FAQs: Adding a Basic Order

What is the typical general process for gift and approval items?

With gifts and approval items, many of the regular processing steps done in acquisitions and cataloging are reversed, since a physical copy arrives (perhaps with an invoice) before an order record for the item even exists. With gifts and approvals, arrival of a physical copy in the library may trigger all the other steps.

As with other orders, gift and approval processing should include as the first step pre-order searching of the catalog to verify whether a title is already owned, and if already owned, whether duplicate gift/approval copies will be added to the collection. Once the decision has been made to keep an item, the rest of the processing can take place.

GIFT and APPROVAL basic order types are delivered.


A gift is a solicited or unsolicited title given to the library. Materials donated to a library may or may not be suitable for the collection. Gifts are not actually free because of the staff processing time involved in making the book ready for use. For gifts, your library may enter everything under a single generic vendor, perhaps called “DONORS”, or the library’s procedures may call for every donor to be created in a separate vendor record. The library may establish a fund called “GIFT” with an unlimited fund budget with which gifts are associated.


Approval items are sent when a library has established one or more selection profiles with a publisher or vendor. The vendor selects materials that match the profile (profiles are commonly by subject area), and sends the books to the library. The library reviews the books sent, deciding to acquire or return them. For approval selections, the library should establish vendor records that represent various approval plans, and fund records to provide funding for approval books that are kept for the collection.

How do I add an approval order?

Approval orders are created when materials are sent “on approval” by the vendor and approved for selection after the items, or at least a list of items, is actually received. A printed purchase order is not required.

To add an approval order

If you are not paying by invoice but you are preparing payment at this time as well, you may type the Date Paid and Amount. If the items have already arrived you may type the Date Received and the Packing List number. If the items have already been cataloged and barcoded, type TODAY in the Loaded field to remove the ON-ORDER status from the e–Library display.

How do I add a gift order?

Gift orders are created to keep a record of materials that are donated to the library. A gift order may be used, often for tax purposes, to track the value of donated items. If your library uses gift orders in this way, create a fund called “GIFT” and a vendor ID named “DONOR.” If you have regular donors, you may create multiple donor vendors. A printed purchase order is not required. Your library procedures may not require entering orders for gift materials.

If a monetary gift is given to the library, create a separate fund or funds and spend the gift money as you would a budgeted fund, creating purchase orders as usual. Make sure that gift fund values are not totaled in any budgeted fund statistics.

To add a gift order

How can I change fundings, distributions, and other orderline information?

The Segments tab displays the fundings and distributions segments for an orderline. In the left pane, a Segment tree displays the orderline with its associated fundings and distributions. You can click anywhere in this tree to display the current segment information for the orderline. The editing pane allows you to modify the current segment information, or add or remove segment information as required.

For detailed information, see the following topics.

Can I have the wizard automatically calculate funded orderline quantities?

Yes. The Sum Distribution Quantities check box appears on the Orderline tab when creating or modifying an order. You can select this check box to sum distributed quantities and automatically calculate the orderline quantities. This feature is useful when you are ordering many copies of a title and don’t want to be concerned with adding up the funded quantities to calculate the total quantities.

When you select this check box, the total Quantity field on the Orderline tab is unavailable. After typing values for Unit Price, Parts in Set, and so forth, when you click Continue, you will see that the Funded Quantity field on the Segments tab is also unavailable. But as you add distributions and distribution quantities, the Funded Quantity fields will be automatically updated, as well as the Quantity field on the Orderline tab.

If you start the order, but then decide to use Sum Distribution Quantities, you can use the Recalculate Funding and Orderline Quantities Helper to update the Quantity and Funded Quantity fields from the distributed quantity. This helper is also useful when using Modify Order to modify orderline quantities.

Is there a limit to the number of copies I may add to an order?

Yes. No more than 32000 copies may be added to one order in a given fiscal cycle.

When I try to create or edit an orderline, a message about the fund cycle not having library authorization for the library of the distribution holding code displays. What does this message mean?

In multilibrary systems that use the Fund Library Authorization policy, each fund cycle’s library authorization is compared to the holding code library in the associated holding distribution(s). The library of each holding code must be present in the fund cycle’s library authorization. When the holding code library is not authorized in the associated fund cycle, the following message displays.

This fund cycle does not have library authorization for the library of the distribution holding code.The message lists the fund ID and the holding code name that did not pass validation. When the message window is closed, the insertion point will be placed in the first fund ID field that did not pass validation. An invalid fund cycle/holding code pair will not be saved.

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