Validate Headings Helper Properties

The Validate Headings helper allows the following properties to be set.


On the Behavior tab, select or clear any of the following check boxes.

Skip Unauthorized Headings – Controls whether the user is allowed to skip unauthorized headings. If this property is not selected, the Skip and Skip Rest buttons do not display on the Validate Headings helper window, and the user cannot close the window. The user must correct the problem with the heading before the helper continues.
Create New Authority Records for Unauthorized Headings – Controls whether or not the Propose button displays in the Validate Headings helper window. If this property is not selected, the user cannot create a new authority record from a heading to authorize it. The user must select one of the existing authority records or skip the authorization.
Select Authority Format Automatically – Controls whether the Propose button in the helper automatically assigns the authority record format in the proposed authority based on the bibliographic entry being verified. This property is based on the Propose Authority Map policy that maps the bibliographic entry ID to an authority format when an authority record is created from a bibliographic entry using the Propose button. If only one Propose Authority Map is encountered for an entry and this property is selected, the format is automatically selected. If no maps are found, or if multiple maps are found, the user will need to select a format.

Note: When an authority format is automatically supplied by the Propose button, the format cannot be modified directly. Use the Call Number and Item Maintenance wizard to make changes to the authority format, if necessary.

Disable Diacritic Keyboard Shortcuts – Select this check box to disable the keyboard shortcuts used by the Symbol Table's code set ALA Character Set of Diacritics and Symbols.


On the Defaults tab, you can set defaults to customize your use of the helper.

Authorization Level – Authority records can either be AUTHORIZED or PROVISIONAL. A provisional heading must be reviewed for form and accuracy, and then authorized by a cataloger or other staff member.
Source – The Source field is not required, but can provide information about the source of the authority record. If using authority records from OCLC, this field might contain the Cataloging Source Code, such as DLC, in the 040 tag identifying the agency that provided data for the authority record.

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