Add Outreach User to Route Tool
The Add Outreach User to Route tool is used to locate an outreach user and to add the user to a particular outreach delivery route.

This tool displays on the Outreach Users tab in an outreach route record except when an outreach route record is selected for removal with the Remove Route wizard.
To add users to an outreach route
1 | Click the Add Outreach User to Route tool on the Outreach Users tab. |
2 | In the User Search window, identify the outreach user you want to add to the route. |
3 | In the List of Users table, a list of user records that meet your search criteria displays. Select a user, and click Add User to Route. |
The selected user's outreach information displays on the Outreach tab so you can verify that the user is the one you want to add to the route, and to modify certain fields of the outreach user information, if desired.
4 | Click Add User to Route. |
The user is added to the list of users in the outreach route.
The Modify Outreach User and Display Outreach User tools become active once a user has been added to the outreach route. These tools can be used to modify and display outreach information for the selected user in the list of users on the outreach route.
5 | Repeat steps 1 through 4 for all of the users you want to add to the outreach route. |

If the selected user is not an outreach user, the following message displays.
Not outreach user.
Use the Create Outreach Information wizard to create an outreach user record, then add the user to an outreach route.
The following options are available in the Add Outreach User to Route tool.
• | Add User to Route adds the selected user to the outreach route, in the last position, and saves changes to the user's outreach record. |
• | Add Another User to Route starts a new outreach user search without adding the current user to the outreach route. |
• | Return to List to return to the user search list results. |
• | Cancel to exit the Add Outreach User to Route tool. |
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