Claimed Tab

The Claimed tab displays the issues for which some or all of the copies have not been received, or they have reached the date to claim and still have not arrived, or they have arrived but were badly damaged in shipping. Additional claim reasons may be used by your library. Each issue listed represents a Claim record. If there are no issues to be claimed at this time the following message appears.

No Issues Claimed

A list of all issues claimed or requiring claims appears in a table on the Claimed tab, providing the following field information for each issue.

You can sort this list by clicking the Enumeration or Date Expected radio buttons. You can move forward or backward through the list using the Browse Forward or Browse Backward buttons.

You can filter this list to show all claims, only outstanding claims, or only fulfilled claims.

Additional issue details may be displayed from the More button of the Claimed tab, or using the Show Issue Detail Helper.

The following tools appear on the Claimed tab depending on the wizard you are using and how properties are set.

The following fields are defined for the Claimed tab.


The Chronology field contains the date published on the issue. When generating prediction records, the chronology pattern value begins with the date of the next issue of prediction records you want to generate. Each subsequent chronology pattern value in a list of predicted issues will follow the same format, sequentially, of the first issue. The format for entering the originating date into the Chronology field is dependent on the name pattern stated in the Chronology Type field of the Patterns tab.

Date Claimed

This date should be the actual date the issue or copies of the issue are being claimed with the vendor. When creating a claim, you may manually define and insert a date into this field using the Calendar Gadget, but a date of NEVER cannot be entered manually into this field. If you do not select a specific date, the date you create the claim will be used as the Date Claimed.

When an INSUFFICIENT claim record is created automatically by the system from a partial receipt, or the Prediction As Late report is run to create ISSUELATE claim records, the default date in this field is NEVER. A real date value is automatically entered into this field by the system when either the Serial Claim Notices Report or X12 Serial Claim Transactions Report has been run.

Date Expected

This field contains the expected receipt date of an issue as defined by the library. This field is used when generating prediction records, and will indicate the date that the next issue for this generated prediction is expected to be received by the library. Use the Calendar Gadget to enter a date into this field.


Enumeration identifies an issue of a serial title by the numeric information printed on a particular issue. This may generally be defined as the volume, issue, and any item numbers displayed on the issue. Each prediction record includes an enumeration field.

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