Copy Processing Gadget

The Copy Processing gadget is used to specify how copies will be created and/or updated.

To use the Copy Processing gadget

The following list explains the available values in the Copy Processing gadget.

Create NO Copies

All of the records in the file will load only bibliographic records and call numbers, but not copies. This option is useful when loading records for acquisitions. The call number will be assigned the library information of the Default Holding Code. When this option is selected, the character ”n” displays in the Copy Processing field on the report tab. Note This selection is not available if a Holdings Entry Preprocessing method has been specified on the Load tab of the Load Bibliographic Records report.

Create But Do Not Update Copies Using Holdings Statement

If your library uses a holdings statement, copies will be created from the holdings statement for new copies. Existing copies will not be updated from the holdings statement. The Entry ID field becomes active when this option is selected. When this option is selected, the character ”c” plus the entry ID(s) display in the Copy Processing field on the report tab.

Ignore Holdings Statements & Create ONE Copy Only when Creating a Title

Holdings statements will not be used, but one copy will be created for each new title loaded. Updated records will not have any copy processing regardless of existing holdings statements. The call number and copy will be assigned the library, location, and item information of the Default Holding Code. When this option is selected, the character ”o” displays in the Copy Processing field on the report tab. Note This selection is not available if a Holdings Entry Preprocessing method has been specified on the Load tab of the Load Bibliographic Records report.

Create and Update Copies Using Holdings Statement

Both new and updated records will use holdings statements. Existing copies will be updated using the incoming holdings statement information. The Entry ID field becomes active when this option is selected. When this option is selected, the character ”s” plus the entry ID(s) display in the Copy Processing field on the report tab.

Note: Matching for update of copies is done on the combination of call number + copy number, NOT on item ID.

For example, there is a call number in the catalog with two copies.

813.54 FRAc. 1 ID: 4578-1001c. 2 ID: 35678000123453

A record is loaded with the following 949 field.

.949. |a813.54 FRA|c1|i35678005612964

If the Create But Do Not Update Copies Using Holdings Statement option is chosen, the error ”copy 1 already exists” will occur and the catalog record holdings will remain unchanged.

If the Create and Update Copies Using Holdings Statement option is chosen, copy 1 will be updated and the catalog holdings will be as follows.

813.54 FRAc.

1 ID: 35678005612964c.

2 ID: 35678000123453

Create Copies Using Holdings Statement Only when Creating a Title

Only new records will use holdings statements. When a title control number is matched in an updated record, all existing copies associated with that call number are retained and only bibliographic information is updated. The Entry ID field becomes active when this option is selected. When this option is selected, the character ”v” plus the entry ID(s) display in the Copy Processing field on the report tab.

Entry ID

The Entry ID field specifies one or more tag numbers, in the desired order of search, from which to extract holding entry data for incoming MARC records. Use the policy list gadget to select one or more entry IDs. If your records have been preprocessed, use the default 999 entry ID. Note The Load Bibliographic Records report expects the subfield data is the same in all holding entries.

For example, bibliographic records may contain holdings data in subfields in 949, 977, and 999 tags. Using the gadget in the Entry ID field, the user specifies the tags in the hierarchical order of 949, 977, and 999. A report using this Entry ID field will first look for the 949 tag in the incoming records. If the 949 tag exists, the report processes all 949 tags as the holdings entry, and stops looking for any other holdings entries. If no 949 tags exist in the incoming record, the report looks for the 977 tag. If the 977 tag exists, the report processes all 977 tags as the holdings entry, and stops looking for any other holdings entries. If no 977 tags exist in the incoming record, the report looks for the 999 tag. If the 999 tag exists, the report processes all 999 tags as the holdings entry, and stops looking for any other holdings entries. If no 999 tags exist in the incoming record, the report stops trying to process holdings entries.

For more information, refer to the Using the 949 Entry for Copy Processing topic.

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