FAQs: Centralized Check In Procedures
SirsiDynix Symphony allows multilibrary systems to centralize serial control record maintenance and check in procedures. Multilibrary systems implement this process when a branch or headquarters manages serial subscriptions centrally. After serial issues are received and checked in, they are sent to the appropriate branches.
The Subscription and Distribution tabs in the serial control record work together to define the number of copies and the distribution of those copies. The Check In Issues of a Serial wizard easily allows you to receive all or partial shipments of serial issues. Because the serial control record in this context has been built to process issues for multiple branches, it can also easily update the e-Library holdings display for each of the branches. One control record can create and update a 599 tag in the bibliographic record, volume holdings, and MARC holdings for each branch represented in the control record.
Different Holding Code policies representing libraries, serial item types, and locations are necessary in order to correctly update the e-Library display for each branch that will add serial issues to the collection. For more information, see the Holding Code Wizard topic.
Creating a Serial Control Record for Centralized Check In
The library that “owns” the serial control record is typically the library that receives the issues for the branches. This library ownership is established in the first steps of creating the serial control record. Other settings in the control record allow you to clarify the branches for which serial issues are received.
Subscription Tab
On the Subscription tab you will record the total number of copies you expect to receive for all library branches. See the Subscription Tab topic for more information.
Distribution Tab
The Distribution tab contains distribution records that represent the libraries that receive issues from the subscription as well as options for e-Library update. Typically, one distribution record is created for each library that will receive issues from the subscription.
Each distribution record contains a holding code that represents the library that will receive issues from the subscription. The holding code also defines library, location, and serial item types that are used when e-Library update options are enabled (such as creating copies at the time of check in or creating/updating MARC holdings).
When creating distributions, SirsiDynix Symphony gauges the number of copies specified on the Subscription tab and will display system messages if not all copies are distributed. See the Distribution Tab: Serial Control topic for more information.
The Extended Info tab can be used to display check in notes when receiving issues with the Check In Issues of a Serial wizard. Notes can be added to remind library staff where issues should be distributed after they are received. See the Extended Information Tab: Serial Control topic for more information.
Checking in Issues of a Serial
The steps for receiving issues are similar to receiving issues in a non-centralized environment. After completing the steps for receiving issues, the Check In Issues of a Serial wizard presents a confirmation that also indicates where issues should be distributed.
Receiving Partial Shipments
The Check In Issues of a Serial wizard will automatically create claim records for issues not received when a partial shipment arrives in the library. You can determine how the distribution of the received issues should be handled.
Auto-distribution of Partial Shipments—
SirsiDynix Symphony can auto-distribute received issues. SirsiDynix Symphony will distribute copies across the distribution records on the Distribution tab, starting with the first one in the list. Claim records are created for distribution records that were not fully received. Select the Auto Distribute Partially Received Issues behavior in the Check In Issues of a Serial wizard properties to auto-distribute partial shipments.
Manual Distribution of Partial Shipments—
Library staff who check in serial issues can determine where issues should be distributed. Clear the Auto Distribute Partially Received Issues behavior in the Check In Issues of a Serial wizard properties to manually distribute partial shipments.
For more information, go to FAQs: Checking in Issues of a Serial.
Creating a Serial Control with Multiple Distributions
To create a control record with multiple distributions do the following.
1 | Use the Create Serial Control wizard to create a new control record. |
2 | Under Library for New Control, select the control library (the library that will check in the serial issues) from the list. In the Holding Code box, select the default holding code for this library from the list. Click OK. |
3 | In the Select a Pattern Template window, select a publication frequency template for this title, and click OK. |
4 | Click the Subscription tab. |
5 | In the Copies to Receive box, type the number of copies you will be receiving for this issue. You must click Create Control before creating distributions. |
6 | The Get Expected Issue Info window appears. You can create predictions for these issues, or you can click Close and generate predictions later. |
7 | Click the Distribution tab. A default distribution has been created for the control library. Use the Change a Distribution tool to make changes to this distribution, if necessary. |
8 | Click the Create a Distribution tool, and the Modify a Serial Distribution window appears. |
9 | Select a new Holding Code from the list. |
10 | Select or clear the Update MARC Holdings Records check box. |
11 | In the Copies Expected box, type the number of copies to expect for this library/holding code. |
12 | In the Copies to Add to Catalog box, type the number of items to be created. |
13 | Click Create and return the Distribution tab. |
14 | If there are copies still unassigned to a distribution, the Creating a Serial Distribution window will stay open after you click Create to allow you to continue assigning copies to new holding codes. Once the last copy is assigned, the tool will return to the Distribution tab. |
15 | Click Save Your Changes, then click Close to exit the wizard. |
See the Create Serial Control Wizard topic for more information.
Related topics
Check In Issues of a Serial Wizard
Distribution Tab: Serial Control