Call Number/Item Tab

The Call Number/Item tab displays the hierarchical structure (tree view) of the title and its call numbers and items. At the top of the tree, the title/author of the title record appears. In the right pane, specific title, call number, and/or item information displays, depending on the node you select in the item tree.

Call Number/Item Tree

In the call number/item tree, you can expand (click a plus sign) or collapse (click a minus sign) the structure to make it easier to use. Click the plus sign next to the title record to display its call numbers and items. You can also use the right-click menu options to expand or collapse the entire tree. When you select a call number or item in the tree, that node appears highlighted, and the pane to the right of the tree displays information specific to that call number and/or item.

When this tab is displayed as a right-click menu, the item tree will not display. The item history and item information tabs will display.

If your library belongs to a multi-library system, you can choose to display only the items that belong to a particular library by using the Change Display Library Helper.

In cataloging wizards where the Call Number/Item detailed display tab appears, if the call number is highlighted in the item tree, only the Call Number fields appear in the right pane. If the item is highlighted in the item tree, the editor pane displays Call Number fields, Item fields, and Extended Information fields. In cataloging wizards that allow call numbers and items to be added or modified, the call number fields can be changed and saved together with item changes; however, item and call number Library fields cannot be changed simultaneously. As call number and item information is updated in the right editor pane, the call number/item tree is also updated.

When working in this tab, you can use the following shortcuts and helpers:

In cataloging wizards that allow you to modify data, you can press F6 to easily move from pane to pane on the Call Number/Item detailed display tab. If aPrice field is available, pressing HOME places the cursor immediately following the currency symbol rather than at the beginning of the field.
When using keyboard shortcuts, the Delete next step button on this tab does not follow the standard ALT+underlined character convention. To access the Delete next step, you must press ALT+x.
When the Call Number/Item tab is displayed, the Show/Hide Circulation Information helper becomes available. You can toggle this helper to show or hide circulation information for the current call number/item.

Editor Pane or Right Pane

The editor pane (right pane) of this tab displays the following information:

In the Item Search and Display wizard, the following tabs may also optionally display in the right pane.

In the Call Number and Item Maintenance, Modify Title, Add Item, and Edit Item wizards, the following tabs may also optionally display in the right pane.

Title Summary Information

When you highlight the title node in the item tree, the following title summary fields appear.

Ongoing Checkouts
Ongoing Renewals
Checkouts to Date
Renewals to Date

Call Number Information

When displaying a call number for a title, the following fields appear.

Call Number
Class Scheme
Call Library
Shadow Call Number

When working with call number information, keep in mind the following:

If the Auto-generate Temporary XX Call Numbers option is cleared in the Duplicate Title wizard properties, the call number from the source record is carried over as the call number of the duplicated title.
You can shadow the title, call numbers, and items independently. Shadowing a call number, by default, will automatically shadow that call number’s items.
When creating new call numbers on Chinese language systems, use the Add Call Number Suffix gadget to augment the base call number as required.

Item Information

Each call number can be linked to one or more item. Each item record represents one physical copy (or barcode) in the collection. The following fields display under Item Information.

Item ID
Copy Number
Item Library
Home Location
Current Location
Item Category 1
Item Category 2
Item Category 3
Item Category 4
Item Category 5
Media Desk
Number of Pieces
Total Charges
Shadow Item

When an item is selected from the item tree while creating a booking, the Item Info tab is selected by default. If the tab selection changes, the tab that was selected becomes the default.

You can shadow items independently of the call number and title.

Item History

The following information displays when a specific item is selected.

Date Created
Date Last Charged
Last Discharged
Date Inventoried
Times Inventoried
Previous User ID
Last Activity
In-house Uses

Collection Exchange

The following information always displays at the item level if your library is configured to use Collection Exchange.

Date Exchanged
Transactions Count
Current Exchange Library
Next Exchange Library
Originating Exchange Library

Extended Information

Item extended information, such as public and staff notes, can be added to item records. Right click in any of the Extended Information fields to Add additional fields or Delete existing fields. If tagged as public notes, they will display to the public in the single item view in the e-Library. If tagged as staff notes, they will only display in WorkFlows to library staff. If the Behavior property to Display Circulation Note is selected in the Checkout and Discharge wizards, the notes tagged as circulation notes will display to library staff when an item is charged or discharged.

If only the text of an Extended Information field is deleted, the field remains and displays as empty brackets in functions such as File/Print Preview and the Display Bibliographic Description helper. Use of the right-click menu Delete Field option is required to completely delete the field.

In most cataloging wizards, a yellow ”post it” icon will appear next to an item with a public or staff note attached.

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