Toolbar Management Wizard
The Toolbar Management wizard allows you to manage toolbars for all users on the system. With this wizard, you can create and modify toolbars, add and remove wizards and wizard groups, and map wizards to function keys.
To use this wizard, the User Access Wizard linked to your login must have the Toolbar Management wizard selected in the Access List.
Before using this wizard, see FAQs: Toolbar Management.
To manage toolbars
Click the Toolbar Management wizard. |
The Toolbar Management window displays three panes: Delivery Toolbar Files, Customized Toolbar Files, and Local Toolbar Files. Each pane displays the toolbars delivered, saved to the server, and saved locally, respectively. Clicking a toolbar displays a tree structure of the group wizards and individual wizards that are on the toolbar. |
In the Delivery Toolbar Files pane, you can do the following: |
Copy a toolbar file to either the Customized Toolbar Files pane or the Local Toolbar Files pane. |
Copy a wizard to the clipboard, and paste the wizard either in a toolbar file, or a group wizard node in the Customized Toolbar Files pane or Local Toolbar Files pane. A single wizard or single group wizard can be copied to a clipboard. |
See Toolbar Management Operations in the “Toolbar Management: Modifying a Toolbar” topic.
In the Customized Toolbar Files and Local Toolbar Files panes, you can do the following: |
Change the descriptive name of a toolbar file. |
Add a single wizard, a single wizard group, or a separator to a toolbar file. |
Modify a toolbar file, a wizard, a wizard group, or a separator from a toolbar file. |
Remove a toolbar file, or a wizard group, or a wizard, or a separator from a toolbar file. |
Save a toolbar file with a different name or description. |
Paste a wizard, a wizard group, or separator within a toolbar file or a wizard group. |
Move a wizard, a wizard group, or a separator within a toolbar file or a wizard group. |
See Toolbar Management Operations in the “Toolbar Management: Modifying a Toolbar” topic.
If you make changes to custom toolbars, the Save On Server button becomes active, and you must save these changes for all users of the system. If you click Close without saving the customized toolbar on the server, a message displays as follows: |
One or more customized toolbars have been modified. Do you wish to exit without saving the changes?
If you select No, the Save On Server button becomes active again. If you select Yes, any changes made to custom toolbars will not be saved.
Once you click Save On Server, the customized files will be stored on the server under /Unicorn/Clients/<staff client>/Toolcust, and the stamp file will be updated so that the new toolbars will display next time a user logs in. |
Click Close to exit the wizard. |
Do one of the following: |
If you are modifying or deleting a toolbar, no further steps are necessary. |
If you are adding a new toolbar for staff members that have access to all toolbars, no further steps are necessary. |
If you are adding a new toolbar for staff members that do not have access to all toolbars, proceed to the next step. |
Determine the user profile of each staff member needing access to the new toolbar by doing the following: |
Choose the Circulation module. |
In the Users group, click Display User. |
Search for the user records of each staff member and note the user profile of each. |
Click Close to exit the wizard. |
Determine the user access of the user profile or profiles of the staff members needing access by doing the following for each user profile: |
Choose the Configuration module. |
In the User Configuration group, click User Profile. |
Select the policy you want to view from the list of policies and click Display. |
Open the Login Attributes tab. |
Note the User Access value. |
Click Cancel to exit the policy view. |
Click Close to exit the policy wizard. |
Add the name of the new toolbar to the list of toolbars in each applicable User Access policy by doing the following: |
In the Access Control Configuration group, click User Access. |
Select the policy you want to change from the list of policies and click Modify. |
On the Basic tab, click the Toolbar List gadget next to the Toolbar List field. |
Use the Toolbar List gadget to select the new toolbar and move it to the list of selected toolbars for that user access policy. |
Click Close to exit the wizard. |
Each time you modify or remove custom toolbars, the changes are immediately reflected on your workstation when you select Save On Server. New toolbars display the next time staff members log in to WorkFlows.
When you add, modify, or remove local toolbars, the changes are automatically saved to your workstation.
Important Considerations When Using this Wizard
You can copy a customized toolbar to the Local Toolbar Files pane, and copy a local toolbar to the Customized Toolbar Files pane. You cannot copy customized or local toolbars to the Delivery Toolbar Files pane. |
Location of Toolbar Files
Toolbars are saved to workstation in the home directory defined by your login, typically \Documents and Settings on Windows workstations, in the following directories:
SirsiDynix delivered toolbar files are stored in the Sirsi\Workflows\Toolbar directory. |
Site customized toolbar files are stored in the Sirsi\Workflows\Toolcust directory. |
Locally customized toolbar files are stored in the Sirsi\Workflows\ToolLocal directory. |
For Mac workstations, toolbars are saved in the following directories:
SirsiDynix delivered toolbar files are stored in the \Users\<User>Library\Preferences\Workflows\Toolbar directory. |
Site customized toolbar files are stored in the \Users\<User>Library\Preferences\Workflows\Toolcust directory. |
Locally customized toolbar files are stored in the \Users\<User>Library\Preferences\Workflows\Toollocal directory. |
Related topics
Toolbar Management: Modifying a Toolbar
Toolbar Management: Toolbar Modification Fields
User Access Wizard
FAQs: Toolbar Management