Checking In Issues by Barcode

You can check in serial issues delivered to the library that use BAR SICI coding on each issue, by scanning in or typing the barcode to check in the issue. If you are not using a SICI barcode to check in an issue, see the method defined in Check In Issues of a Serial Wizard topic.

To check in issues by barcode

WorkFlows validates ISBNs or ISSNs typed in serial control records. A warning message will display if the ISBN/ISSN contains invalid characters, or whose digits do not pass the validation calculation described in the standard for these numbers. However, invalid ISBN/ISSNs are not prevented from being saved to the record.

Note: For more information about printing routing lists, see FAQs: Creating and Modifying Routings.

After checking in an issue, you may be able to click one of the following options.

Next Issue and click Check In Now to check in the displayed issue, or click Different Copies, or click Different Issue
Next Issue, and on the Expected tab, click Selected Issue to select a different predicted issue and receive it as in the Different Copies procedure
Next Issue, and on the Claimed tab, click Selected Issue to select a claimed issue and receive it as in the Different Copies procedure. Receiving a claimed issue transfers it to the Received tab. Claiming information may then be viewed using the Show Issue Detail helper.
Next Issue, and on the Control tab, leave the Check In Issues of a Serial wizard, and click Modify Control
Next Issue, then click Title List to select another title from the list of titles searched
Next Issue, then click Control List to select another control record from the list of controls for the title
New Lookup to look up a new title
Close to exit the Check In Issues of a Serial wizard

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