Basic Element Tab

This tab contains the following attributes, which describe characteristics of the selected group or destination element.


This attribute uniquely identifies the gateway element. This name is 20 characters or less, and may not include spaces or punctuation, except for dash, underscore, right and left parentheses, and the dollar sign. Additionally, the pipe character may not be used.


This attribute provides a description of how the gateway element may be used by the library. This description will appear in lists of elements to select from in the e-Library windows. The description may be up to 60 characters in length. Although the Description attribute may contain spaces and punctuation, the pipe character cannot be used.


The Number attribute displays the internal gateway element number for information only. You cannot modify this attribute.


This attribute defines the type of gateway element. Depending on the type selected, different tabs will display and various tab attributes will display. See the Gateway Element Types topic for descriptions of the different gateway element types.

WWW In Use

This check box specifies whether or not the element is used to access the World Wide Web. If not selected, the WWW Information tab will not appear. Click the WWW Information Element Tab tab for more information.

User Hierarchy Level

This attribute identifies which users can access this gateway element, based on the User Access policy. Users must have a user hierarchical level equal to or higher than this attribute’s value.

For example, STAFF elements can be accessed by users with a user access of STAFF. PUBLIC elements can be accessed by users with a user access of STAFF or PUBLIC. If a login has a user access lower than the element, then that element will not display to that user.

Element Status

This attribute has one of the following values.

Available – The Gateway element is active.
Hidden but Available – The Gateway element is usable but does not appear with the other elements in the same group. This element may appear when referenced from another group, or this element may contain elements used by custom buttons.
Not Available – The Gateway element is inactive.

Icon Name

This attribute specifies the image that graphically represents this Gateway element. This image is not a hypergraphic.

Display Instructions

This attribute specifies whether or not to display the information in the Instructions file. If selected, then the instructions page will appear prior to accessing this element. This can be used to display information about an element prior to access, such as copyright information or usage instructions.


This attribute contains the name of the text file of instructions. Stored in the /Unicorn/Gateway directory, this text file can contain searching examples and instructions, an abstract of database contents, copyright statements, usage disclaimers and/or usage restrictions. Select a file from the list. The Instruction Helper is available for you to modify the contents of this file. Double-click a file in the file list, and the text appears in the Content window. Make your edits, click OK, and the modified file is saved to the /Unicorn/Gateway directory.

Note: All delivered instruction files begin with an “S.” All custom instruction files should begin with a “C.”


This 1-80 character attribute specifies the window title. If the element is a group element, this heading appears above the list of group or destination elements included within this element. If the element is a destination element, this heading appears at the top of the window.

Available Clients for Access

This attribute allows you to limit which clients can access the current element. This element can be used by the e-Library (WebCat), WorkFlows, or InfoVIEW client, or any combination of the three. Certain element types only work with certain clients; for example, WWW type Gateway elements only work in the e-Library, so it is best to limit access to the WebCat client.

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