Rebuild Selection Tab

Reports that include a Rebuild selection may or may not include all of the following selections.

Run as Rebuild

This option is only available for the Add, Delete, Update Item (aduitemtext) report. For information about this report, see Add, Delete, Update Item Report.

Select this option to have the report rebuild the item database instead of updating it. This option does what the Rebuilt Item report does.

For some sites, this may allow the Add, Delete,Update Item report to complete quicker. Typically, you would consider using this option if the library has a high circulation volume. Compare the running time of the report with the option not selected and the running time of the report with the option selected to help in making a decision.

Note: If this option is selected, SirsiDynix Symphony services will shut down as the report runs, regardless of whether or not the Shut down Symphony servers during report run checkbox is unchecked under the Shutdown Options tab. For more information, see Shutdown Options (Windows only).

For more details related to making a decision on whether to enable this option, see “Selecting indexed fields for Item Group Editor” in the Upgrade Instructions.


All of the records that will be included in the index rebuild belong to the specified index. All libraries are currently delivered by SirsiDynix in a single Union index, which contains the catalog’s permanent data. The dynamic index can also be rebuilt, which contains dynamic, immediately indexed data which is searchable prior to running the Add, Delete, and Update Databases report, which then adds changes made to the dynamic index to the permanent union index. Only one index may be rebuilt at a time. Click either the Union or Dynamic. Union is the default.

Number of Titles per Load

Enter a number, without commas, from 1,000 to 250,000. The larger the number of titles per load, the more disk space required. If you are not sure you have enough free disk space, do not enter a number greater than 50,000, although fewer than 25,000 should not be built. 50,000 is the default number of titles per load.

Load in Publication Year Order

If selected, the index displays search results in reverse publication year order. If cleared, the most recently entered records at the time of the rebuild display first in the search results, regardless of publication year.

Additional Selections for Segmented Databases

These additional selections apply only to segmented databases.

Search DB Segment to Rebuild

Use this selection only if your database has been segmented. You may optionally build all of the segments, or one or more at a time. Use the Policy List gadget to select the segments to build.

Rebuild DB Concurrently

Use this selection only if your database has been segmented. If you select to build more than one of the database segments at a time, they may either build sequentially, or concurrently.

Note: Segmented data is always loaded in publication year order. If you do not build ALL of the segments, records will not be redistributed among the segments automatically; this prevents your library from experiencing duplicate hits in a search list.

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