FAQs: Managing Staff Client Updates
• | What do I need to know before scheduling staff client updates? |
• | What is the process for staggering staff client updates? |
• | The current version requires a full update of our WorkFlows Java clients. How do I schedule full client updates? |
• | What if we decide to no longer use staggered client updates? |
• | Mac Client Specifics |
What do I need to know before scheduling staff client updates?
The staggered client update feature is only available when updating a Unicorn Version GL3.1 WorkFlows client to a later version and when connecting to a server at Unicorn Version GL3.1 or higher or SirsiDynix Symphony 3.2 or higher. You cannot use this feature to update a Unicorn Version GL3.0 client to a Unicorn Version GL3.1 client.
This feature depends on the global configuration value selected in the Update Staff Client by Specified Libraries Policy.
What is the process for staggering staff client updates?
Suppose that your site has upgraded to SirsiDynix Symphony Version 3.2, and library staff are using a Unicorn Version GL3.1 client, but now SirsiDynix has released an updated version of the 3.2 client. If you do not want library staff at all libraries to be prompted immediately to update their clients, but to be prompted gradually, library by library, do the following.
1 | In the WorkFlows client, on the Configuration toolbar, click the Global Configuration wizard. |
2 | Click the Maintenance tab, and modify the Update Staff Client by Specified Libraries policy. The default setting is Update Staff Client at All the Libraries. |
On the SirsiDynix Symphony server, in the /Unicorn/Clients directory, one stamp file contains values similar to the following.
3 | In the WorkFlows client, in the Update Staff Client by Specified Libraries policy, click the Update Staff Client by Specified Libraries option, and click Save. When you select this option, SirsiDynix Symphony generates a new stamp file in the /Unicorn/Clients directory named stamp.staggered. The following is a sample file. |
4 | Halt and run the workstation server for your configuration changes to take effect. |
5 | Now you are ready to connect WorkFlows to the server. Previously, on the client workstation the stamp file in the client installation directory (typically \Program Files\Sirsi\Jwf\Properties) contained lines similar to the following. |
6 | The first time you connect WorkFlows to the server after the Update Staff Client by Specific Library option has been configured and the stamp.staggered file has been created, the UPDATE lines in the \Jwf\Properties\stamp file on your client workstation are modified to include the name of the library associated with your login. For example, if a workstation administrator logs into the client as STAFF and that login is associated with the ROCKEFELLR library, the lines in the stamp file will now include ROCKEFELLR. |
7 | To trigger staggered client updates, use the Update Staff Client Management wizard. You may need to add this wizard to a toolbar, such as the Utility toolbar. |
8 | Click the Update Staff Client Management wizard. |
9 | In the Library Policy List, select the library or libraries for which you want the library staff to be prompted for a client update. You can press CTRL+SHIFT or CTRL+ALT to select groups of libraries. |
10 | In the Date to Update Client calendar, select the date to update. By default, the date will be tomorrow at 2 a.m. You cannot change the time to update. |
11 | After specifying a date, click the down arrow to add the library or libraries. |
12 | Click OK, and WorkFlows schedules a report that runs at 2 a.m. on the specified date. When this report runs, the line for the library (or libraries) in the stamp.staggered file is changed. For example, the line for the ROCKEFELLR library changes as follows. |
13 | The next time a workstation administrator logs into the client with a login linked to ROCKEFELLR, the user will be prompted to update the client. Users connecting with logins linked to other libraries, however, will not be prompted to update the client if the value associated with WF_UPDATE_LIBRARYNAME in the stamp.staggered file did not change. |
The current version requires a full update of our
To force a WorkFlows client update to include a full installation of the new client programs (which includes the Java Client Runtime Environment, or JRE, and updated WorkFlows client programs), select the Schedule to Update Full Installation check box in the upper left corner of the Update Staff Client Management wizard window.
When the Update Client report runs, instead of updating the WF_UPDATE_LIBRARYNAME line in the stamp.staggered file, it updates the WF_FULL_LIBRARYNAME line. When workstation administrators from that library connect to the server with the client and answer Yes to the prompt to update the client, they will receive the full installation.
When a user updates the client, the WF_UPDATE_LIBRARYNAME value or the WF_FULL_LIBRARYNAME value is updated with the library value that matches LIBRARYNAME in stamp.staggered.
What if we decide to no longer use staggered client updates?
To “turn off” the staggered client updates
1 | In the WorkFlows client, on the Configuration toolbar, click the Global Configuration wizard. |
2 | Click the Maintenance tab, and modify the Update Staff Client by Specified Libraries policy. |
3 | Click the Update Staff Client by All Libraries option, and click Save. |
4 | Halt and run the workstation server. |
5 | The next time a WorkFlows client connects, the stamp file in the on the server will be used, not stamp.staggered. |
6 | When a workstation administrator connects to the server, the stamp file in the client installation directory (typically \Program Files\Sirsi\Jwf\Properties) will be reset as follows. |
When updating Mac clients, workstation administrators should follow these same procedures, with the following exceptions.
• | The |
• | The stamp file is found in the \Properties directory. |
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