Transaction Statistics Selection Tab

The Transaction Statistics Selection tab contains fields that are used to select specific SirsiDynix Symphony transactions for a report. This tab may contain any of the following fields.

Birth Date

The Birth Date is a user record value for which a range may be selected for a report using the Date Range gadget. If you want to include birth date ranges in your printed report output, select Birth Date as the column head or row name in the Transaction Statistics tab.

Call Number

The Call Number is an item record value for which a range may be selected for a report using the Transaction Statistic Choice gadget. Use values that are consistent with the call numbers in your library. If you want to include call number ranges in your printed report output, select Call Number as the column head or row name in the Transaction Statistics tab.

Exclude Multi-circ Transactions

When multi-circ items are charged, the number of pieces at check out is the number of charge transactions recorded in the history logs for statistics. These charge transactions include one “actual” transaction and additional “dummy” transactions to reflect the total number of pieces. Some sites do not want to include these “dummy” multi-circ transactions in their statistics because they may not accurately reflect the circulation activity or popularity an item (for instance, a best seller checkout would be one transaction, whereas a kit checkout may be three transactions) nor accurately reflect the circulation activity at a branch (for instance, one branch has more multi-piece items than another).

By default, the Transaction Statistics report includes the multi circ transactions in the overall circulation count (the Exclude Multi-circ Transactions check box is cleared). If “dummy” multi-circ transactions are included, the multi-piece circulation transactions will appear in the in the “Pieces Circ” column in the report output.

If you wish to exclude the “dummy” transactions, select the Exclude Dummy Transactions check box.

Flexible Key

The Flexible Key is a title record value for which a range may be selected for a report using the Transaction Statistic Choice gadget. The flexible key is the title control number. If you want to include flexible key ranges in your printed report output, select Flexible Key as the column head or row name in the Transaction Statistics tab.


The Gateway is a user record value associated with the Gateway Database specified in the user’s Environment policy. A gateway is set of OPAC options assigned to a group of users to establish what choices are available to them, such as the types of catalog searches or what connections can be made through the knowledge portal and how the connections are made. Only a single gateway may be specified in a transaction selection. To include only transactions made by users who are assigned a particular gateway, select the gateway from the list. A gateway must be specified to make a selections for Gateway Elements. If you want to include gateways in your printed report output, select Gateway as the column head or row name in the Transaction Statistics tab.

Gateway Element

Transactions included in the report are made by users in the gateway specified in the Gateway field, using these specified gateway elements. Use the Policy List gadget to select gateway elements. Elements are arranged in a hierarchical tree structure, and represent specific information or access points within the larger gateway. If you want to include gateway elements in your printed report output, select Gateway Element as the column head or row name in the Transaction Statistics tab.

Include Zero Counts in Output?

You can control whether or not transactions with zero counts will be included in the report output by selecting or clearing this check box. If you select the Include Zero Counts in Output? check box, then even if the selections you specify (such as item type or home location) have zero transactions, the rows for that selection will be printed to the report output and will display zero counts. If you clear this check box, the selections you specify that have zero transactions will not be printed to the report output.

Is US Zip Code?

If this check box is selected, transactions included in the report are associated with users’ with standard United States zip codes. U.S. zip codes are either five digit, or five digit plus a four digit extension. Zip codes are defined in the ZIP entry of user address fields. To select users who do not have a U.S. zip code, clear this check box. If your library has users with both types of zip codes in the ZIP entry, you will need to run reports with this selection twice, once with this feature selected, and once with it cleared.

This selection is significant when you are printing statistics output by Zip Code in the Transaction Statistic Choice gadget. For U.S. zip codes, if the four digit extension is not in the entry, the five digit zip code is padded out to nine characters to in order to display any output.

Note: In some libraries, the ZIP entry has been relabeled as ROOM or HOMEROOM for use in other reports such as the List Charges by Homeroom/Zip report. In these libraries, you must clear the Is US Zip Code? box to select users.

Item Category N

Item Category N (such as Item Category 1) is an item record value taken from policies. Transactions included in the report are made on items belonging to each specified Item Category N policy. Use the Policy List gadget to select item categories. If you want to include Item Category N information in your printed report output, select Item Category N (such as Item Category 1) as the column head or row name in the Transaction Statistics tab.

Item Classification

Item Classification is an item record value taken from policies specific to the Accountability module. Transactions included in the report are made on items that are assigned this specified Item Classification policy. Use the Policy List gadget to select item classifications. If you want to include Item Classification information in your printed report output, select Item Classification as the column head or row name in the Transaction Statistics tab.

Item Home Location

The Home Location is an item record value. Transactions included in the report are made on items that have the specified Location policy in the item record’s Home Location field. Use the Policy List gadget to select locations. If you want to include home locations in your printed report output, select Item Home Location as the column head or row name in the Transaction Statistics tab.

Item Library

The Item Library is an item record value. The item library is the Library policy that is in the item record’s Library field. Transactions included in the report are made on items that are held by the specified library. Use the Policy List gadget to select libraries. If you want to include item libraries in your printed report output, select Item Library as the column head or row name in the Transaction Statistics tab.

Item Type

The Item Type is an item record value. The item type is the Item Type policy that is in the item record’s Type field. Transactions included in the report are made on items that are assigned this specified Item Type policy. Use the Policy List gadget to select Item Types. If you want to include item types in your printed report output, select Item Type as the column head or row name in the Transaction Statistics tab.

Station Login ID

Transactions included in the report are associated with the ID(s) of the workstation login(s). Use the Browse User gadget to select station login IDs. If you want to include station login IDs in your printed report output, select Station Login ID as the column head or row name in the Transaction Statistics tab.


The Time can be either a user or item record value, and corresponds to any timed function such as a checkout. You can select a range of time to be included in the report using the Transaction Statistic Choice gadget. If you want to include time ranges in your printed report output, select Time as the column head or row name in the Transaction Statistics tab.

Transit From

Transit From is a transit record value. It is the Library policy name of the library from which the item was put in transit, whether or not the library is the item’s library. The Transit From value may also be referred to as the Starting Library. Transactions included in the report are put in transit from this specified library. Use the Policy List gadget to select libraries. If you want to include Transit From libraries in your printed report output, select Transit From as the column head or row name in the Transaction Statistics tab.

Transit Reason

The Transit Reason is a transit record value, and shows the reason the item was put into transit. Transactions included in the report are items in transit for the specified transit reason. Transit reason options include HOLD, BOOKING, RESERVE, LIBRARY, or OPERATOR. Use the Policy List gadget to select transit reason values. If you want to include transit reasons in your printed report output, select Transit Reason as the column head or row name in the Transaction Statistics tab.

Transit To

Transit To is a transit record value. It is the Library policy name of the library to which the item was put in transit, whether or not the library is the item’s library. The Transit To value may also be referred to as the Destination Library. Transactions included in the report are put in transit to this specified library. Use the Policy List gadget to select libraries. If you want to include Transit To libraries in your printed report output, select Transit To as the column head or row name in the Transaction Statistics tab.

User Category N

User Category N (such as User Category 1) is a user record value take from policies. Transactions included in the report are made by users belonging to the specified User Category N policy. Use the Policy List gadget to select user categories. If you want to include User Category N information in your printed report output, select User Category N (such as User Category 1) as the column head or row name in the Transaction Statistics tab.

User Clearance

User Clearance is a user record value taken from policies specific to the Accountability module. Transactions included in the report are made by users that are assigned this specified User Clearance policy. Use the Policy List gadget to select user clearances. If you want to include User Clearance values in your printed report output, select Transit To as the column head or row name in the Transaction Statistics tab.

User Department

User Department is a user record value. Users in the transactions selected by the report have the specified user department defined in the Department field of the user’s record. This is free text field and strings much match the text in the record exactly, including capitalization and punctuation. Use the String List gadget to select a user department or list of user departments. If you want to include user departments in your printed report output, select User Department as the column head or row name in the Transaction Statistics tab.

User ID

The User ID is a user record value. Only the specified user or users’ transactions are included in the report. Use the Browse User gadget to select a user ID or list of user IDs. If you want to include User IDs in your printed report output, select User ID as the column head or row name in the Transaction Statistics tab.

User Library

User Library is a user record value, and is the Library policy specified in the user record’s Library field. Transactions included in the report are made by users that are registered in this specified Library. Use the Policy List gadget to select libraries. If you want to include user libraries in your printed report output, select User Library as the column head or row name in the Transaction Statistics tab.

User Profile

User Profile is a user record value, and is the Profile policy specified in the user record’s User Profile field. Transactions included in the report are made by users who are assigned to this specified User Profile policy. Use the Policy List gadget to select user profiles. If you want to include user profiles in your printed report output, select User Profile as the column head or row name in the Transaction Statistics tab.


Workstation is a named workstation as defined in the Station policy configuration wizard. When a user logs on, the workstation that is selected in the Name field of the Configuration window is used. Transactions included in the report are made by users from the workstation specified in the Workstation selection. Use the Policy List gadget to select workstations.

Note: You must select named workstations, not ”floating” stations such as PCGUI-DISPLAY or PCGUI-EDIT. ”Floating” workstations are randomly assigned station numbers that can differ from day to day. If you select workstations that are floating stations (including selecting ALL) you will get erroneous results.

If you want to include workstations in your printed report output, select Workstation as the column head or row name in the Transaction Statistics tab.

Workstation Library

Transactions included in the report are made by users whose assigned workstation contains this specified Library policy. Use the Policy List gadget to select workstation libraries. If you want to include workstation libraries in your printed report output, select Workstation Library as the column head or row name in the Transaction Statistics tab.

Zip Code

Zip Code is a user record address value, for which a list of zip codes may be selected for a report using the Zip Code Choice gadget. The maximum length for zip codes is 14 characters. If you want to include zip codes in your printed report output, select Zip Code as the column head or row name in the Transaction Statistics tab.

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