Transaction Statistics Tab
Transaction statistics are different from other report output because the information is displayed in tabular format, and the report owner has control over the display of the columns and rows that make up the table. The Transaction Statistics tab contains the following two fields.
• | Column specifies the category that will be used as for each column heading in the report output. |
• | Row specifies the category that will be used as for each row heading in the report output. |
To create a table of selected statistics in the report output
1 | Select a category from the Column list. |
If you select the Birth Date category, click the Date Range gadget in the field that appears to the right of the Column list to specify a range of birth dates that will be used as column names in the report output.
If you select the Call Number, Flexible Key, Time, or Zip Code category, click the Transaction Statistic Choice gadget in the field that appears to the right of the Column list. Use the gadget to select a range of data that will be used as column names in the report output.
If you select Total, the column provides only a numerical count.
2 | Select a category from the Row list. |
If you select the Birth Date category, click the Date Range gadget in the field that appears to the right of the Row list to specify a range of birth dates that will be used as row names in the report output.
If you select the Call Number, Flexible Key, Time, or Zip Code category, click the Transaction Statistic Choice gadget in the field that appears to the right of the Row list. Use the gadget to select a range of data that will be used as row names in the report output.
If you select Total, the row provides only a numerical count. Total is the default Row value.
3 | When you have finished making report selections, schedule the report. |
If non-total values are selected for both column and row, the columns and rows will both be totaled for the table.
When determining the column and row values, it is important for the categories to relate to each other.
For example, you would not select Birth Date (or Zip Code) as a Column value and Transit From as a Row value because the user and transit records are unrelated. However, selecting Item Type for the Column value and Item Category 1 as the Row value would produce a table with a count of all the Item Category 1 items for each Item Type policy value.
If you select Birth Date, Call Number, Flexible Key, Time, or Zip Code for the Column or Row value, the selections you make using the Transaction Statistic Choice gadget are used as the heading for the columns or rows in the report output. If you select a category other than the ones mentioned in the previous sentence for the Column or Row value, the policy names selected in the corresponding lists on the Transaction Statistics Selection tab are used as the headings for the row or column in the report output.
For example, you select BOOK and NEW-BOOK in the Item Type selection and FICTION, NONFICTION, and BIOGRAPHY in the Item Category 1 fields on the Transaction Statistics Selection tab. On the Transaction Statistics tab, you select Item Type in the Column list and Item Category 1 in the Row list. The table produced in the report output will have two columns, one labeled BOOK and the other labeled NEW-BOOK. The three rows of the table will be labeled FICTION, NONFICTION, and BIOGRAPHY.
If Workstation is selected as a row or column, the output is the number of the Station policy as entered into SirsiDynix Symphony. To get a list of the Station policies and their corresponding numbers, run the List Policies report. After you view the finished report in WordPad, point to the Edit menu and click Find. Type STATIONS, select the Match Case check box, and click Find Next.