FAQs: Working with UNIMARC Formats

In Version 3.3, many enhancements were made to the SirsiDynix Symphony system for cataloging, importing, and display UNIMARC-formatted bibliographic and authority records.

Global Configuration for Displaying Only MARC21 Formats, Only UNIMARC Formats, or Both MARC21 and UNIMARC
Delivered Catalog, Authority, and Z39.50 Formats Updated
UNIMARC Authority Variations Added to Catalog Formats
UNIMARC Punctuation Variations Added to Catalog Formats
Authority Map Wizard Enhanced to Accommodate Import of UNIMARC Authority Records
How UNIMARC authority is implemented
Bibliographic Record Loading Reports and SmartPort Wizard Now Support UNIMARC Title Control Key and MARC Tag Hierarchy Match and Load Options
Add NSB/NSE Characters Helper for Non-sorting Begin and Non-Sorting End Character Input
Added NSB/NSE Non-filing Characters to UNIMARC Catalog and Authority Format Entries Keyword, Browse, and Authority Variations for the Leading Article Value
MARC Record Editor Updates
SmartPort and Z39.50 Gateway Destination Element Enhancements
Validate Headings Helper Authorizes UNIMARC Fields
Support for Multiple Leading Terms Scripts in One Authority Record

What is UNIMARC?

UNIMARC is an international standard maintained by the International Federation of Library Association and Institutions (IFLA) to facilitate the international exchange of data in machine-readable form between national bibliographic agencies. SirsiDynix Symphony supports the UNIMARC bibliographic, authority, and Z39.50 formats.

The following UNIMARC catalog formats are delivered:

UNIMARC (Bibliographic)
SUNIMARC (Serials)

The following UNIMARC authority formats are delivered:

UCOLUNITTL (Collective uniform title heading)
UCRPNAME (Corporate name heading)
UFAMNAME (Family name heading)
UGENRE (Form or genre heading)
UNAMCOLTTL (Name/collective uniform title heading)
UNAMTITL (Name/title heading)
UPERNAME (Personal name heading
UPLACE (Place access)
UPORASSUN (Bib.NacPortugal assunto)
URAMEAU (Sujet Rameau)
USUBJ (Topical subject heading
UTERNAME (Territorial/geographic name heading)
UTRDMARK (Trademark heading)
UUNITITL (Uniform title heading)

The following Z39.50 formats are delivered:

ZUNIAUTH (Z39.50 authority)
ZUNIMARC (Z39.50 bibliographic)

For more information about the UNIMARC formats, go to the IFLANET Concise UNIMARC Classification Format Web page (http://www.ifla.org/VI/3/p1996-1/concise.htm).

There are several limitations when using the UNIMARC formats in SirsiDynix Symphony.

It is possible to add a holdings record to a UNIMARC-formatted record, but the holdings will be in MARC 21 format.
When cataloging a record, once you save the record in a UNIMARC format, it is not possible to change it to a MARC 21 format. Conversely, once you save a record in a MARC 21 format, you cannot change it to a UNIMARC format.

If a site wishes to use UNIMARC formats on their system, they must be an Oracle/Unicode system.

Global Configuration for Displaying Only MARC21 Formats, Only UNIMARC Formats, or Both MARC21 and UNIMARC

With Version 3.3, the Display UNIMARC Formats Global Configuration policy was changed so that sites can configure their systems to display only MARC21 formats, only UNIMARC formats, or both MARC21 and UNIMARC formats in the clients. The policy is named “MARC Format Display.” By default, only MARC21 formats display.

For more information, see MARC Format Display Policy.

Delivered Catalog, Authority, and Z39.50 Formats Updated

With Version 3.3, the UNIMARC catalog, authority, and Z39.50 formats were updated with the latest UNIMARC enhancements.

For a list of UNIMARC catalog formats and more information these formats, see Catalog Format Wizard.
For a list of UNIMARC authority formats and more information about these formats, see Authority Format Wizard.
For a list of UNIMARC Z39.50 formats and more information about these formats, see Z3950 Format Wizard.

UNIMARC Authority Variations Added to Catalog Formats

Default authority variations were added to the catalog formats.

For more information about these variations, see Delivered Formats for Bibliographic Fields Under Authority Control — UNIMARC Formats.

UNIMARC Punctuation Variations Added to Catalog Formats

The Punctuations tab displays for entries in UNIMARC catalog and authority formats, and default punctuation variations were added to the catalog formats.

Bibliographic Record Loading Reports and SmartPort Wizard Now Support UNIMARC Title Control Key and MARC Tag Hierarchy Match and Load Options

Data fields in the UNIMARC bibliographic format do not always include the same data as the equivalent MARC21 tags. Previously, the bibliographic load programs did not allow the appropriate options for loading UNIMARC bibliographic records. These programs were updated, and the title control key options and MARC tag hierarchy options in the reports and wizard were also updated to display the UNIMARC tag selections. The following reports and wizard were updated.

Load Bibliographic Records
Load Bibs for Selection
Load Bibs with Order Information
SmartPort wizard

Title Control Key Rules Gadget Options

In the bibliographic load reports and in the SmartPort wizard properties, users can select the following UNIMARC title control key options.

ISBN (U 010)
ISSN (U 011)

Match MARC Tag Hierarchy Gadget Options

In the bibliographic load reports and in the SmartPort wizard properties, users can select the following UNIMARC tag hierarchy options.

National Bibliographic Number (U 020)
ISBN (U 010)
ISSN (U 011)
Government Publication Number (U 022)
International Standard Music Number (U 013)
International Standard Recording Code (U 016)
International Standard Report Number (U 015)
Publisher Number (U 071)

The U before the number designates a UNIMARC tag.

For more information about these match options, see the bibliographic load reports and SmartPort Wizard topics.

Authority Map Wizard Enhanced to Accommodate Import of UNIMARC Authority Records

To support importing UNIMARC authority records into a SirsiDynix Symphony system, the Authority Map wizard was enhanced with the following attributes.

MARC Family — The MARC Family policy allows the user to choose the type of MARC21 or UNIMARC encoding that applies to a specific set of authority records. Select a MARC Family policy from the drop-down list. (This selection will only appear for sites configured to use MARC Family.)
Source of Subject (previously 8/11 source) — Identifies the source of the subject heading.
For MARC21 records, if the content of the 008 fixed field position 11 affects the authority format that should be assigned, this attribute should be the single character code in the record’s 008 field in byte (position) 11 which identifies the source (according to the MARC 21 Authority Format Manual). Type the single character code value.
For UNIMARC records, the source of subject heading is defined in the 152 field, subfield b. The value of |b is a string instead of a single character code. Type the source code value, up to 25 characters.

The following UNIMARC Authority Map policies are delivered:

For more information, see Authority Map Wizard.

How UNIMARC authority is implemented

The following UNIMARC authority features are implemented in SirsiDynix Symphony:

UNIMARC authority records can be created in the workstation using the Add Authority wizard.
UNIMARC authority records can be loaded using the standard record loading reports.
Headings in UNIMARC bibliographic records can be authorized.
UNIMARC authorized headings and unauthorized headings appear and can be searched in the authority indexes
Authorized heading, the unauthorized headings, and the see also headings appear with the correct icon marks in the Item Search and Display wizard hitlists.
See and See Also references and notes for UNIMARC records display in the e-Library
UNIMARC bibliographic record headings added after the UNIMARC authority record is added have the appropriate headings marked as authorized or unauthorized.
Validate Headings helper can be used to validate headings in UNIMARC bibliographic and authority records, and propose authority records for a heading.
Authority reports can list, count, load, and update UNIMARC authority records.
The Global Change helper in the Add Authority and Modify Authority wizards can modify UNIMARC authority records globally.
The NSB/NSE helper is available in both authority and bibliographic records. Authorization routines can handle the NSB/NSE characters. (Text between NSB/NSE characters will be ignored when searching authorized headings.)
Authority, keyword, and browse indexes acknowledge the NSB/NSE characters.

Add NSB/NSE Characters Helper for Non-sorting Begin and Non-Sorting End Character Input

The Add NSB/NSE Characters helper was created for adding and viewing the NSB (Non-sorting begin) and NSE (non-sorting end) characters in WorkFlows Java client cataloging and authority wizards. Because these characters are only used in UNIMARC formats, the helper is only available on SirsiDynix Symphony Unicode/Oracle systems. The NSB/NSE are non-printable characters and will not display in full record displays or cataloging and authority wizard View panes.

The Add NSB/NSE Characters helper is available in the following wizards:

Add Title
Modify Title
Duplicate Title
Add Authority
Modify Authority
Duplicate Authority

A property, Add NSB/NSE Characters, was added to the Helpers tab in the wizards’ properties. When the user selects this property, and if the format of a record is a UNIMARC format, the helper will display in these wizards.

For more information, see the Add NSB/NSE Characters Helper topic.

Added NSB/NSE Non-filing Characters to UNIMARC Catalog and Authority Format Entries Keyword, Browse, and Authority Variations for the Leading Article Value

Because the UNIMARC formats use the NSB/NSE (Non-sorting begin/non-sorting end) characters for non-filing purposes, the NSB/NSE selection appears on the Keyword, Browse, and Authority tabs for catalog and authority format entries as a Leading Article value selection.

In UNIMARC catalog formats, the INDICATOR1 and INDICATOR2 values are no longer available for selection on these entry tabs, as they are not used for non-filing purposes.

MARC Record Editor Updates

The MARC Record Editor in cataloging and authority wizards was updated to handle cataloging UNIMARC records.

The Record Editor allows input and edit of coded fields for cataloging and authority records.
The Record Editor help includes updated tooltips and more for UNIMARC records. Users can modify these tooltips using the MARC Record Editor Help wizard.

For more information, see About the Record Editor Window.

SmartPort and Z39.50 Gateway Destination Element Enhancements

The following changes were made to the Z39.50 gateway destination element configurations for SmartPort to include UNIMARC-formatted records.

Query Character Set — This attribute appears on the Destination tab for the Gateway element type Z3950 Search. The attribute specifies the type of character encoding used in the query sent to this Z39.50 destination. For example, the Library of Congress Z39.50 server expects search query strings to be sent using UTF8 character encoding, so this attribute should be set to UNICODE for the LC destination. Possible values include UNICODE, MARC8, ANSI, CCCII, BIG5, GBK, and UNIMARC. The MARC8 value is the default value.
Record Character Set — This attribute appears on the Destination tab for the Gateway element type Z39.50 Search. The attribute specifies the type of character encoding used in the records of this Z39.50 destination. For example, Chinese sites may use CCCII records, which are also MARC records, but use a different character encoding for Chinese characters. When records are imported into SirsiDynix Symphony from these sites, a different table for conversion is required to convert CCCII records to Unicode records, so this attribute should be set to CCCII. The WorkFlows client will know which character encoding is used by the Z39.50 site based on the value in this field. Possible values include UNICODE, MARC8, ANSI, CCCII, BIG5, GBK, DANMARC2 and UNIMARC. The MARC8 value is the default value.

For more information, see the SmartPort Wizard topic.

Validate Headings Helper Authorizes UNIMARC Fields

The Validate Headings helper was enhanced with the ability to authorize UNIMARC fields and propose authority headings for unauthorized fields.

For more information, see the Validate Headings Helper topic.

Support for Multiple Leading Terms Scripts in One Authority Record

The UNIMARC authority standard supports the same authorized heading in the same language but multiple scripts in two different ways. The first standard supports authorized headings in the same language but in multiple scripts the same way that the MARC21 authority standard does, by having two different authority records, one for each script. UNIMARC has an additional standard, in which the multiple scripts are all included in a single authority record and differentiated by the subfield 7 positions 4-5, script of base heading. SirsiDynix Symphony now supports the UNIMARC standard allowing multiple authorized headings in the same language but different scripts in one authority record.