FAQs: Working with Orderline Segments

Why am I getting status alert messages?

SirsiDynix Symphony automatically compares the number of copies ordered to the number of copies funded, distributed, canceled, or claimed in the segments. If there is a discrepancy between the two (for example, if the number of copies ordered does not match the number of copies funded) then the workstation displays the following message whenever you display or edit that order line record.


In the segment section, a specific warning describes the imbalance.



How do I insert new orderline segment information when I am adding an order?

You can use the Add a Funding/Distribution Cluster Tool to create new funding and distribution segments.

How do I insert new orderline segment information when I am modifying an order?

You can use the Add Funding/Distribution Cluster tool when modifying an order.

Note: To modify an existing funding/distribution segment, first remove the segment using the Delete a Segment tool.

How do I delete a segment?

You can use the Delete a Segment Tool to delete funding/distribution segments from an orderline. This tool is intuitive. When you select a funding/distribution for removal in the Segment tree and click the Delete a Segment tool, the top level of the segment is removed as well as its associated distributions and funding splits, according to the following rules.

When a single funding segment is selected for removal, the funding segment is removed and all of its associated distributions.
When a multiple funding segment is selected for removal, the multi-funding segment is removed and all of its associated distributions.
When a split segment is selected for removal, only the selected split is removed unless there are only two splits. In the case of only two splits, the multiple funding segment is removed and all associated splits and distributions.
When there are three or more amount split segments, and the amount split with the REST designation (which should be the last split) is selected for removal, the split just before the REST split is removed. The REST amount split always remains.
When all split segments are removed, the associated multiple funding segment is removed, and associated distributions are also removed.
When a distribution is selected for removal, only the selected distribution is removed.

I just removed my all the segments in my orderline and now I want to add them back. What do I do?

If you click Cancel and not Save Your Changes, the segments will be restored. If you already clicked Save Your Changes, you will need to re-create the segments using the Add a Funding/Distribution Cluster tool.

When I try to create or edit an orderline, a message about the fund cycle not having library authorization for the library of the distribution holding code displays. What does this message mean?

In multilibrary systems that use the Fund Library Authorization policy, each fund cycle‘s library authorization is compared to the holding code library in the associated holding distribution(s). The library of each holding code must be present in the fund cycle’s library authorization. When the holding code library is not authorized in the associated fund cycle, the following message displays.

This fund cycle does not have library authorization for the library of the distribution holding code.The message lists the fund ID and the holding code name that did not pass validation. When the message window is closed, the insertion point will be placed in the first fund ID field that did not pass validation. An invalid fund cycle/holding code pair will not be saved.