Reload Selection Tab

The following Reload selections may be available.

Approved Status

All of the records selected will have the designated review status. The only selections available are of the APPROVED status type. This field is required; use the gadget to select a review status(es).

Note: Records that do not load or reload and are saved for review can only be assigned a REVIEW status type.

Batch Name

This text box is only available if Load Error Records for Review is selected. All error records saved to be reloaded may be designated by a specific batch file name. This name does not need to be the same as the file originally loaded and may be reused, adding to existing batches of the same name. This name displays in the File to Reload list of the Reload Bibliographic Records report, as well as the Load Report field in a review record displayed at the workstation.

Call Number Load Rules

The rules selected determine how the SirsiDynix Symphony call number will be created from the bibliographic record, and what class scheme is being used. Use the Call Number Load Rule gadget to select a rule or list of rules.

Compare All Title Control Keys

If selected, all recurring fields in the record, such as ISBN 020, will be compared against the existing title control key. Also, the 035 field which has prefixes indicating that it is an WLN, RLIN, OCLC, or Sirsi number may have multiple occurrences within a record. All of the fields with the designated prefix in the incoming record will be matched against the existing title control key. If cleared, only the first field (or the first field with a matching prefix for the 035) that was selected in your match list and is encountered in the incoming record will be matched against the existing title control key. The first key encountered is always used for new records.

Copy Processing

Copies may be created automatically during the load process using holding code entry such as the 949, or created or modified manually after the load. Use the Copy Processing gadget to select a copy processing method.

Date Cataloged

Each record that is created or updated by the records loaded displays this date in the date cataloged field. Use the Calendar gadget to select a date.

Default Holding Code

All of the records loaded by the report will use the library and location information defined by the selected holding code. If your library loads records using holdings statements in the copy processing section, the default holding code will only be used if there is not a valid holding code in the subfield h of the holding statement. Select a holding code from the list.

Default Review Status

This text box is only available if Load Error Records for Review is selected. All of the records loaded for review will have the designated review status. Select a default review status from the list.

Dynamic Indexing

If selected, titles may be searched in the catalog as soon as they are loaded. If cleared, the records must be retrieved by title control number, item ID, or call number until the Add, Delete, and Update Databases report has been run.

File to Reload

The files to select from were generated a Load Bibliographic Records report, or were saved as a review file for use in the Cataloging Review Title wizard. The batch names specified do not actually contain records; they contain the Load Selection or Review Selection specifications that were used when the records were first loaded. In the case of review records that were loaded in error from the original Load Bibliographic Records report, the file retains the load values specified in the original report. In the case of records loaded by the Review Bibliographic Records report, this name groups all of the records loaded at a particular time for review. Once either type of review record that has been loaded by these reports is given an APPROVED status at the workstation by using the Cataloging Review Title wizard, it may be loaded into the standard catalog. A file is identified for reloading based on the Batch Name specified for review records in the other two reports. Only APPROVED status records are loaded. This field is required; select a file name from the list.

Load Error Records for Review

If selected, records that were rejected from the load are saved to a file on the server which may later be approved, then loaded using the Reload Bibliographic Records report. If cleared, the titles that do not load will print in error in the report log and the MARC records will be stored in files in the /Unicorn/Marcimport/Biberror directory.

Preserve Spaces in Analytic Prefixes

Symphony by default removes the spaces from call number records that contain analytic entries such as "v. 1" or "vol. 1". If your library includes a space in these types of entries, this might produce duplicate records for a single call number (for example, one version including the space and the other not). The Preserve Spaces in Analytic Prefixes option lets you prevent the report from deleting the space.

Reload Mode

The load mode determines how the records being loaded will relate to existing records. The following load modes are available.

Create — Only new records will be created. Records with title control numbers matching existing records will not load. Error records will be printed in the report log with the header flex already exists.
Update/Create only if Date Cataloged is NEVER — New records will be created. Records with title control numbers matching existing records will only load for records that do not have a date cataloged, such as records loaded for acquisitions. Records matched that have a date cataloged specified will not load. Error records that match existing records will be printed in the report log with the header flex already exists and the corresponding date that is in the date cataloged field.
Update only if Date Cataloged is NEVER — Records with title control numbers matching existing records will load only for records that do not have a date cataloged, such as records loaded for acquisitions. New records and records that match a record with a date cataloged specified will not load. Error records that match existing records will be printed in the report log with the header flex already exists and the corresponding date that is in the date cataloged field.
Update/Create Always — New records will be created. Records with title control numbers matching existing records will always load, replacing records that may have previously had cataloging activity.
Update Always — Records with title control numbers matching existing records will always load, replacing records that may have previously had cataloging activity. New records will not load. Error records will be printed in the report log with the header flex not found.

Note: Error records not related to flexkey matching will only be printed in the log if there is a problem with the MARC record or copy processing.

Set Item Type from GMDs

The General Material Designator (GMD) is in the subfield h of the 245 field. Most libraries use the default holding code or holding tag to designate type. Your system must be configured to use this option, and SirsiDynix recommends that it not be used.

Set Title Information from Title Information Entry

Dates created, modified, and cataloged may be specified for each record during the load process using a title information entry such as the 948. Alternately, dates created and modified may be set to the date of the load itself and the date cataloged may be set to a batch date set in the load report. Use the Set Title Information gadget to select a method of assigning dates to the titles being loaded.

Update Bibliographic Record

It may be more efficient to create or update call numbers and copies from loaded holdings statements than to do it manually. Clear this check box if no changes need to be made to the cataloging and only item information will be updated.

Update Call Number

Records created ”on the fly” often have an automatically generated call number. Select this check box to replace any AUTO call numbers in matched records with the incoming call number.

Update Publication Year

Select this check box to update the publication year in the fixed field from the incoming record or entry type. It is recommended that the publication year is updated when a record is loaded.

Note: For UNIMARC records, the publication year is not always updated. If the U100 DATE1 field is empty, and if the U210 |d either doesn’t exist or doesn’t contain a 4-digits, the publication year will not be reset.

Updated Price

Each item has a Price field at the copy level, which may be updated from subfield p of the Sirsi holdings statement, or from subfield c of the 020 tag. Clear this check box to retain the price in existing copy records.

Use Default Format

If the loader is unable to determine the format of the record, a Default Record Format, which is required, is previously defined. You may clear the Use Default Format check box to not use the default format.

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