FAQs: Trapping Item Holds

How do I trap an item that has a missing or damaged ID?

If the barcode has been damaged so that it is not readable or if the barcode is missing, you may want to replace it. You can use the Change Item ID Helper in the Trap Holds wizard.

How do I trap a hold if the item is missing or unsuitable for check out?

If an item is missing or unsuitable for check out, locate another item (if available) in the library collection to satisfy the hold.

If the library is unable to locate the item selected by the List Onshelf Items with Holds report, use the Mark Item Missing Wizard, and run the List Onshelf Items with Holds report again for a new item that will satisfy the unfilled hold.
If the item is damaged, charge the item to REPAIR, and run the List Onshelf Items with Holds report again for a new item that will satisfy the unfilled hold.

Unless the item is charged, or the item’s location is edited to remove it from the set of available copies, the item will continue to display on the report list. Typically, a site will elect to schedule this report to run automatically each night.

How do I trap a hold if I do not have the item in my hands?

Use the Item Search Helper to display information about the item for which you want to trap a hold.

What do I do if I see the Send to [Library] message?

The Send to [Library] message displays when you trap holds for an item that must be sent to another library to satisfy a hold. For example, a patron places a hold on an item in your library but wants to pick up the item at another branch library.

Do one of the following.

Click Put Item in Transit to place the item in transit to the specified library.
Click Cancel to trap the hold but keep the item at your library. You can put the item in transit later.

What do I do if I see the Route To [Location] message?

The Route To [Location] message displays when you try to trap holds for an item that does not have any holds on it, does not need to be placed into transit, and does not need any special processing. The message displays when the item should be reshelved in the designated location, which is usually its home location.

How do I trap holds for a circulation set?

If your system is configured to use the Circulation Sets feature, you can trap holds for circulation sets using the Trap Holds wizard. When you scan a set ID, the wizard checks for outstanding holds for the set. If there is a hold for the set, the wizard displays a list of items in the set. By default, only available items within the set (not checked out, lost, missing, or intransit) and on hold for the same patron are selected. You can trap individual set items or select all items to fill the hold.

If the hold pickup library is not the same as the login library, the items are placed in transit to the hold pickup library. The items’ current locations are updated to INTRANSIT.

If the hold pickup library is the same as the login library, then the items are routed to HOLD shelf. The items’ current locations are updated to HOLDS.

If a hold slip is configured to print, the set information is printed on the slip along with the items in the set that were trapped to fill the hold.

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