SMS Notice Contact Info Tab

The SMS Notice Contact Info tab contains a user’s contact information for sending SMS notification messages (for more information, see SMS Notifications). Users who choose to opt in for this service provide their mobile phone numbers, which are entered, displayed, and modified here. Users also can select which message types will be sent to a specific patron’s phone number.

Most user notices can be sent manually through the See "Send SMS Message Wizard" or automatically through the See "Notify Users Wanting Text Messages Report".

If you are using the See "Modify User Wizard", See "Copy User Wizard", or See "New User Registration Wizard" to enter SMS contact information, you can add a field to the tab using the Add Phone helper in the upper left corner. Select the helper to add a new phone number field. If you need to remove an entry, select the field by inserting the cursor and use the Remove Phone helper to remove the field.

You can also have users directly enter their SMS preferences and information in e-Library. For more information, see the e-Library Administration online help.

The following fields are found in the SMS Notice Contact Info tab.


The name given for a user’s phone number.

Country Code

The region or country code to use when sending a text message to the user. The selection should match the region for the user’s phone. The selected value will be used by the system to determine the regional dialing code to use when sending the text message.

The selection made here determines what regional dialing prefix is used when the system sends the text message from a phone number that is in a different country or region than the recipient. The actual dialing code used depends on the setting defined in the Country Code policy and the ISO standard used by the server that sends the SMS messages.

The default country code specified in the Country Code policy wizard is selected by default.

You must specify a value for this field.

Phone Number

The phone number to which SMS notification messages will be sent. This field only allows numbers.

This number should not include the plus sign (+) or the country code.

The SMS server will not accept any phone number greater than 14 characters.

Overdue Notice

When this option is selected, the user receives all SMS messages about their overdue items.

Hold Pickup Notice

When this option is selected, the user receives all SMS messages about held items that are available for pickup.

Bill Notice

When this option is selected, the user receives all SMS messages about their outstanding bills.

Manual Message

When this option is selected, the user receives all SMS messages that are manually created by the library and whose message type is generic. These messages can only be sent through the See "Send SMS Message Wizard".

User Announcements

When this option is selected, the user receives all SMS messages that are specified as user announcements.