Create Outreach Information Properties

Display Property Page

The Display Property Page value allows you to choose when to display the Create Outreach wizard’s set properties window. Select one of the following options.

Wizard Startup – Displays the Set Properties window the first time you access the wizard until you end the wizard session or log off the client.
Never – Does not display the Set Properties window as part of the wizard workflow. If Never is selected and you want to open the Set Properties window, point to the wizard’s toolbar button, right-click, and then click Properties on the shortcut menu.

You can change certain system settings and defaults for the Create Outreach wizard by using the Set Properties window. The Create Interest wizard allows the following properties to be set.


You may set defaults to customize your use of the wizard.

Search Preferences

Default Search – In the Default Search list, select the default search criterion. This default selection is used when searching for user records. Name is the default selection.

Library – You can also restrict a user search to a certain library, or library group, by selecting a library name, or group name, from the Library list. Possible Library list items are defined in your policies. The Library list box is blank by default.

General Preferences

You may select the default values to be used when creating the outreach user record.

Route ID – Identifies the outreach route to which users will be assigned. Use the Route Search gadget to select a route. By default, the field is blank.
Total Items Requested – Specifies the maximum number of items to suggest or select for a given interest profile. The default value is 10.
Last Delivery Date – Lists the date of the last shipment to the outreach user. By default, this box is blank.
Start Skip Date – Specifies the starting date of the skip period in which no materials are to be delivered to the user. By default, this box is blank. Click the Calendar Gadget to set the date in this field or to choose no date.
End Skip Date – Specifies the ending date of the skip period in which no materials are to be delivered to the user. By default, this box is blank. Click the Calendar Gadget to set the date in this field or to choose no date.
Active Status – Indicates whether the interest profile should be considered when suggesting or selecting materials for the user. By default, this check box is selected.


On the Helpers tab, you can select the following helper to display on the Create Outreach Information wizard. Click the helper button to display the helper properties that you can configure.

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