Change Display Library Helper

Choose the Change Display Library helper from a title's Call Number/Item tab to display items that are owned by a particular library.

This helper is accessible from any wizard in the Cataloging module that has the Call Number/Item tab. The libraries that this helper displays as options are determined by the applicable wizard's Search Library Preferences properties; the exception to this is the Add Title wizard. The Change Display Library helper will always allow you to choose from any library on the system.

To view only items owned by a particular library

The Call Number/Item tab only displays information for the items that belong to the library you selected.

If you make changes to any information that displays in the call number/item tree (for example, an item ID), the call number/item tree will reload and display call numbers and items for all libraries. If desired, you can use this helper again to display only call numbers and items for the library or libraries of your choice.