Validate Headings Helper

The Validate Headings helper is used to check bibliographic headings under authority control and validate indicators and subfields. This helper displays only in wizards that allow you to modify the bibliographic record in the Bibliographic tab. This helper will not display in cataloging wizards unless the system is configured for authority checking.

With the Validate Headings helper, you may be prompted to verify tags under the following circumstances.

Indicators do not meet the parameters defined.
Authority headings in the author (1xx, 7xx), series (4xx), or subject (6xx) tags are unauthorized.

To validate headings

The Next button is unavailable until a heading is retrieved from the hit list that displays when you click Get From List. When the button is available, the helper displays the message ”Heading selected.” If the text in the Heading box is ever edited, the Next button becomes unavailable again, and the message changes back to ”Unauthorized heading.”

Important Considerations When Using this Helper

It is important to consider the following when using this helper:

The Validate Headings helper will ignore any subfields that precede an initial subfield a when authorizing a bibliographic tag against an authority leading term. When a tag is selected or presented for authorization in the helper’s Heading dialog box, the following will happen: 1) the helper will ignore any fields that precede |a when browsing for a matching authority record in the hit list, and 2) in the bibliographic record, any subfields preceding |a will be retained after a heading has been authorized.
In UNIMARC-formatted records, the authorized heading will replace the entire field in the bibliographic record. If the field contained the subfield 6 before authorization, the subfield will be retained.
In UNIMARC-formatted records that contain NSB/NSE characters, the Validate Headings helper will ignore text between these characters when authorizing headings. The Add NSB/NSE Character helper will be available for manually created headings if selected in wizard properties to display.

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