Receive a Different Issue

In the process if checking in issues, there will be occasions when the issue received is not the issue that is expected. Click Different Issue to receive the unpredicted issues.

The following variations may be checked in:

An issue is received out of order, expected either before or after the issue that is displayed for receipt. After clicking Different Issue, select the actual received issue from the list of predictions in the displayed window. Click Selected Issue and receive the issue the same as with Receive a Predicted Issue or Different Copies.
An issue is received out of order that is not expected, such as a fill in, replacement, or outdated claim. After clicking Different Issue, click Special Issue and receive the issue without a prediction using the According to Pattern option.
An issue is published as an extra edition, supplement, or index of the title that is to be received on this specified control. After clicking Different Issue, click Special Issue and receive the issue without a prediction using the Special option.
An issue is published that contains one or more issues combined in a single issue. After clicking Different Issue, click Special Issue.

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