Check In Issues of a Serial Wizard Properties

You can change certain system settings and defaults for the Check In Issues of a Serial wizard using the Set Properties window. The Check In Issues of a Serial wizard allows the following properties to be set.

Display Property Page

The Display Property Page value allows you to choose when to display the Check In Issues of a Serial wizard’s set properties window. Select one of the following options:

Wizard Startup—Displays the Set Properties window the first time you access the wizard until you end the wizard session or log off the client.
Never—Does not display the Set Properties window as part of the wizard workflow. If Never is selected and you want to open the Set Properties window, point to the wizard’s toolbar button, right-click, and then click Properties on the shortcut menu.

Depending on the value selected in Display Property Page, defaults may appear as the first step of the wizard. Property values that are changed in the first step of a wizard are retained only until the right-click method is used to set properties.


On the Behavior tab, the following properties display.

Search Library Preferences

The Search Library List Type property allows the SirsiDynix Symphony administrator to control what libraries are accessible in the Search Library list when searching items. The following selections are available. Search by Library is the default option.

Search by Library—If you click this option, the Search Library List property becomes active. The libraries presented in this property list are defined in Library policies. (This option does not refer to the Search Library policies.)

From the drop-down list, select one of the following Search Library lists.

All—Includes all libraries on the system.
Serial Display Libs—Includes the libraries defined in the Library policy’s Serial Display Libraries attribute
Search by Search Library Group—If you click this option, the Search Library list will be built from values in the Search Library policies. (This option does not refer to the Library Group policies.)
Search by Library or Search Library Group—If you click this option, all libraries on your system and all Search Library policies will be included in the Search Library list. The libraries and Search Library policies will be inter-filed alphabetically. (This option does not refer to the Library Group policies.)

If your search does not produce any hits, you will be sent to a browse window, and the browse search results will no longer be filtered by your library search selection.

Preferences for Working with Issues

You can specify whether to allow the following functions when working specifically with issue records on the Next Issue, Expected, and Claimed tabs.

Modify Issues—Allows modifying issues in the Different Issue step.
Combine Issues—Allows combining issues in the Different Issue step.
Receive Special Issues—Allows receiving special issues in the Different Issue step.
Auto Distribute Partially Received Issues—Allows automatic distribution of issues in the Different Copies step. Use only if your library is configured to use serials distributions. If expected copies were not received, the system would distribute the copies that were received equally across distributions. Do not select this property if you want to manually distribute the received copies according to your library’s priority.
Auto Create Copies for Received Issues—Automatically creates copies in the catalog when issues are received. Select only for serials that are configured to add copies to the catalog. If copies are created, the system auto-generates item IDs for the copies. Do not select this property if you want to manually add barcodes to received copies.
Print Routing Lists for Received Issues—Automatically prints routing lists when issues are received. Select only for serials that have associated routing lists. To prevent the prompts for printing routing lists, make sure this check box is cleared. Even if this check box is cleared, routing information will appear in the received window. If it is selected, individual routing lists appear for printing.

Click the Print Routing Lists button to set the following default properties.

Print Routing Lists without Confirmation—Keeps the wizard from pausing at each routing list copy and from asking you for confirmation before sending the routing list to the printer. By default, this property is set to print with confirmation.
Receipt Header—Use the String List Gadget to type lines of text for the routing list header. Each line can have a maximum of 30 characters.
Receipt General Fields—Use the Receipt Fields Gadget to select the general receipt fields that will appear on the routing slip, such as Title, Copy, and Comment. For more information about the receipt fields, refer to Receipt Fields for Serials Receipts.
Receipt User Fields—Use the Receipt Fields Gadget to select the user fields that will appear on the routing slip, such as Name, User Address 1, and User Extended Info. For more information about the receipt fields, refer to Receipt Fields for Serials Receipts.
Receipt Footer—Use the String List Gadget to type lines of text for the routing list footer. Each line can have a maximum of 30 characters.
Print Routing Lists To—If you selected Print Routing Lists for Received Issues, this property becomes available. Click one of the following options:
Default Printer—If selected, routing lists will be printed on the workstation default printer with this printer’s default paper settings (size and layout). This is the default printer option.
Attached Receipt Printer—If selected, routing lists will be printed to the receipt printer specified in WorkFlows Java client’s Preference/Peripherals/Receipt Printer menu.
Include User Extended Info Entries—Will include user extended information on the routing lists. Use only when routing lists are configured for printing. User extended information includes entries from the USERXINFO format, such as Note and Comment fields. User address information is included by default. From the list, you can select all, brief, or full extended information entries to print, along with the user name, on the routing list.
Print Labels For Received Issues—Select this check box to print labels for issues as they are checked in. To use this option, a Label Template default must be set in the Label Designer wizard. The template should be set up using Values for the Check In element Type. These Values include Enumeration, Chronology, Base Call Number, and Holding Code. See the Label Designer Wizard for more information. Click one of the following print label options.
Automatically—To automatically print labels without previewing them.
Print Preview—To preview the labels before they are printed. Print Preview allows you to change the Label Template, if needed. Your library may have different templates for different kinds of serial publications.

Not all desktop print applications correctly handle printing routing lists. To print routing lists successfully, you will need to use a desktop application that will accept the line breaks sent by WorkFlows, and will not impose its own line breaking. WordPad is an example of a print application that does not accept the line breaks sent by WorkFlows. WordPad removes these line breaks and attempts to reformat the list, causing the print feature to fail.


Play Sound When Last Expected Issue Is Received allows you to select an audible alert to coincide with a warning during serials checkin when there are no more expected issues linked to the serial control record and the record is set to allow automatic prediction. This property is enabled by default. The default sound file is disrout.wav.

Sound files are located in the \Program Files\Sirsi\JwfGL3*\Sound directory on the PC.

Other Preferences

Under Other Preferences, you can specify whether to allow the following functions when working specifically with the serial control record while checking in issues.

Create Serial Control—Creates a control record if one is not found for the searched title
Modify Serial Control—Permits modifying the control on the Control tab when checking in an issue.
Warn Prior to Changing the Library of MARC Holdings Linked to a Serial Control—Displays a warning dialog when they attempt to change the library of a MARC holdings record linked to a serial control. Users need to confirm that they want to change the library, or they can cancel the action.
Modify MARC Holdings Records—Permits modifying holdings records on the MARC Holdings tab when it displays.
Display Notes Before Checkin—Displays special notes when checking in issues. Serial control extended information includes the Name, Note, and Physical Form fields. From the Entries list, you can select whether all, brief, or full note entries will display.

At End of Wizard

Make selections for the following behaviors:

Show Checked Buttons—Specifies which step(s) will display as choices for the wizard’s final step.
Select the New Lookup, Next Issue, or Close check boxes to display these steps at the end of the wizard. By default, all check boxes are selected.
Perform Selected Action—Specifies which action will be automatically performed as the wizard’s final step.
Click either Next Issue, New Lookup, or Close to be automatically performed at the end of the wizard.


On the Defaults tab, you can set defaults to customize your use of the wizard.

Search Preferences

Search Type—Select one of the search method options. Search is the default search preference type.
Search Index—Select a search index from the list. The default value is Title.
Search Library—Select a search library from the list. This list is determined by your Library policies.
Display View Pane—Select this check box to display the View pane on the search window by default. The Show/Hide View View Pane helper can be used to toggle on/off the View pane display on the search window. If the property check box is not selected, the View pane does not display until the you click the Show/Hide View Pane helper. The View pane displays for the entire wizard session or until you toggle the Show/Hide View Pane helper off. This property is delivered selected by default.

Folder Options

You can select any of the following tabs to display during the check in process:

Preferences for Working with Issues

You can select any of the following tabs of issues to appear during the check in process:

Type the Number Of Issues Per Browse Screen to determine how many expected, received, or claimed issues will appear at a time. The default value displays approximately the number that will fit per window. If the number of issues exceeds a window size, you may use the scroll bar to display up to this specified number. You may page forward and backward through the issues that are not displayed by clicking the Browse Forward or Browse Backward buttons. However, only this number of issues displayed may be removed at one time and you cannot page forward through a list displayed for removal.

Combine Issues Options

Select the default issue enumeration and chronology combination patterns that will appear when combining issues. These values may be modified manually, or changed using the Combine Issues Options helper, if it is selected to display.

Select one of the following three combined enumeration options as a default:

Combine the Enumeration of the First and Last Issues
Use the Enumeration of the First Issue
Use the Enumeration of the Last Issue

Select one of the following combined chronology options as a default:

Combine the Chronology of the First and Last Issues
Use the Chronology of the First Issue
Use the Chronology of the Last Issue

Order for Received Issues

Select the default sort order for received issues:

Order of Issues—Issues can be sorted in Ascending or Descending order.
Sorted By—Issues can be sorted by Enumeration, Date Received, or Date Expected.


On the Helpers tab, you can select the helpers you want to appear when checking in serial issues. Click the specific helper button to display the helper properties that you can set.

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