Modify User Wizard
The Modify User wizard is used to change an existing user record. Depending on how wizard properties are set and if patron photos are configured to appear for your library, it can also be used to add a photo to the user record, or to modify the photo if it already exists.
To modify a user record
| 1
Click the Users wizard group. |
| 2
Click the Modify User wizard. |
| 3
Do one of the following. |
| •
If the User Search Helper is set in properties to display as the first step of the wizard, search for the user. The helper will automatically fill in the User ID box with the ID you select using this helper. |
| •
In the User ID box, scan the user’s ID. |
| •
If the Current button is available, click the button to select the last user record that was displayed, modified, or added. |
| •
Type the user ID in the User ID box, and click Get User Information. |
| •
Use the User Search helper to search for the user. If a list displays, select the user you want, and then click Modify User. |
Note: If your library uses the barcode validation feature, a message appears if you type or scan a user ID with an invalid barcode format in the User ID field.
If the user's PIN is about to expire, has expired, or is locked, a dialog box with such a message displays. If the PIN has expired, the user should reset their PIN. If the PIN is locked, contact a supervisor for assistance.
| 4
Click any of the following tabs as needed to make changes to the existing user record. The tabs that display are determined by property settings. |
| 6
If desired, and if the Add User Signature helper has been configured to display in the wizard properties, you can add a user signature image to the user record. For more information, see Adding or modifying a user signature. |
| 7
After modifying user information, click Save. |
A dialog box displays indicating that the record has been updated.
If you click Close or Modify Another User before clicking Save, you will be prompted to save your changes.
After modifying this user, select one of the following options:
| •
Modify Another User to search and modify another user’s record |
| •
Make More Changes to make more changes to this user record |
| •
Close to exit this wizard |
Important Considerations When Using this Wizard
| •
If the user is blocked, an alert window will display. |
| •
You should designate both a postal address and an email address in the Addresses tab as the primary address. This allows you to send email notices to patrons who want them, and to generate postal address information for collection agencies with the Debt Collection reports if desired. |
| •
The user’s access level is compared to the record’s access level. If the user’s access level is not at least one level above the record’s access level, the login PIN on the Privilege tab is unavailable. Even if the Display Of User PIN Field Policy is set for the user to view them, PINs will not display if the user access level is not high enough to view or modify them. The exception is the System Administrator level, since one user with System Administrator privileges can modify the record of another user with System Administrator privileges. |
| •
You can create a user group for a set of users on the User Group tab. See the User Groups Tab for more information. |
| •
If your library permits users to have multiple user IDs, the User ID Manager helper may be available for you to add or remove user IDs for a user. |
Related topics
Modify User Wizard Properties
User Records
FAQs: Modifying User Information
User Information Tabs