Search Indexes

Account Number

The account number is an alternative fund identification. Many libraries divide their funds numerically. Non-numeric characters can also be used in this field.


Browses last name only. This field contains the item’s author. This field is cataloged using the 1XX field and can be a personal, corporate, or government name. Added or secondary authors display in 7XX fields.

In Outreach Services, when creating an outreach History, an item that has been selected, rejected, or charged to an outreach user displays at the beginning of a history record. This field identifies the item that is attached to the history record.

In Requests, the Author field displays if the Request Type policy defines item identification as necessary for processing the request. If it displays, it may be optional or required.


If the issue being checked in has a serial issue and contribution identifier (SICI) barcode and there is a correctly programmed wand attached to the workstation where serial issues are received, the issue’s SICI can be scanned into the BAR SICI field. No other fields are necessary to identify the prediction. The ENTER keystroke is done by the scan.

Call Number

Browses only one library at a time, displaying each number of copies. The call number is a number (and/or letters) assigned to an item according to a particular class scheme. It determines the item’s placement in the library collection.

When creating an item, a temporary or automatic item ID may be assigned by SirsiDynix Symphony that can be modified or replaced later. An AUTO call number will be generated in the following form—XX(999999.1).

If you search a temporary XX call number that matches a review record, only the Control, Bibliographic, and Call Number/Item tabs display, with information appropriate to review records.

In Serials Control, the call number in serials control may be referred to as the Base Call Number. The base call number is the call number of the title with which the serial control record is associated. A title’s call number is initially copied into the control record to provide the base call number for the title. As copies are received and added as call numbers (volumes), this original call number can be removed. It may be helpful to create a title where the first call number has no associated copy. If no call number is selected when a serial control is created, the first call number attached to the bibliographic record is selected by default. If more than one call number is attached to the bibliographic record, the selected call number will be transferred to the Base Call Number field of the control record. As issues are received, item copies can be automatically added to the collection under one base call number. If item records are created as part of the check in process, the issue prediction information is added to the base call number for each issue received.

For Requests, if the Request Type policy defines item identification as necessary to processing of the request, the Call Number field appears. If call number displays, it may be either optional or required. A copy may also be specified. The last call number, copy, and item ID displayed at the workstation may be entered by default. To specify a call number/copy directly, type information into the corresponding fields, but not the Item ID field. You can alternately type a value into only the Item ID field.

With Review Records, when using the Review Titles wizard, the call number used to search review records is always the XX temporary call number. If you are searching review records by call number, you must either type the entire call number, or type a partial call number and qualify the search using the Review Status field.

In Outreach Services, when creating an outreach History, an item that has been selected, rejected, or charged to an outreach user displays at the beginning of a history record. This field identifies the item that is attached to the history record. If the author or title field is blank, the associated item may have been removed from the database. The following message will display if this history is selected to modify:

Item not found in catalog.

In Acquisitions, the call number links the current order line to a title in the catalog. You can type up to 40 characters in this field to identify an existing call number you want associated with this line item. (You could also link to an item ID.) The call number and item ID fields are mutually exclusive. Either a call number an item ID may be identified, but not both. You may delete an existing call number or item ID to break the link between the current orderline and the title in the catalog. You may type a different call number or item ID to relink the order to a different title, or leave the order unlinked. Do not unlink/relink a title and an order unless the Loaded field in the Segments section is set to NEVER. When orders are loaded, you may update all of the orderline distributions at the same time, or you may update each orderline distribution individually.

Control ID

This field contains a unique serial control ID. In a multilibrary system that has a decentralized journal receipt, each library must have its own control record. However, each library’s control records may be linked to call numbers on the same title record. The control ID may be an abbreviation of the serial title or its base call number, but each control ID should follow the same pattern (ISSN, base call number, title algorithm) with a prefix or suffix identifying the owning library. The control ID may also be system generated. This is controlled through the Generate New Control IDs Automatically behavior in the wizard properties. If this field is selected, control IDs will be automatically generated. If it is not selected, the user is prompted about whether a control ID is to be created.

If multiple controls are associated with a title, each call number should be indicated in the control ID so that the control may easily be selected from a list of controls retrieved after an item search.

Course ID

Available in Academic Reserves only. This field identifies the course, often with the course number.

Course Name

Available in Academic Reserves only. This field contains the name of the course.

Fund ID

Each master fund record must be assigned a unique identifier. You may modify the master fund record’s unique ID using this field. The fund ID is a short fund name.

For example, in a fund system based on subject areas, ENGLISH and HISTORY might be fund IDs. If it were necessary to keep separate figures for monographs and serials, ENGLISH-M and ENGLISH-S might be fund IDs for English monographs and English serials respectively. More complex fund IDs might be made of a combination of primary fund characteristics. A fund ID of BOOK-FED-AD-FIC might be for Adult Fiction Books bought with Federal funds. Physics monographs bought for the Science Department might have an ID of M-SC-PHY. A fund ID might be a checking account number or other numeric string such as 1001-28-657.

When creating a fund, you can assign an auto-generated Fund ID by selecting AUTO from the drop-down list.

When displaying funds, the fund ID uniquely identifies a single master fund record. If you type a fund ID and all other fields are blank, the workstation displays the master fund information for the fund ID you entered. If you enter ALL in this field, the workstation lists all master fund records in the database.

When Placing Orders, the Fund ID in each funding segment field identifies the fund from which costs are to be encumbered and paid. For Single Fundings, the required fund ID is assigned to all copies. You can modify this field as necessary. For Multiple Fundings, the fund ID field contains the word Multiple, not a real fund ID. You can then enter specific fund IDs in subordinate segments added below the Multiple line.

When Invoicing, if an invoice line is linked to an order, this field shows what fund ID is used by the funding. If the line is linked directly to a fund, this field shows the fund ID assigned to the cost of this invoice line. This directly links the invoice to the fund. When an invoice is created, if you do not want to link the invoice link to the fund at the time of creation, you should erase the fund ID.

Fund Name

The fund name is a description of the fund ID. For example, the fund ID M-PHY could be defined in the name field as Physics Monographs. A more complex ID such as BOOK-FED-AD-FIC might be named Adult-Fiction-Books-Federal. An ID such as M-SC-PHY might have the name Physics Monographs, Science Department.


Browses only subject indexes. Items in your library are described in many ways. Use this field to know if the library owns anything that is described using this particular word or phrase anywhere in the bibliographic record. Every item that includes the word or phrase you entered will display.


If the issue being checked in has a serial issue and contribution identifier (SICI) barcode but there is no wand attached to the workstation, type the SICI number that displays beneath the barcode into the human–readable HR SICI field.

Instructor ID

This field contains the instructor’s user ID.

Instructor Name

Available in Academic Reserves only. This field contains the instructor’s name as displayed in the Name field of the user record.

Item ID

This field, sometimes referred to as barcode, uniquely identifies an item. The Item ID is typically the human readable number on the item’s barcode.

When creating an item, a temporary or automatic item ID may be assigned by SirsiDynix Symphony that can be modified or replaced later. SirsiDynix Symphony can assign the automatic item ID by entering AUTO into the item ID or selecting it from the drop-down list, if available. When searching an item with alphabetic characters, you may type your search in either uppercase or lowercase.

For Bound-with items, when creating a bound-with record, the item ID or barcode field should contain the parent copy’s Item ID to link the child’s call number without a copy to the parent title’s call number and copy.

In Cataloging, if the Generate New Item IDs Automatically property is selected in Cataloging, the automatic item ID is automatically generated.

In Acquisitions, the item ID field provides alternative identification to link the current order line to a title in the catalog. You can type up to 16 characters to identify an existing item ID (barcode) that should be associated with the current order line. (You could also link to a call number.) The call number and item ID fields are mutually exclusive. Either a call number or item ID may be identified, but not both. The item ID of the last item used at the workstation automatically carries over into this field when creating an orderline. When modifying an order, you can delete an existing call number or item ID to break the link between the current orderline and the title in the catalog. You can type a different call number or item ID to relink the order to a different title, or leave the order unlinked. Do not unlink/relink a title and an order unless the Loaded field in the Segments section is set to NEVER.

When you are linking an orderline’s holdings to a title in the catalog, the copy number and the item ID display if the Barcodes field is selected. SirsiDynix Symphony first provides an automatically generated item ID for each copy in the form 9999-1001. The item ID can be updated with a real barcode number if desired.

For Requests, the Item ID field displays if the Request Type policy defines item identification as necessary for processing the request. If it displays, it may be optional or required. Type up to 16 characters of the item ID (barcode) of the item referenced by the request. On systems that use call numbers and copy numbers only to identify items uniquely, this field does not display. The last call number, copy, and item ID displayed at the workstation may be entered by default. To specify an item ID directly, type information into the corresponding field, but not the call number/copy fields. You can alternately type values into only the call number/copy fields.

In Outreach Services, when creating an outreach History, an item that has been selected, rejected, or charged to an outreach user displays at the beginning of a history record. This field identifies the item that is attached to the history record. If the author or title field is blank, the associated item may have been removed from the database. The following message will display if this history is selected to modify:

Item not found in catalog.

Job ID

This field contains a unique identification number assigned to a booking at the time it is created. When searching for bookings, the job ID allows staff to display a booking by the job ID. With a group booking, this lets staff see all items with only one search. When a job ID is available to be searched, the text must entered using exact case and punctuation and must be entered in its entirety to retrieve results.

When creating a booking, the job ID may be assigned by library staff or may be automatically generated by SirsiDynix Symphony. Accepting the default value of AUTO automatically calculates the job ID. The pattern used for the automatically calculated job ID is set in the file, /Unicorn/Autoids/booking[number of Library policy].

For example, when items are booked in the MAIN library, SirsiDynix Symphony looks up the policy number of the MAIN Library. Since MAIN is the first Library policy in this case, the pattern to be used in the Job ID is established in the file /Unicorn/Autoids/booking1. The pattern of the booking[number] file is as follows:

#[prefix]#starting sequential number#

For example, the file /Unicorn/Autoids/booking1 contains the line, #BKG1-#20#. When a booking is created using this file, the next automatically generated Job ID will be BKG1-22. The booking after that will be BKG1-24. The line in /Unicorn/Autoids/booking1 will also change so that it reads #BKG1-#24#.

Medical Subject

This field contains subject headings that are specifically medical. MARC 21 bibliographic record entries for 600, 610, 611, 630, 650, or 651 that have a two in the second indicator position indicate a National Library of Medicine subject. Only these subject headings are retrieved when the Medical Subject option is used.

A general subject search will also retrieve medical subject headings.

Order ID

Available only when browsing Orders. This field uniquely identifies a single order record. This ID can be generated by SirsiDynix Symphony, and can be used with the fiscal cycle, to display order information. If you enter an order ID that includes alphabetic characters, they will be entered in upper case. When receiving an item, you can identify the Order ID from the packing list for the orderline. When invoicing an item, you can identify the Order ID from the invoice for the orderline.

Packing List

Available only when browsing Orders. The vendor packing list number or name goes in this optional 1–20 character field. The packing list may have a number in some vendor scheme, but if it doesn’t, SirsiDynix Symphony can generate a unique number automatically using the default value for this field, AUTO, when an order is received. You can display all items that arrived in the same shipment (on the same packing list). This field remains blank if the Date Received field contains NEVER.

Periodical Title

Browses only the periodical index. Periodicals are a special group of materials with issues or parts that arrive periodically. Magazines, journals, and serials can all be considered as types of periodicals. Select Periodical Title, and then type the text of the periodical title. If the library has entered information about the magazine subscription or issues received into the catalog, every periodical in the library that contains all or part of the title you entered appears.

Requisition Number

Available only when browsing Orders according to Session Settings. Many libraries’ acquisitions processes use a formal purchase request form often needing supervisory approval. If this is a preprinted, numbered form, the requisition number may be entered in this optional 1–10 character field. The requisition number acts as an alternative access point to this orderline item. The number can be used later if you want to track down the status of various orders originating from a single requisition. You can type alphabetic characters as well as numbers, but they are automatically converted to uppercase letters.

When displaying requisitions, the requisition number displays one or more order line items associated with that number. The requisition number field uses explicit truncation. By entering one or more characters of the requisition followed by a $ for truncation, you can display a list of ordered line items. If only one matching order line item is found, that order and line item display individual order/line information. By entering the exact requisition number, you can display all line items that reference that exact requisition number.


This search option retrieves headings from the bibliographic record that contain series titles, such as 440, 490, or 830. SirsiDynix Symphony searches the catalog for any records containing the text searched in the entries specified in the keyword index as a series search.

Set ID

This search option is available only if the system is configured to use the Circulation Sets feature. A set ID can be free text or an item ID. When you select the Set ID index, Browse and Exact search are the only available search options (Keyword is unavailable and appears in grey). The Browse search is selected by default. This search retrieves a list of circulation set names, descriptions, and set types. When you select a set name in the search list, the Description tab will display more information about the circulation set, and the Items in Set tab will display a list of the items included in the circulation set.

For more information, see FAQs: Circulating Items in Groups.


This field contains the titles ISSN in the form of 9999-1111. This field should be nine characters long; the first four characters are always numerals; the numerals are followed by a hyphen, then the last four characters. Of these last four characters, the first three are always numerals; the last character can be numeral or an X. If the bibliographic record contains an ISSN in the 022 subfield a, this information will be carried to the SISAC ID field in the control record.

SISAC is an acronym for the Serials Industry Standards Advisory Committee. This group promotes the uses of a machine-readable barcode on every serial issue to simplify and speed checkin procedures. Every title is assigned a SISAC ID (ISSN), which can be entered in the control record. Every issue of that serial is printed with a SICI (Serial Issue and Contribution Identifier) barcode and label. This barcode and label consists of the SISAC ID and coded issue/date information. During the checkin process, a user scans the issue’s SICI barcode or types the printed characters below the barcode to check in the issue. If this field is left empty, a SirsiDynix Symphony generated number is the default.


This field contains controlled language subject headings. This field is cataloged using the 6xx heading field (subject). These terms are referenced by the system when a Subject search is performed in the Item Lookup step or OPAC. See the Library of Congress Subject Headings for more information about subject terms.


This field contains an item’s main title, using initial capitalization. This field is cataloged using the 245 tag.

In Acquisitions, titles related to order lines can be linked to more detailed bibliographic, volume, and copy information. The information that displays is the same information that prints on the purchase order. If the order line is not associated with standard SirsiDynix Symphony title information when an orderline is created, the title field may display a Click for Info glossary that displays the order line’s descriptions. When the order line is not associated with standard SirsiDynix Symphony title information when an orderline is displayed, the title entered in the Additional Orderline Information DESC field displays along with other catalog titles. However, if no data is entered into the DESC field, no data displays in the title field.

In Outreach Services, when creating an outreach History, an item that has been selected, rejected, or charged to an outreach user displays at the beginning of a history record. This field identifies the item that is attached to the history record.

If this field is blank, the associated item may have been removed from the database. The following message will display if this history is selected to modify:

Item not found in catalog.

In Requests, the Title field displays if the Request Type policy defines item identification as necessary for processing the request. If it displays, it may be optional or required.

Title Control Number

Browses by original prefix and subsequent digits. This field contains the OCLC number, LCCN, ISBN, or other unique title identifier of the item to be displayed. It identifies the specific title record in the catalog. This number is system generated if the title is created in SirsiDynix Symphony, with an “a” prefix, such as a9484. If the record is imported from a bibliographic utility, it will be preceded by a different prefix. For example, OCLC records have an “o” prefix, such as o3453456, which is based on the OCLC record number. This number may also be referred to as the title key, title control key, or flexible key.

When a title is created, this number is required. It is possible to overlay a record by editing the control number including the appropriate prefix to equal that of the record being imported with the Load Bibliographic Records report.

With Review Records when using the Review Titles wizard, this field is used to search records loaded for review. The title control number can be truncated using the $ symbol. All titles are retrieved unless a review status is specified.