Claim Records

A claim record contains the same information about an issue as a prediction record, such as enumeration, chronology, and number of copies expected, but also contains information about the dates and copies that have been or need to be claimed. For the most complete information regarding a particular claim record, use the Show Issue Detail helper.

Claim records may be created in a variety of ways:

If a prediction record is for multiple copies, and all expected copies are not received, an INSUFFICIENT claim record is created automatically for unreceived copies.
If no copies are received by the Date to Claim, the Prediction As Late report may be run to create ISSUELATE claim records.
If serials staff notice that an issue was not received, or an issue is received but not accepted by the library for some other reason, such as being damaged, a claim record may be created manually on the Claimed tab.

In addition to creating a claim record, the vendor must be notified. Claim information to the vendor is automatically entered by the system when either the Serial Claim Notices Report or X12 Serial Claim Transactions Report has been run. If you are placing claims by telephone, you may also manually enter claim information.

For information on electronic claim transactions, refer to the EDI Manager wizard topic.

The following fields are included in a claim record.


The Chronology field contains the date published on the issue. When generating prediction records, the chronology pattern value begins with the date of the next issue of prediction records you want to generate. Each subsequent chronology pattern value in a list of predicted issues will follow the same format, sequentially, of the first issue. The format for entering the originating date into the Chronology field is dependent on the name pattern stated in the Chronology Type field of the Patterns tab.

Claim Comment

This field allows you to add a free-text comment up to 80 characters in length specific to the claim.

Claim Reason

A claim reason can correspond to a particular vendor’s numeric claim coding as well as a mnemonic name. A claim reason is only required if a claim notice or transaction is to be generated by the Report Utility. If you are creating or modifying a claim, from the list, select and insert a claim reason into this field for the issue or copy of an issue you are claiming. Claim reasons can be defined through Serial Control Configuration wizards.

Copies Claimed

The number in this field represents the number of copies that a single claim covers. This value is usually maintained by the system, but if you are creating or modifying a claim, you may also type the number of copies you need to claim. The number of copies claimed cannot be zero. Type only the outstanding or damaged copies for which you need replacements. Review the Copies Expected field to ensure you are not claiming more copies than are supposed to be received.

Date Claimed

This date should be the actual date the issue or copies of the issue are being claimed with the vendor. When creating a claim, you may manually define and insert a date into this field using the Calendar gadget, but a date of NEVER cannot be entered manually into this field. If you do not select a specific date, the date you create the claim will be used as the Date Claimed.

When an INSUFFICIENT claim record is created automatically by the system from a partial receipt, or the Prediction As Late report is run to create ISSUELATE claim records, the default date in this field is NEVER. A real date value is automatically entered into this field by the system when either the Serial Claim Notices Report or X12 Serial Claim Transactions Report has been run. will be used as the Date Claimed.

Date Expected

This field contains the expected receipt date of an issue as defined by the library. This field is used when generating prediction records, and will indicate the date that the next issue for this generated prediction is expected to be received by the library. Use the Calendar gadget to enter a date into this field.

Date Predicted

The issue’s expected or predicted date of publication is displayed in this field. This field is used when generating prediction records, and will indicate the date that the first issue for this generated prediction is expected to be published. The date prediction typically correlates with the issue’s Chronology field. The Date Prediction links the prediction’s chronology to the publication pattern of the serial control record. In most cases, the date prediction and the date expected would be the same. However, when titles that are behind schedule, or have very regular dates that do not vary from month to month, the date prediction can be used to provide more useful information.

The following are examples of Date Predicted issues.

A journal is always published three times a month, such as January 10, 2003, January 20, 2003, and January 30, 2003. The date prediction can be used to provide detail to the chronology that can be different from the date expected.

A journal is several years behind schedule, so that the 2002 volume is not released until 2004. The volume’s date prediction and date expected are significantly different. The date prediction would be 8/1/2002, but the date expected would be 8/1/2004.

In the serial control record when the Patterns tab is displayed, the prediction date displays as Date First Prediction. In the prediction record, Date Prediction displays unless the Generate Predictions step is used, in which case the Date First Prediction label appears.

Note: For more information, see FAQs: Selecting a Date First Prediction.

Date to Claim

The Date to Claim contains the date to begin claiming unreceived copies of the issue. It is calculated by adding the number of Days to Wait Before Claiming in the serial control record to the Date Expected in the prediction record. This is done automatically by the Prediction As Late report. If the value in the Days to Wait Before Claiming field is zero, then the Date to Claim is set to NEVER.


Enumeration identifies an issue of a serial title by the numeric information printed on a particular issue. This may generally be defined as the volume, issue, and any item numbers displayed on the issue. Each prediction record includes an Enumeration field.

Enumeration patterns are defined on the Patterns tab associated with serial control record creation or modification. In the Enumeration Pattern area, six sequential enumeration levels allow you to establish the labels, starting numbers or letters, and the limits to which each part of an issue’s enumeration conforms.

The text boxes in the Enumeration Pattern area need to be completed to generate multiple prediction records for the expected enumeration of issues to be received.

The Replace Patterns helper is used to select an enumeration template pattern (or multiple patterns) from the selections provided. A template pattern may be designed and added to the pattern selections with the Make This Pattern A Template helper.

If the Enumeration is the same as the Chronology, both values may be entered, but only one appears.

For example, if Directory 2004 is entered into both the enumeration and the chronology fields, only Directory 2004 will display in the issue lists.

Fiscal Cycle

This field identifies a particular funding period. The funding period may be in quarters, calendar years, or fiscal years.


Serial control records (controls, vendors, predictions, claims) are assigned to a library. Which libraries may display your library’s serial control records is governed by the Serial Display Libraries attribute of the Library policy. Which libraries may maintain your library’s serial control records is governed by the Serial Maintenance Libraries attribute of the Library policy.

Next Claim Date

The Next Claim Date field in the claim record is similar to the Date to Claim field, but the value inserted here may also apply to subsequent claims made for the item. This date may be calculated automatically by adding the number of Days Before Subsequent Claim in the serial control record to the Date Claimed. This is done by the Serial Claim Notices report. You may also use the Calendar gadget to define and insert a date for making a follow-up claim, as necessary. If the value in the Date Claimed is NEVER, the Next Claim Date is updated to the date that the claim record is created.

Number Expected

This is the number of copies expected for an entire issue, and should equal the Copies to Receive value on the Subscription tab. If the number of copies received does not equal the copies expected, partially received predictions will remain on the expected tab even after that issue’s Date Expected has passed. However, a claim record will also be created automatically for the unreceived issues, with a date claimed of NEVER.

Response Code

Response codes represent the vendor’s response to your claim. These values can correspond to standard EDI response codes, a particular vendor’s response coding, as well as a mnemonic name. If you are creating or modifying a claim, from the list, select and insert a claim response code into this field for the issue or copy of an issue you received a response for. You can define response codes in Serial Control Configuration wizards.

Response Comment

This field allows you to add a free-text comment up to 80 characters in length specific to the claim response.

Response Date

If you are creating or modifying a claim, use the Calendar gadget to define and insert the date you receive a vendor response about your claim for this issue.

Times Claimed

This field represents the number of times a claim has been sent or called in to the vendor. This number is automatically updated when either the Serial Claim Notices Report or X12 Serial Claim Transactions Report has been run. You may also manually increment the number of times the item has been claimed. The number listed should be incremented by one for each additional claim request sent or called in to the vendor. The delivered default is zero.

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