Offline WorkFlows Process Overview
Offline WorkFlows is used to run a SirsiDynix Symphony WorkFlows-style workstation without actually connecting to the SirsiDynix Symphony server. Offline WorkFlows is the standalone mode of the WorkFlows Client for the Java Platform™.
This topic provides an overview of preparing to use Offline WorkFlows, using Offline WorkFlows for circulation activities, and applying the offline data to the server when the server is available again. Select text in the following list for more information.
When the Help refers to a specific SirsiDynix Symphony directory, the directory structure displayed is, by default, in the UNIX or Oracle format, with forward slashes between directory names (such as /Unicorn/Helps/English). SirsiDynix Symphony for Windows Server users should translate these directories to the Windows Server standard of using backward slashes between directory names (such as \Unicorn\Helps\English).
Keeping Workstation Files Up to Date for Offline WorkFlows
Typically, a workstation running Offline WorkFlows is used to record circulation activity when the server is down. Because of this, it is important that files are properly maintained on every SirsiDynix Symphony WorkFlows workstation in the event of an emergency. Do the following to keep the SirsiDynix Symphony WorkFlows workstation up to date so it can use Offline WorkFlows at a moment’s notice.
On the SirsiDynix Symphony server, run the Prepare GUI Offline Data report to make sure that you have the most current policies and configuration information for your library system. The report generates the files verifylist and config. You should schedule this report to run at least weekly. |
On the SirsiDynix Symphony server, run the Update User Delinquency Status report, selecting to generate a list of delinquent users, to make sure that you have current user data for Offline WorkFlows. The report generates the delinq file (user status file) and the dumpdate file (date and time information). You should schedule this report to run daily. |
Start the SirsiDynix Symphony WorkFlows client, and connect to the SirsiDynix Symphony server. The verifylist, config, dumpdate, and delinq files are automatically sent to the \Sirsi\Jwf\Configure directory on the workstation. |
Using Offline WorkFlows When the SirsiDynix Symphony Server is Unavailable
When the SirsiDynix Symphony server is unavailable, do the following to use Offline WorkFlows to continue circulating items and registering users.
Start the SirsiDynix Symphony WorkFlows client. In the Configuration window, select the Operate in Offline Mode check box, and click OK. |
Select the Offline toolbar. |
Click the Offline Session Settings wizard. |
In the Set Session Settings wizard window, do the following: |
Select the User Access (typically OFFLINE). |
Select the Library of the station that will record the offline transactions. |
Accept the current date and time. |
If you want, enter a default due date for the specified transactions. |
Specify a location for the log file that will contain the offline transactions. By default, the log file is created in the \Documents and Settings\login\Sirsi\Workflows\LOG directory. For example, if you logged into the workstation as CIRCMAIN, the log file directory will be \Documents and Settings\CIRCMAIN\Sirsi\Workflows\LOG. |
The most recent date for user delinquency file (delinq) displays. The delinq file contains a list of users with a Delinquent, Blocked, or Barred status. You can determine whether to use the file or not by selecting or clearing the Use User Delinquent List File check box. |
Once you have set values for the offline transactions, click OK. |
Use the Offline wizards for as long as the SirsiDynix Symphony server is unavailable. As you work, transactions are written to a log file named for the library selected in the Library field is created in the \login\Sirsi\Workflows\LOG directory in the home directory of your login, which is typically \Documents and Settings for Windows workstations. For example, if you logged into the workstation at the Washington Library as CIRCMAIN, the log file is in \Documents and Settings\CIRCMAIN\Sirsi\Workflows\LOG\WASHINGTON. |
Each time you use your login to record offline transactions, the transactions will be appended to the log file. The log file will continue to record transactions until the workstation can connect to the server again.
Transferring the Offline Transactions to the SirsiDynix Symphony Server
When the server becomes available again, you can send the recorded transactions to the server and apply them to the SirsiDynix Symphony databases, as follows:
Start the SirsiDynix Symphony WorkFlows client, clear the Operate in Offline Mode check box, and click OK. |
When WorkFlows connects to the server, the \Documents and Settings\login\Sirsi\Workflows\LOG\Library file is automatically transferred to the server as /Unicorn/Standalone/Library/standlog.x, where Library is the name of the library at which the transactions were recorded, and x is the station number. The original \LOG\Library file on the workstation is removed. |
For example, on workstation number 1, the \CIRCMAIN\Sirsi\Workflows\LOG\WASHINGTON file will be transferred to the server as /Unicorn/Standalone/WASHINGTON/standlog.1.
On the SirsiDynix Symphony server, run the Load Offline Transactions report. Each library’s standalone.x files are combined, sorted, and processed. Any transactions that could not be processed are moved to the /Unicorn/Standalone/oerrors file on the SirsiDynix Symphony server. |
On the SirsiDynix Symphony server, run the Consolidate Daily Transactions report and the Statistics Log report to add the history logs to the monthly statistics logs. |
Related topics
Getting Started with Offline WorkFlows
Prepare GUI Offline Data Report
Update User Delinquency Status Report
Session Settings Wizard: Offline WorkFlows
Load Offline Transactions Report
Consolidate Daily Logs Report
Statistics Log Report