Outreach Tabs

Outreach tabs display only if your system is configured with the Outreach Services module.

Outreach Tab

The Outreach tab contains the following fields.

Total Items Requested

Specifies the number of items requested per delivery or shipment by the user. The number must be from 0 – 32,767. This field is required.

Number of Interests

Displays the number of interest records attached to a user record. This field is maintained by SirsiDynix Symphony, and cannot be modified.

Total Items Selected

Displays the number of items selected for the outreach user. This field is maintained by SirsiDynix Symphony, and cannot be modified.

Start Skip Date

If deliveries or shipments should be skipped for a period of time, this field specifies the starting date of the skip period. This field is particularly useful for preventing deliveries during a patron's vacation or a day care's closed period.

End Skip Date

Specifies the ending date of a period of time when deliveries or shipments should be skipped.

Active Status

Indicates whether the user is currently an active outreach user.

Date Inactive

Displays the date on which the user became an inactive outreach user and ceased to receive outreach services. This field contains the date on which the Active Status check box was cleared. If the Active Status option has never been cleared, the Date Inactive field will be set to NEVER. This field is maintained by SirsiDynix Symphony.

Next Delivery Date

Specifies the date of the next delivery to the user. If this field can be modified, use the Calendar gadget to select a date.

If you are creating outreach user information, the next delivery date defaults to the current next delivery date for the outreach route specified in the Route ID field.

If the next delivery date for an outreach route is changed with the Modify Route wizard, the Next Delivery Date field in the outreach user information is also changed to the specified date.

Last Delivery Date

Specifies the date of the previous delivery to the user. Use the Calendar gadget to select a date. If the user is new to the delivery route and has not yet received a delivery, NEVER displays in this field.

Route ID

This required field specifies ID of the outreach delivery route to which the user is assigned. Use the Browse Route gadget to select a route ID, or type the route ID in the field.

Route Name

Displays the descriptive name of the route to which the user is assigned.

Route Active

Specifies whether the delivery route to which the user is assigned is active or inactive. If the outreach route is active, this field is set to Y. If the outreach route is inactive, the field is set to N.


Displays the number of the stop for the outreach user on the delivery route. The stop number shows the order in which materials are delivered to each user on the route. This number is maintained by SirsiDynix Symphony, and cannot be modified. The number is updated automatically as users are removed from the route, or if the order of the stops is changed.

FAQs: Maintaining Users on an Outreach Route for instructions on changing the order of the stops on an outreach route.

Date Created

Displays the date that the outreach user record was created. This date is not modifiable and is automatically maintained by SirsiDynix Symphony.

Date Modified

Displays the date the outreach user record was last modified. This date is not modifiable and is information is automatically maintained by SirsiDynix Symphony. If the record has not been modified since its creation, the value of NEVER displays in this field.

Created By

Displays the user access that created the outreach user record. This field is maintained by SirsiDynix Symphony, and cannot be modified.

Modified By

Displays the user access that most recently edited the outreach user record. This field is maintained by SirsiDynix Symphony, and cannot be modified.

Outreach Address

Specifies which address from the user record is to be used for outreach deliveries. The Address 1, Address 2, or Address 3 can be selected. If you are creating outreach user information, Address 1 is selected by default.

When one of the Outreach Address options is selected, brief information for the selected address displays below the Outreach Address option. The selected brief address information is for display only and cannot be modified.

Outreach User Extended Information

Specifies additional information about the outreach user. Format policies for the outreach user extended information determine which fields are available under Outreach User Extended Information.

Interests Tab

The Interests tab displays reading interests for the outreach user. The Interests tab displays only if the Outreach Services module is installed. This tab contains the following fields as well as the total number of interest profiles.

The following fields are defined for the Interests tab.


Name of the interest profile and may be used to identify interest profiles. When creating interest profiles, either manually or using a template, this required field may not be left blank.

Search String

An optional search string of up to 100 characters. Search strings may use all of the features of searching in the public access catalog, such as truncation, wildcards, and Boolean and positional operators.


This field indicates the priority that should be given to an item or user.

In Outreach Services, ranks are assigned to interest profiles when suggesting records for selection. When using the Search Interest wizard or running the Search Route Interest Records or Search User Interest Records reports, items will be suggested or selected which match interest profiles, starting with the highest ranking, until the retrieved number of items exceeds the Total Items Requested value in the outreach user record.

Total Items Requested

Number of items requested per delivery or shipment by the user displays in this required field. This number must be from 0-32,767. The Items Requested field indicates the maximum number of records to suggest or select for a given interest profile.

Active Status

This field indicates whether this interest profile should be considered when suggesting or selecting materials for this user. An interest profile can be retained in a user record, but excluded from the selection process, to allow for seasonal interests. The Active Status option is also used by the Purge User Records report to remove inactive interest profiles in batch. This field is required.


This required field indicates whether items selected from this interest profile can be reselected later.

Interval Days

Number of days (a number from 1-32,767) that must elapse before this item can be reselected for the same user. This field is automatically supplied from the related interest profile, unless the history record has been directly created in the workstation. This default value may be modified if this particular item should use a different Interval Days value from other items selected from the related interest profile. This field is only used by SirsiDynix Symphony if the Repeat option is selected.


The Pubyear field indicates the date this item was published. The publication year is from the DATE1 element of the fixed field 008, if present. If the program does not find a publication date there, it checks the 264|c field (if the second indicator is set to 1) and then the 260|c field. If no date is found, then each tag in the record with a data entry type of publication date is checked. The first non-empty tag with an entry type of publication date will be used for the publication date. If all tags with an entry type of publication date are empty, then the publication date field of the item will be empty.


This field is a value from the Language policy, and is used to narrow searches by the language of the item, such as ENGLISH or FRENCH. SirsiDynix Symphony only locates titles printed in this language by searching the language code in the fixed field of the record.

Format (Record Format)

Name of a Format policy. The Format policy controls the display, editing, data validation, and indexing of all fields in bibliographic, authority, and holdings records, and in extended information fields in every type of record used in SirsiDynix Symphony. A Format policy is a list of entries allowed to be used by a given type of record, along with the characteristics of each entry.

Item Type

This field identifies the item’s circulation characteristics. Through the SirsiDynix Symphony policies, the library defines rules for the loan period and fines for each Item Type. Additionally, the Type field is used to denote special characteristics for the workstation user or for statistical analysis purposes. All Item Types are defined by the library in the SirsiDynix Symphony policies. Typical Item Types are BOOK, PERIODICAL, MAP, PROJECTOR, VCR, FILM, and FILMSTRIP.

When qualifying a search by Item Type, the search or browse will only locate titles that have at least one copy with this Item Type policy.


Location is a policy name that indicates the physical location of the item in or outside the library. A home location is the item’s permanent location; current location is a temporary or a special status location. Each user is associated with a particular location, usually CHECKEDOUT, indicating the current location of the item is when the item is charged to that user.

Item Categories

These optional item category fields denote a copy’s special characteristics for collection management and statistical analysis. The library determines if these fields display on the screen, what characteristics these fields represent, what policy names are allowed in these fields, and the screen label name for each category field. When creating or modifying an item, select category values from the list.

Keyword Index

A search can be limited to a given entry or group of entries by specifying a valid Keyword Index policy, such as AU or 245, in this field.

Sort Rule

The value in this field determines how retrieved records for an interest profile should be sorted. The following values are listed in the verify choices.

Author (AU)

Descending publication year (-PBYR)
Subject (SU)
Title (TI)
Ascending publication year (PBYR)

The ascending/descending order is based on how the database indexes are built, either first in and first out or last in and last out. Placing a minus sign in front of sort criteria displays the results list in the reverse order. A multiple sort can be defined by separating two sort rules with a comma. Sort combinations can include the minus sign. For example with multilevel sorting—AU,-TI—SirsiDynix Symphony will alphabetize by author, then by title in descending order (Z-A) under each author.

Date Created

Automatically supplied by the system. Date that a record was created (or duplicated) displays in this field. This date is not modifiable and is automatically maintained by SirsiDynix Symphony.

In Outreach, when an outreach history is displayed, this is the date the History record was created, not the date the associated item was created.

Date Modified

Date the record was last modified. This information is automatically updated by the system. NEVER is the value for records not modified since creation.

In Outreach, when an outreach history is displayed, this is the date the History record was created, not the date the associated item was created.

Date Inactive

Date when the user ceased to receive outreach services. Date Inactive contains the date on which the Active Status field was last set to No. If the Active Status option has never been set to No, the Date Inactive field will be set to NEVER. This field is maintained by SirsiDynix Symphony.

Histories Tab

The Histories tab displays outreach history information for the user. The Histories tab displays only if the Outreach Services module is installed. The Histories tab may contain the following fields.

The following fields are defined for the Histories tab.


This field contains an item’s main title, using initial capitalization. This field is cataloged using the 245 tag.

In Outreach Services, when creating an outreach History, an item that has been selected, rejected, or charged to an outreach user displays at the beginning of a history record. This field identifies the item that is attached to the history record.

If this field is blank, the associated item may have been removed from the database. The following message will display if this history is selected to modify.

Item not found in catalog.


This field contains the item’s author. This field is cataloged using the 1xx field and can be a personal, corporate, or government name. Added or secondary authors display in 7xx fields.

In Outreach Services, when creating an outreach history, an item that has been selected, rejected, or charged to an outreach user displays at the beginning of a history record. This field identifies the item that is attached to the history record.


This field contains history status information using one of the following values.

Select – This item has been selected for this outreach user, but has not yet been charged.
Reject – This item has been rejected by either the library staff or the user, and should not be reselected for this outreach user.
Unselect – This item has previously been selected for this outreach user, but it should not be delivered or shipped at this time.
Charge – This item has been charged to this outreach user. The item may be currently charged to the user, or it may have been charged to the user and since been discharged.
Discharge – This item has been returned from the user. The item is discharged with the Discharge/Checkin wizard, which will set the item back to its regular location.


Library field values are defined in the Library policies set up by your SirsiDynix Symphony System Administrator. At the basic level, this field determines the library where an item is held and where the user is registered in a multilibrary setting.


Name of the interest profile and may be used to identify interest profiles. When creating interest profiles, either manually or using a template, this required field may not be left blank.

Date Charged

Date on which the item was most recently charged to the current user.

In Outreach, if the user is an outreach user who has never charged this item, this field will contain the word NEVER.

Date Created

Automatically supplied by the system. Date that a record was created (or duplicated) displays in this field. This date is not modifiable and is automatically maintained by SirsiDynix Symphony.

In Outreach, when an outreach history is displayed, this is the date the History record was created, not the date the associated item was created.

Date Modified

Date the record was last modified. This information is automatically updated by the system. NEVER is the value for records not modified since creation.

In Outreach, when an outreach history is displayed, this is the date the History record was created, not the date the associated item was created.

Date Shipped

Date this item was delivered, shipped, or picked up by the user. Date is set by the Set User Delivery, Skip Date and Set Route Delivery, Skip Date reports.

Times Charged

A count of the number of times this outreach user has charged this item is maintained by SirsiDynix Symphony in this field.

Note: You can click the Display Options button to customize both the outreach interest information display and history information display.

From the Display User wizard, the Histories tab displays the title/author, date charged, status, as well as the total number of all histories.

When displaying from a Circulation wizard, the Interests tab contains the number of interest profiles associated with the user, the name of the interest profile(s) associated with the user, the date the interest profile was created, and the status of the interest profile. The Interests tab only displays if your library is configured with the Outreach module and your properties are set to display a user’s interests.