Add Title Wizard
The Add Title wizard is used to create a new bibliographic record and associated call numbers and items.
To add a title
Click the Title Maintenance group wizard. |
Click the Add Title wizard. |
On the Bibliographic Tab, enter new MARC fixed data and bibliographic text of the title. A title entry is required in the 245 entry. Replace the **REQUIRED FIELD** text with the new title. Select the Shadow Title check box if you want to shadow the new title. You can shadow the title, call numbers, and items independently. Shadowing a title, by default, will automatically shadow call numbers and items. |
On the Control Tab, enter information about maintaining the title. |
To add another call number to this title, click Add Call Number. The Library for New Call Number dialog box appears. Select the library for the new call number, and then click OK. |
To add an item to the current call number, type or scan an item ID, and click Add Item. On the Call Number/Item tab, default item information may appear. Modify item information, if needed, and click Save. |
On the MARC Holdings tab, do the following. |
Select the library to which you want to add new holdings records in the Add Holdings for Library list. |
To add a new holding record, click Add Holdings. Enter MARC holdings information for the new title. The 852 entry is required. |
After adding a title, click one of the following options.
Save to save the record to the database |
Add Another Title to add another new title to the database |
Delete to delete the selected call number or items |
Close to exit the wizard without saving changes |
Important Considerations When Using this Wizard
Use the Validate Headings helper to validate entries and headings. |
Users can only create call numbers and items for libraries in their Call Number Maintenance and Item Maintenance library groups. |
Users can only create MARC holdings for libraries in their MARC Holdings Maintenance library group. |
If the Barcode Validation policy is in use, users can only enter Item IDs which comply with a valid barcode format. |
Related topics
Add Title Wizard Properties
Validate Headings Helper
FAQs: Call Number, Item, and MARC Holding Maintenance Library Attributes
FAQs: International Cataloging
FAQs: Using the Barcode Validation Feature
FAQs: Working with UNIMARC Formats