Reload Bibliographic Records Report

The Reload Bibliographic Records (Bibreload) report is designed to load MARC records into the catalog that were saved into an error file after a Load Bibliographic Records report then approved for

loading. You may also save error records from this file into another one. The error file names are displayed for selection with the name that you defined as the Batch File at the time of loading.

The error records must be reviewed at the workstation and edited to an APPROVED status type, or they will not be selected by the Reload Bibliographic Records report.

.This report is in the MARC Import Group Reports and Import/Export Group Reports.

This report contains the following tabs.

You may optionally print or not print the titles that are loaded in the output options. If Yes, the records that are loaded will print as report results. Records that do not load are always included in the load report log.

This report can also print various labels for loaded records. The labels are created in separate reports. These display in the finished reports list with the titles OC_[report title] for the OCR labels, and SP_[report title] for the spine and pocket labels. The line spacing formats that are usually defined when viewing, printing, or emailing results for label type reports is instead defined using the output options when the Reload Bibliographic Records report is scheduled. The labels report logs are included in the primary report log and cannot be reviewed separately from the finished list.

The labels that print correspond to your Copy Processing decisions in the selection phase; if you did not create copies for updated records, you will also not create labels.

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