Check Item Status Wizard

The Check Item Status wizard is used to display the current status of an item. This wizard is especially useful if you find an item and want to know where it should be shelved or if it should be put in transit.

To check an item’s status

If a Current record exists for the item, click the Current record button to access the last record displayed, modified, or added.

Note: If you want to use an RFID pad device to scan items, be sure to scan them one at a time so you can view the information for each item. If you place more than one item on the RFID pad at a time, the RFID pad scans all the items in rapid succession, and WorkFlows only displays the information for the last item scanned.

Click the glossary links to display more detailed information.

After you have viewed the status of this item, select one of the following options:

Check Another Item to continue checking the status of other items
Close to exit the wizard

Important Considerations When Using this Wizard

When you click Check Another Item, the insertion point (cursor) returns to the Item ID box. The item you just checked displays in the List of Items Checked. The Title, Item ID, Route/Transit To information and Transit Reason display for each item.
Various buttons may display on the Current Status of Item window, depending on the proposed action. The display of the Put Item in Transit and Receive Item buttons depends on the value of the transit setting in the Global Configuration wizard.
For example, if the item is needed at another library, and the transit setting is Do Automatic Transit/Untransit With Prompting, the Put In Transit button displays. If the item is coming from another library, the Receive Item button displays.
If you receive an item that has a canceled hold (the hold was canceled by the user while the item was in transit), and scan the item using the Check Item wizard, the wizard will clear the canceled hold from the hold queue. Check Item Status will immediately check the item’s status again, and prompt you for the next action, such as making the next hold available or putting the item in transit to another library.
You can check that status of a circulation group using this wizard. For more information, see FAQs: Circulating Items in Groups.

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