Detailed Hold Count Helper
The Detailed Hold Count helper provides specific hold counts for the title based on the selected library, the hold level, and the type of hold count.
To display detailed hold counts
Click the Detailed Hold Count helper. |
In the Library field, select the library for which you want to see a count of holds. |
In the Level option, select the hold level for the holds you want to display. |
Copy selects Copy level holds for display. |
Volume selects Volume level holds for display. |
Title selects Title level holds for display. |
Note: If you use the Select Call Number/Item helper to select a copy or volume, the Level option will automatically change to Copy or Volume.
In the For option, select the specific hold count you want to display. |
My Library selects holds in which the user’s home library or the pickup library match the library selected in the Library field. |
My Group selects holds in which the user’s home library or pickup library belongs to the hold libraries group of the library selected in the Library field. The My Group hold counter excludes holds for users whose home library matches the library in the Library field, and holds for pickup at the library in the Library field. These holds are included in the hold count for the My Library option. |
All selects holds for all libraries in the system. |
Under Counters, various item and hold counts display. Under List of Holds, the holds that meet the selected criteria display. For each hold, the user ID, user first name (or preferred name), middle name, last name, suffix, hold range, hold status, date placed, date by which the hold must be picked up, hold expiration date, date suspended, and date unsuspended may display.
In the Status column, you can click the hold status glossary to see additional information for the each listed hold.
When you have finished viewing the hold information, click Close to exit the helper. |
The hold count is dependent on the SirsiDynix Symphony configuration setting to base the priority on the user’s home library or on the hold pickup library. For example, if your library’s configuration is set to base priority on the user library, the hold count for My Library includes all holds for users whose home library matches the library selected in the Library field.
Related topics
Detailed Hold Count Helper Properties
Select Call Number/Item Helper: Holds
Display Title Holds Wizard
Display Item Holds Wizard
Hold and Item Counters