Receive without Prediction

When this window appears, you may check in issues that do not currently have a prediction record associated with them. This option should be used in the following circumstances:

Use this option if the title you are receiving is completely irregular, and you will never be generating predictions for the title. In this case, you may either receive the issue according to pattern, or receive special issues.
Use this option if no more prediction records are available on the Expected tab and new predictions cannot be generated as part of the check in process, or a replacement for an old issue that was not expected is received. In these cases, click Special Issue, and click According to Pattern.
Use this option if none of the prediction records displayed from Different Issue match the enumeration and chronology printed on the issue, or you want the received issue to be set off from the main range, or a supplement or index for a title is received. In these cases, click Special Issue, and click Special.

According to Pattern

When you click According to Pattern, the text boxes that are defined in the serial control’s enumeration and chronology patterns are available to be filled in. The According to Pattern option is best used when entering the next expected issues without a prediction, or for missing issues, fill in issues, or issues published before or after your library’s subscription started or ended. Any values may be typed as long as they conform to the same prediction pattern. You may only update the following text boxes.

Enumeration pattern values defined for this control, such as V. [volume] and NO. [number] enumerations, which must be entered for the issue to be properly received
Chronology, which is required and must contain appropriately formatted chronology
Number Expected
Number Received
Receipt Comment

According to Pattern in MARC Holdings

The According to Pattern option receives the issue as if it were predicted, and MARC holdings are added to the range of received issues that were regularly predicted. Gaps in the ranges are properly recorded. These issues are recorded as 863 tags in the MARC Holdings record.


When you click Special, the text boxes that are available to be filled in are not necessarily associated with the serial control’s regular patterns. Although enumeration and chronology must be supplied, any value is accepted. The Special option is best used when entering supplemental and extra issues, or indexes. Modifications may be typed into the following text boxes.

Type of Special Issue, which allows you to specify whether the issue to be checked in is a basic extra issue, supplement, or index
Enumeration, which is required
Chronology, which is required
Number Expected
Number Received
Receipt Comment

Special in MARC Holdings

The Special option receives the issue and records MARC holdings differently depending on the type of Special Issue selected.


A Basic special issue is any material except a supplement or index that is described in the bibliographic record that is not received either as part of the regularly predicted pattern, or on a separate serial control attached to the same bibliographic record. A typical use for the Basic option might be the occasional receipt of the Final Edition of a newspaper, or the incidental receipt of an extra copy of a highly circulated journal. If Enumeration and Chronology are identical, the definition appears only once in the MARC Holdings. These issues appear on one issue per entry as Textual Holdings. These issues are recorded as 866 tags in the MARC Holdings record.

For example:

Textual holdings: V.1 NO.1 FINAL (JAN 1, 1999) 866 0 |82|aV.1 NO.1 FINAL (JAN 1, 1999)


A Supplement special issue is any supplement that is not cataloged on a different bibliographic record and not received on a separate serial control attached to the same bibliographic record. A typical use for the Supplement option might be a occasional Supplement published only for time critical issues by a monthly news journal, or a Special Supplement published irregularly. These issues appear on one issue per entry as Suppl Text Holdings. These issues are recorded as 867 tags in the MARC Holdings record.

For example:

Suppl text holdings: SUPP (1999)867 0 |81|aSUPP (1999)Index

An Index special issue is an index that is not cataloged on a different bibliographic record and not received on a separate serial control attached to the same bibliographic record. These issues appear on one issue per entry as Index Text Holdings. These issues are recorded as 868 tags in the MARC Holdings record.

For example:

Index text holdings: INDEX (1999)868 0 |81|aINDEX (1999)

In the WorkFlows Java client, if the user attempts to save a duplicate special supplement or index using the same enumeration, the wizard will display the following message.

Enumeration: XXXX

Issue already received

The value “XXXX” is the duplicated enumeration.

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