the specified Z39.50 connections.

SirsiDynix Symphony Unicode system Z39.50 connection to OCLC WorldCat

Record Character Set

Query Character Set



SirsiDynix Symphony non–Unicode system Z39.50 connection to OCLC WorldCat

Record Character Set

Query Character Set



SirsiDynix Symphony system (Unicode or non–Unicode) Z39.50 connection to Library of Congress

Record Character Set

Query Character Set



Rank for Holdings

This attribute appears on the Destination tab for the Gateway element types Reference Database and Z3950 Search. The system will use this number when searching the database holdings. All destinations with a rank of 1 will be searched first; those with a rank of 2 will be searched second, and so forth. When a destination is ranked 0, no holdings will be searched. This number may be between 0–24999. When searching any Z39.50 or Reference Database destination, you can check holdings against other Z39.50 sites or reference databases using this feature.


This attribute appears on the Destination tab for the Gateway element type Request. Selecting the Request attribute specifies that the destination will display a single request type. This attribute references the Request Type policy. Select a Request Type policy from the list, such as ACADRESV, CHANGEADDR, COMMENT, HOLD, LITSEARCH, or PURCHASE.

Note: This attribute references the Request Type policy.

Request List

This attribute appears on the Destination tab for the Gateway element type Request. When the Request button is selected from the e-Library, this attribute specifies which types of requests to display. This attribute references the Request List policy. Select a Request List policy from the list. For example, if PUBLIC is selected, then all types of requests that are accessible by the PUBLIC users will appear for this destination. The Request List Policy helper is available for you to create a new request list or modify an existing one, if needed.

Result Set Naming

This attribute appears on the Destination tab for the Gateway element types Reference Database and Z3950 Search. This attribute specifies whether or not the server supports result-set naming. If you select this attribute and if you are searching multiple destinations, then each set of search results is separated by destination.

Search Element Set Name

This attribute appears on the Destination tab for the Gateway element type Z3950 Search. This attribute specifies whether a full or brief record will be displayed, saved to a file, or e-mailed when searching a Z39.50 catalog.

Note: SirsiDynix recommends setting the Catalog Element Set Name attribute and the Search Element Set Name attribute to the same value.

Possible values include the following.

BRIEF retrieves an abbreviated record from the destination database, and contains only the entries up to and including the 260 field.

Note: This setting is used only when connecting to the CALIS (China Academic Library and Information System) database.

FULL retrieves the entire record from the destination database. When the destination database is OCLC, the non-Latin script is included in 880 fields.
F1 retrieves the entire record from the destination database, with Latin script included in 880 fields.

Note: This setting is only used when the destination database is OCLC.

F2 retrieves the entire record in Latin script only from the destination database, excluding any 880 fields.

Note: This setting is only used when the destination database is OCLC.

F3 retrieves the entire record in non-Latin script only from the destination database, excluding any 880 fields.

Note: This setting is only used when the destination database is OCLC.

Search Type

This attribute appears on the Destination tab for the Gateway element type Reserve Desk. This attribute specifies whether the reserve desk will be searched by course name, course number, or instructor name, when using the e-Library to look up material placed on reserve. Select a search type from the list.

Course Name (name of the course)
Course Number (number of the course; often used as the course ID)
Instructor Name (as it appears in the Name text box of the user record)

Session Limit

This attribute appears on the Destination tab for the Gateway element types Reference Database and Z3950 Search. This attribute limits the number of seconds (1–24999) that users may stay connected to the destination. To set an unlimited number of seconds, use the Maximum/Minimum gadget and click the UNLIMITED option.


This attribute appears on the Destination tab for the Gateway element types Reference Database and Z3950 Search. This attribute specifies whether or not the server supports sorting. If you select this attribute, an option for sorting search results will be available when connected to this destination.

Strip Diacritic Marks

This attribute appears on the Destination tab for the Gateway element type Z3950 Search. This attribute specifies whether or not to strip the diacritic marks from the search query before sending the search request. If the Z39.50 server database to which you are connecting is indexed without diacritic marks, the attribute should be checked for that server.

Table of Contents Node

This attribute appears on the Destination tab for the Gateway element type Contents (WebCat). The Table of Contents Node attribute specifies which group element will appear at the beginning of the WebCat table of contents.


This attribute appears on the Destination tab for the Gateway element types Reference Database and Z3950 Search. This attribute specifies the number of seconds (1–24999) SirsiDynix Symphony should wait for a response from the database before timing out. To set an unlimited number of seconds, use the Maximum/Minimum gadget and click the UNLIMITED option.

UACS Request

This attribute appears on the Destination tab for the Gateway element type Request. The UACS Request (User Access Request List) attribute specifies that the destination will display the list of requests permitted for the current user.


This attribute appears on the Destination tab for the Gateway element types Reference Database and Z3950 Search. The Uniscript attribute specifies a file that contains a series of connection commands. The script can contain a network address, a server name, or a phone number. The script may also contain a complete dialog box that watches for certain characters to be sent by the connecting system and then sends replies to perform an automatic login. These scripts are stored in the /Unicorn/Gateway/Scripts directory.

Note: This script may be used by more than one destination. If the script is changed, the login process for all elements that use this script also changes.


This attribute appears on the Destination tab for the Gateway element type World Wide Web. The URL attribute specifies an URL address, such as Be certain to include http:// in the address.

Z3950 Search Mapping

This attribute appears on the Destination tab for the Gateway element types Reference Database and Z3950 Search. Search Name Mapping allows users to connect search terms to specific Z3950 search attributes. A complete map will describe all of the search terms available for a database. Select a Name Mapping policy from the list. The Name Mapping Policy helper is available for you to create new search names or modify existing ones, if needed.

Z3950 Operation

This attribute appears on the Destination tab for the Gateway element types Reference Database and Z3950 Search. This attribute specifies whether the database will default to a Search operation or a Browse operation when first accessed.

Z3950 Record Syntax

This attribute appears on the Destination tab for the Gateway element type Z3950 Search. This attribute is required for all Z39.50 sites. Select a syntax from the list. For example, United States sites will typically use the USMARC syntax.

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