Serial Control Routing Slips Report
The Serial Control Routing Slips (Routingslip) report prints serial control routing slips in batch. Routing, prediction, or receipt information may be selected, but by default, only predictions that have a corresponding receipt record are selected. All copies on the prediction, whether they are received or unreceived, are printed.
Use the New Routing Slips report to print only received copies of issues.
Predictions without receipts cannot be selected to print a routing slip. A serial control selection, for the library of the serial control only, is also permitted. If you separate routing between actual issues and tables of contents, you can select the Table of Contents Record routing selection.
This report contains the following tabs.
• | Basic Tab: Reports |
• | Routing Selection Tab |
• | Serial Control Selection Tab |
• | Prediction Selection Tab |
• | Receipt Selection Tab |
• | Extended Info Tab |
On the Extended Info tab, you may specify user extended information in either the full, brief, or template entry ID synonyms list, or a list of individual entry IDs, or a combination of a list and individual entries. Use the Policy List gadget to select extended information entries.
If you select more than one of the extended information synonym lists, no extended information prints and the following message displays in the log.
**Conflict in entry list
Slips are sorted by control ID, issue, and copy. A routing slip is printed for each issue received during the time frame selected. If a single issue was checked in with two or more partial receipts, only one routing slip is printed, but if multiple issues are received, multiple slips are printed. The names printed on the individual routing slips are printed in routing rank order. In the case of equal routing ranks, users are sorted in the order they were added to the list.
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