MARC Export Utility Wizard Properties

You can change current system settings and defaults in the MARC Export Utility wizard using the Property window. The MARC Export Utility wizard allows you to set the following properties.

Display Property Page

The Display Property Page value allows you to choose when to display the MARC Import Utility wizard’s Property window. Click one of the following options:

Wizard Startup – Displays the Set Properties window the first time you access the wizard until you end the wizard session or log off the client.
Never – Does not display the Set Properties window as part of the wizard workflow. If Never is selected and you want to open the Set Properties window, point to the wizard’s toolbar button, right-click, and then click Properties on the shortcut menu.

Depending on the value selected in Display Property Page, defaults may appear as the first step of the wizard. Property values that are changed in the first step of a wizard are retained only until the right-click method is used to set properties.


On the Defaults tab, select values for the following fields.

Select or clear the following check boxes to include or exclude certain tags in the exported records.

Include 999 Holdings Tag – Select this check box to export records and include 999 entries with local holdings information. If local holdings information is not needed, clear the check box.
Include Local and Junk Tags – Select this check box to export all of the tags in the records. To exclude tags that are used internally by SirsiDynix Symphony, or tags intended for local use, clear the check box. Internal tags include tags such as 599, latest issues received. Local tags include tags such as 590, local notes. The dumpjunktag file located in the /Unicorn/Custom directory lists the tags to exclude when exporting records.
Export SirsiDynix Symphony Catalog Key to MARC Tag – Select this check box to export the SirsiDynix Symphony catalog key to the selected MARC entry. The u prefix is appended to the exported catalog key to identify the catalog key as a SirsiDynix Symphony catalog key. The default location is the 001 entry.

If the Export SirsiDynix Symphony Catalog Key to MARC Tag check box is cleared, the flexible key is exported to the 035 entry when the catalog record is extracted.

Make selections in the following options to customize the file export process.

Format of the Output File – Click Marc for the MARC record format, or click Flat for the flat ASCII format. If you are exporting MARC format records, click Marc. If you are exporting non-MARC records, such as COASTI/CENDI, click Flat.

This property becomes unavailable when the server is a Unicode system, and MARC8 is selected in the Encoding Scheme property. The MARC record format is used for Unicode systems when the MARC8 encoding scheme is selected.

Encoding Scheme – Leader position 09 of the MARC21 records you export contains a code (blank for MARC8 or lowercase a for UCS/Unicode) that identifies the character coding scheme. Select MARC8 or UNICODE to tell WorkFlows which coding scheme to use when exporting the records. For information on the MARC standard for Leader position 09, refer to MARC 21 Concise Bibliographic: Leader and Directory on the World Wide Web (

This property displays only if the server is a Unicode system.

Export All Records to One File – Click this option to place all of the exported records into a single file.
Include N Records in Each File – Click this option and type the number of records to put into each exported file. By default this value is 10.
View All Records – Click this option to display all of the exported records in a single file.
Include N Records in Each File – Click this option and type the number of exported records to display in each file. By default this value is 10.

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