FAQs: Toolbar Management

What are the differences between Local Toolbar Management and the Toolbar Management wizard? When would I use each one?

Local Toolbar Management allows you to customize SirsiDynix delivered toolbars or any customized files that have been saved to the server, and save them to your local workstation. (These toolbars are not saved to the server and distributed to other workstations.)

There are three methods for accessing Local Toolbar Management:

In either the Themes or Classic WorkFlows view, on the Preference menu, point to Desktop, point to Current Toolbar, then select Local Toolbar Management, and the Toolbar Management window opens.
In WorkFlows Classic view, point next to the current toolbar, right-click, then select Local Toolbar Management from the shortcut menu. The Toolbar Management window opens.
Local Toolbar Management is also available from the Toolbar Management wizard.

The Toolbar Management wizard is used to globally manage toolbars for all users of your system. Use this wizard to copy SirsiDynix delivered toolbars and create customized and local toolbars. Customized toolbars are saved to the server and are available to all workstations.

Typically, only SirsiDynix Symphony administrators have access to the Toolbar Management wizard. If your user access permits, the Toolbar Management wizard appears on the Configuration toolbar. For more information, see the Toolbar Management Wizard topic.

What are the differences between the three types of toolbars?

When you access Toolbar Management (either using the Preference menu or the Toolbar Management wizard), the Toolbar Management window displays three panes: Delivery Toolbar Files, Customized Toolbar Files, and Local Toolbar Files.

The Delivery Toolbar pane displays the toolbars delivered by SirsiDynix.
The Customized Toolbar Files pane displays the toolbars saved to the server.
The Local Toolbar Files pane displays the toolbars saved locally.

Clicking a toolbar displays a tree structure of the group wizards and individual wizards that display on these toolbars.

Delivery Toolbar Files

Delivery toolbar files are delivered by SirsiDynix. These are the basic toolbars that can be customized for all users on the system, or modified locally by workstation.

In the Delivery Toolbar Files pane of the Toolbar Management window, you can do the following.

Copy a toolbar file to either the Local Toolbar Files or Customized Toolbar Files panes.
Copy a wizard to a clipboard, and paste the wizard either in a toolbar file or group wizard node in the Customized Toolbar Files or Local Toolbar Files panes. A single wizard or single group wizard can be copied to a clipboard.

You cannot modify or delete the delivered toolbars, even if you are a SirsiDynix Symphony Administrator.

Customized Toolbar Files

Customized toolbar files are saved to the server and can be accessed by other workstations. Customized or special toolbars are useful for temporary employees or volunteers who tend to float from workstation to workstation.

In the Customized Toolbar Files pane of the Toolbar Management window, you can do the following:

Change the descriptive name for a toolbar file.
Copy a toolbar file to the Customized Toolbar Files pane or the Local Toolbar Files pane. (You cannot copy custom toolbars to the Delivery Toolbar Files pane.)
Add a single wizard, a single wizard group, or a separator to a toolbar file.
Modify a toolbar file, a wizard, a wizard group, or a separator from a toolbar file.
Remove a toolbar file, or a wizard group, or a wizard, or a separator from a toolbar file.
Save a toolbar file with a different name or description.
Paste a wizard, a wizard group, or separator within a toolbar file or a wizard group using Paste Before or Paste After.
Move a wizard, a wizard group, or a separator within a toolbar file or a wizard group using the Remove and Paste methods.

Each time you add, modify, or remove custom toolbars, the changes are immediately reflected on your workstation when you select Save On Server. Customized toolbars copied to the Local Toolbar Files pane will only be saved locally.

Local Toolbar Files

Local toolbar files are saved to the workstation and can only be accessed at that workstation.

In the Local Toolbar Files pane of the Toolbar Management window, you can do the following:

Change the descriptive name for a toolbar file.
Copy a toolbar file to the Local Toolbar Files pane. (You cannot copy local toolbars to the Delivery Toolbar Files pane.)
Add a single wizard, a single wizard group, or a separator to a toolbar file.
Modify a toolbar file, a wizard, a wizard group, or a separator from a toolbar file.
Remove a toolbar file, or a wizard group, or a wizard, or a separator from a toolbar file.
Save a toolbar file with a different name or description.
Paste a wizard, a wizard group, or separator within a toolbar file or a wizard group using Paste Before or Paste After.
Move a wizard, a wizard group, or a separator within a toolbar file or a wizard group using the Remove and Paste methods.

When you add, modify, or remove local toolbars, the changes are automatically saved to your workstation only.

Where are the toolbar files located?

Toolbars are saved to workstation in the home directory defined by your login, typically \Documents and Settings for Windows workstations, in the following directories:

SirsiDynix delivered toolbar files are stored in the \Sirsi\Workflows\Toolbar directory.
Site customized toolbar files are stored in the \Sirsi\Workflows\Toolcust directory.
Locally customized toolbar files are stored in the \Sirsi\Workflows\ToolLocal directory.

For Mac workstations, toolbars are saved in the following directories:

SirsiDynix delivered toolbar files are stored in the \Users\<User>Library\Workflows\Toolbar directory.
Site customized toolbar files are stored in the \Users\<User>Library\Preferences\Workflows\Toolcust directory.
Locally customized toolbar files are stored in the \Users\<User>Library\Preferences\Workflows\Toollocal directory.

When I save a local toolbar, where is it saved?

Local toolbars are saved in the Toollocal directory of the user’s home directory, typically \Documents and Settings\[user login]\Sirsi\Workflows\Toollocal on Windows workstations. Because of this, there is no need to rename local toolbars. In previous versions of the WorkFlows client, staff members would create toolbars and name them something like “hollie” or “techsvcs”; however, the naming is no longer necessary since the toolbars belong to the staff member(s) who log in to the workstation.

Where should I save special toolbars?

Named toolbars such as “volunteer” or “student” should be saved to Customized Toolbar Files. These customized toolbars will be stored in the Toolcust directory of the workstations so they can be accessed on any workstation, no matter what the login is. In most libraries, volunteers, or students do not have their own personal workstation logins. These types of users would normally log in to whatever workstation might be open that day, and, therefore, would need access to the custom toolbars on every workstation they potentially might use.

How do I rename a toolbar?

When renaming toolbars, be certain that you select Save As and not Change Description from the shortcut menu that opens when you right-click a toolbar in the Toolbar Management window. The Change Description option only allows you to change the description of the toolbar file, not the actual toolbar file name. SirsiDynix Symphony will not allow two toolbars with the same file name, so simply changing the description could lead to a staff member accidentally copying over the toolbar. A good rule of thumb is to never use the Change Description option unless you know that you have already selected Save As to change the toolbar file name.

What is the toolbarlist file?

The customized and delivered toolbars that display in Toolbar Management and in the Select Current Toolbar menu command come from a new file called toolbarlist. A new toolbarlist file is downloaded to the workstation every time you connect to the server. The toolbarlist file contains the list of customized and delivered toolbars that are defined for the server to which you are connecting. Sites that have a test server and production server will potentially see different toolbarlist files when connecting from one server to the next.

Can toolbars follow users from workstation to workstation?

Although toolbar files are connected to the Windows login of the user, toolbars are only saved to the user’s workstation and will not follow the user around from workstation to workstation.

This can be accomplished in some environments if the administrator configures ”roving profiles” in conjunction with the Windows platform. This configuration is not typical in most library settings as it usually requires the library to maintain a separate server.

How do I add, move, remove wizards and wizard groups on a toolbar?

You can use the Toolbar Management operations to add, move, or remove wizards and wizard groups. See Toolbar Management Operations in the “Toolbar Management: Modifying a Toolbar” topic for more information.

How do I map function keys to wizards and wizard groups?

There are two methods for mapping function keys to wizards and wizard groups:

From the Preference Menu, you can use the Desktop/Current Toolbar/Function Key Mapping template. For more information, see Desktop: Changing the Current Toolbar.
In the Toolbar Management wizard or in Local Toolbar Management, you can use the Function Key Mapping operation. For more information, see Toolbar Management: Modifying a Toolbar.

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