Modify Vendor Information Tool

The Modify Vendor Information tool appears in the toolbox on the Expected, Received, or Claimed tabs when creating or modifying a serial control. You can use this tool to modify the prediction record's vendor. It is particularly useful when a subscription's vendor changes. This tool will not appear unless the Modify Vendor Information behavior is selected in the Modify Control or Create Control wizard properties.

To modify the vendor for an issue or list of issues

After the vendor is modified, a dialog box will display listing the issues that were modified.

When you change the vendor record associated with the prediction record, the associated receipt or claim records are automatically updated.

If a prediction is associated with a claim, any claim notices produced after the change will be sent to the new vendor.

The modifications you make to the Vendor ID and Fiscal Cycle fields of the prediction, receipt, or claim record will not impact the vendor ID/fiscal cycle associated with the control record.

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