Serials X12 Invoices Report

Once the vendor has received your order and sent the materials, the vendor may bill you electronically using the X12 Invoicing feature. The Serials X12 Invoices (Serinvoicex12) report loads X12 invoice information into SirsiDynix Symphony.

The SirsiDynix Symphony Workstation server needs to be running to schedule and run this report, or the report will fail. Do not halt the SirsiDynix Symphony Workstation server until the report displays on the finished list.

The invoice information is usually retrieved from the vendor’s server using the EDI File Retrieval via FTP (Ediretrieveftp) report. The EDI File Receipt (Edireceive) report takes the X12 file and creates an invoice file that can be loaded. The Serials X12 Invoices report takes the data received from the vendor, creates invoices, and loads invoice lines.

The first line of every invoice is very important. An invoice will fail to load if the first line of the invoice does not have a corresponding orderline in SirsiDynix Symphony. It is suggested that you refer to the paper copy of the invoice to determine the order ID/line of the first invoice line.

This report contains the following tabs.

In the selection tabs, you can set default fiscal cycle, the fiscal cycle in which the invoice was created, the ordering fund ID, and the handling fund ID values. If the incoming invoice lines can be linked to particular orderlines, the invoice lines will not use all of the specified defaults. The invoice retains information from the order such as fiscal cycle, purchase order number, and fund.

In the Unlinked Invoice Lines Fund ID tab, you can also determine whether invoice lines that are not linked to an orderline are loaded. If you load invoice lines without purchase orderlines, the invoice line will be linked directly to a fund. You must also specify the fund ID for the unlinked invoice lines.

The Tax tab contains options for you to specify how vendor-supplied tax information is to be loaded into invoice lines. If invoice tax settings are enabled, the report will use the setting of the Tax Paid to Vendor field in the vendor record when creating invoices. The report sets the default value of the Tax Exempt Vendor field of the created invoice to match the current value in the corresponding field in the vendor record. If materials ordered from the vendor are exempt from taxes or are taxed at a zero rate, the report sets the Tax Handling fields on the invoice line to Exempt. If the materials ordered from the vendor are subject to taxes, the Tax Handling fields are set to Standard. You can edit the invoice later and change the Tax Paid to Vendor, Tax Exempt Vendor, and Tax Handling settings.

If you want to use the Tax tab options to load vendor-supplied tax amounts into linked invoice lines, you must configure the X12 Library Tax policy.

Tax invoice lines are not created automatically in the invoices loaded with this report if the vendor includes tax in the invoice line amounts. The following message displays in the report log.

Tax lines cannot be loaded for a tax included vendor.

You must edit the loaded invoices and manually add tax invoice lines, and adjust the Amount and Amount Including Tax fields in the invoice lines.

The SirsiDynix Symphony invoice ID is created as long as at least one invoice line is successfully created. If any X12 invoice line cannot be loaded, it is written to the report log with a message indicating why it did not load, such as ”Order already paid.”

You may select as much invoice information to print in the result as you like by selecting options on the Print Invoice tab.

Invoices created by this report contain a COMMENT in the invoice extended information with the text ”X12 invoice load” and the date the invoice was loaded. Fund-linked invoice lines created by this report contain a COMMENT in the invoice line extended information containing the PO/line number, ISSN, vendor title number, and subscription ID from the X12 invoice line record. Additionally, any coverage note information from the orderline can be included in a selected the invoice line extended information field.

If an invoice line could not be matched to an existing SirsiDynix Symphony serial control ID or ISSN, the following message is printed in the log.

**WARNING: Serctl does not exist for invoice 12345, line 3 Unable to automatically save subscription ID 98765432

The invoices in the data set are associated with the serial control record that belonged to the library specified by the order’s first holding distribution’s library. If such a serial control record does not exist, the report identifies a serial control record belonging to the same library that owns the order. If no library is associated with the order, the holding code specified in the X12 Invoice selection is used.

For a serial EDI invoice transaction to be successful, the vendor’s EDI address REC_TRANS entry must contain this text.


The Generate Delimited Output Files option on Print Invoice tab can be used to save selected parts of the report output in one or more external files as pipe-delimited fields. The pipe-delimited files are saved to the Unicorn/Rptprint directory on the library server. The pipe-delimited files can be opened using a third-party application, such as a spreadsheet application. To view pipe-delimited files from within the WorkFlows client, use the Fixed Format Manager helper in the Finished Reports wizard.

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