Hold Wrappers
If your workstation has a receipt printer, you can use it to print hold wrappers from various wizards. A hold wrapper is typically a slip of paper printed with user, hold, and/or item information that is wrapped or folded around the spine of an item to be placed on a holds shelf. Hold wrappers are mainly used in libraries that offer self-service holds to patrons. Self-service holds allow patrons to go to the library’s Holds pickup shelf to find their available holds.
Libraries can customize what information prints on a hold wrapper, and how the text is to appear (horizontally, vertically, font, and font size). Since the information printed on the hold wrapper is visible to all patrons browsing the Holds shelf, the library can limit the number of characters that are printed for the user ID and /or user’s name to protect the patron’s privacy.
If wizard properties are configured to print hold wrappers, a hold wrapper is printed when a hold becomes available at the pickup library.
Hold wrappers will not print if the No Builtin Raster Driver check box is selected in the receipt printer configuration. (Hold wrappers require a printer that supports raster printing.) To see the Configuration dialog, go to the Preference menu, point to Peripherals, and click Receipt Printer.
You can make hold wrapper slip printing available from the properties of the following wizards.
Go to Receipt Printing Properties for Hold Wrapper Slips for information about customizing the hold wrapper slip.