Display Item Holds Wizard

The Display Item Holds wizard is used to display a list of all holds placed on a specific item.

To display holds on a particular item

Note: If you want to use an RFID pad device to scan items, be sure to scan them one at a time so you can perform the appropriate action for each item. If you place more than one item on the RFID pad at a time, the RFID pad scans all the items in rapid succession, and WorkFlows only displays the information for the last item scanned.

Under List of Holds, the user ID, user first name (or preferred name), middle name, last name, suffix, hold range, hold status, date the hold was placed, the library from which the hold should be picked up, the date by which the hold should be picked up, hold expiration date, and mail service display for each hold. The hold suspension date and hold unsuspension date will display if the Display suspension dates property is selected in the Display User wizard.

After you have reviewed the items holds information, click one of the following options:

Display Another Item’s Holds to return to the Display Item Holds window
Close to exit the wizard

Important Considerations When Using this Wizard

If the Current item record displays, the last item record displayed, modified, or added is retained. Click this button to select this item.
You can sort items in the List of Holds in ascending or descending order. To do this, simply click the column heading of the column you want to sort.

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