Control Tab

Information on the Control tab is used primarily to administer and maintain the catalog, authority metadata, and review data files.

Bibliographic Records

Information on the Control tab is common to all volumes and items of the title. The catalog contains one catalog record for each title in the system. In a multilibrary system, title records are shared by all libraries. The following fields may display on the Control tab.

The modification fields do not display on a new title until you update the record.

The following fields are defined for bibliographic records on the Control tab.

Title Control Number

This field contains the OCLC number, LCCN, ISBN, or other unique title identifier of the item to be displayed. It identifies the specific title record in the catalog. This number is system-generated if the title is created in SirsiDynix Symphony, with an ”a” prefix, such as a9484. If the record is imported from a bibliographic utility, it will be preceded by a different prefix. For example, OCLC records have an ”o” prefix, such as o3453456, which is based on the OCLC record number. This title control number is sometimes referred to as the title key, title control key, or flexible key.

When a title is created, this number is required. It is possible to overlay a record by editing the control number including the appropriate prefix to equal that of the record being imported with the Load Bibliographic Records report.

When using the Cataloging Review File wizard, if this field is used to search records loaded for review, it can be truncated using the $ symbol. All titles are retrieved unless a review status is specified. Review records display only the Control, Bibliographic, and Call Number/Item tabs with information appropriate to review records.

Note: This field is limited to 14 characters or less.

When creating the title control number from an OCLC control number, SirsiDynix Symphony can now accommodate an OCLC control number 10-digit format with the "on" prefix. SirsiDynix Symphony can still utilize the OCLC control number 9-digit format with the "ocn" prefix, and the OCLC control number 8-digit format with the "ocm" prefix.

Catalog Key

This field contains the unique SirsiDynix record control number. This field displays optionally based on the Configure Display of Catalog Key policy in the Global Configuration Wizard.

Record Format

This field contains the name of a Format policy. The Format policy controls the display, editing, data validation, and indexing of all fields in bibliographic, authority, and holdings records, as well as extended information fields in every type of record used in SirsiDynix Symphony. A Format policy is a list of entries allowed to be used by a specified type of record, along with the characteristics of each entry.

Important: In bibliographic records, once you select a UNIMARC format as the record format and save the record, it cannot be changed to a MARC21 format. Conversely, once you select a MARC21 format as the record format, and save the record, you cannot modify the format to a UNIMARC format.

Number of Volumes

The system-supplied value in this field is generated from the number of volumes or call numbers associated with this title record.

Created By

This field contains the user access of the user who created or duplicated the record. You can type another login name in this field, or select a name from the list of valid login names.

In Accountability, this field is maintained by SirsiDynix Symphony and cannot be modified.

In Authority, this field cannot be modified when the record is being reviewed or displayed. When a record is created by SmartPort, the Created By value is set to the current user access. When a record is updated by SmartPort, the original Created By value is retained.

Date Cataloged

The date the item was cataloged displays in this field. This date can be created or changed when a record is loaded, or edited to a specific date manually. NEVER is the default value and the alternative TODAY is available from the list.

Date Created

Automatically supplied by the system, this field is the date a record was created or duplicated. This date cannot be edited and is automatically maintained by SirsiDynix Symphony.

In Academic Reserves, this field may contain the date that the call number was linked to the reserve control record. This field does not represent the date the copy went on reserve.

In Acquisitions, many of the dates associated with an order are also separately maintained for each orderline. The date the actual order is created is referred to as Date Created. If a new orderline is added to an existing order, its date of creation is referred to as Date Ordered.

In Cataloging with Authority, when a record is created by SmartPort, the Date Created is set to the current date. When a record is updated by SmartPort, the original Date Created is retained.

In Outreach, when an outreach history is displayed, this is the date the History record was created. It is not the date the associated item was created.

Modified By

The user access of the operator currently modifying the record displays in this editable field. You can type another login name in this field, or select a valid user from the list.

In Cataloging with Authority, if you select a user access other than your own, the name you select will be transferred to the Previously Modified field as soon as the record is updated and displayed again, and then your own user access will display in this field.

If you select a user access other than your own, the name you select will be transferred to the Previously Modified field as soon as the record is updated (and displayed again) and your own user access will display in this field. When a title is displayed or reviewed in cataloging wizards, and when viewing a title in the Item Search and Display wizard, a Modified By field does not appear on the Control tab. When a record is updated by SmartPort, the Modified By value is updated to the current user access.

This field does not appear on the Control tab in the following instances.

When displaying a title using the Item Search and Display wizard
When using the Add Title wizard
When using the Duplicate Title wizard

Date Modified

This field contains the date the record was last modified. This information is automatically updated by the system. NEVER is the value for records not modified since creation.

In Accountability, the dates modified for a user’s accountability information, access restriction information, and need to know information are all maintained separately.

In Cataloging with Authority, when a record is updated by SmartPort, the Date Modified is updated to the current date.

In Outreach, when an outreach history is displayed, this is the date the History record was created, not the date the associated item was created.

In Requests, this field is updated when a library user or library staff member modifies the request record. It is also updated when the library sends a request reply.

Note: This field does not appear on the Control tab when using the Add Title and Duplicate Title wizards.

Previously Modified By

The user access of the operator who most recently modified the catalog or authority record displays in this field. When a title is displayed or reviewed, a Modified By field does not display on the Control tab.

This field does not appear on the Control tab in the following instances.

When using the Add Title wizard
When using the Duplicate Title wizard

Authority Records

Information that displays on the Control tab is used primarily to administer and maintain the authority data file. The authority file contains a record for each authorized or provisional authority heading in the system. The following fields may display in the Control tab.

The following fields are defined for authority records on the Control tab.

Authority ID

The authority ID can be automatically generated, but is always a required field. The authority ID can be any unique string of up to 16 characters.


The Source field is not required, but can provide information about the source of the authority record. If using authority records from OCLC, this field might contain the Cataloging Source Code, such as DLC, in the 040 tag identifying the agency that provided the data for the authority record.

Date Authorized

The date the record was changed to the AUTHORIZED level displays in this modifiable field. A library can use this field to gather statistics on how many authority records were added or reviewed in a particular period. This field retains the default value of NEVER unless updated by an authorized workstation operator. You can also enter TODAY, and the current date will be inserted in the field when modification is complete. Records that are loaded from an outside source can have a Date Authorized specified.

Authorization Level

Authority records can be either AUTHORIZED or PROVISIONAL. A provisional heading must be reviewed for form and accuracy, and then authorized by a cataloger or other staff member.

Review Records

The Control data in a review record is important because it is where the status of review records is set.

The following fields are defined for review records on the Control tab.

Review Status

Records loaded for review can have one of three status types: Review, Approve, Delete. Unique status policies can be created by your library system to distinguish between cataloging libraries.

Review – Assigned to catalog records that have yet to be reviewed. Records loaded for review using the Review Bibliographic Records report or that failed to load using Load Bibliographic Records report can only be assigned a Review Status policy of this type.
Approve – Used to mark catalog records that have been reviewed at the workstation and have been accepted for addition to the catalog. When the Reload Bibliographic Records report is run, any catalog record with an approve-type Review Status is loaded into the catalog.
Delete – Used to mark review records that should be deleted from the system. Records with a delete-type Review Status are removed by running the Remove DELETE Records report.

Review Status Modified

This field is controlled by SirsiDynix Symphony and cannot be modified directly. It reflects changes made to the bibliographic description, as well as the review status when it is marked for approval or deletion.

Load Report

All records loaded for review or error records saved for review can be designated by a specific batch file name. The Load Report does not need to be the same as the file originally loaded, and can be reused, adding to existing batches of the same name. This name is assigned in the Batch File Name of the Load Bibliographic Records and Review Bibliographic Records reports, and displays in the File to Reload list of the Reload Bibliographic Records report.

Cataloging Library

Library field values are defined in the Library policies set up by your SirsiDynix Symphony System Administrator. At the basic level, this field determines the library where an item is held and where the user is registered in a multilibrary setting. The Library field does not display in a single library system.

Metadata Records

The Control tab displays basic control information for metadata records. Only the Record Control Number and Created By fields can be modified.

The following fields are defined for metadata records on the Control tab.

Record Owned By

This field indicates which library owns the metadata record. If a Record Owned By value is not set in wizard properties, the owning library default is the library associated with the user access of the workstation operator’s login when the metadata record is created.

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