Statistics Log Report

The Statistics Log (Statlog) report creates statistical transaction logs that contain history transactions from which specific patron and title information is removed, and in which user and item demographics are substituted. Run this report daily.

This report is in the Administration Group Reports.

The Statistics Log report should be run every day after you have performed your daily backup. If you do not use SirsiDynix’s Backup Daily Files (Dailybackup) report, the Consolidate Daily Logs (Consolidate) report will create the files required to run the Statistics Log report. One of the consolidation options combined with the Statistics Log report allows you to create statistical reports for the previous day’s activity.

For more information, refer to the Getting Information and Statistics from Your System’s Logs topic and the Schedule Frequencies for Required and Recommended Reports topic.

The results of this report are embedded in the report log. Do not view, print, or email results only, or the system will return an error message. If you select the View Results check box only and do not select the Format Report check box, WordPad may open and begin the unformatted report output with the following formatting text.


This report contains the Basic Tab: Reports.

The report creates statistical transaction logs with the suffix .stat from consolidated history logs with the suffix .statprep. Statistics logs contain dated entries for anonymous transactions. The Statistics Log report copies history transactions into a statistics file, removes specific patron and title information, and substitutes user and item demographics. Batch log files that may be loaded from offline transactions are compiled automatically into the monthly statistics when the Statistics Log report runs. Run this report daily.

There will still be no history logs if no records were created, changed, or removed in SirsiDynix Symphony since the last Consolidate Daily Logs (Consolidate) report was run.

Once the statistics logs have been created, they can be used to create a variety of analytical reports including the Activity (Activity) report and Transaction Statistics (Statistics) report. After you have run the desired reports using the statistics logs, they should be deleted from SirsiDynix Symphony or copied to storage media at regular intervals to save disk space.

History and Statistics Data

For transactions for which statistics logs are maintained, a statistics log contains exactly the same transactions as the history log, except that each specific user and item transaction is replaced with general demographic information. For each suitable transaction in the history file, SirsiDynix Symphony can take the user ID (if present) and the item ID and pull from the database all of the demographics associated with these two IDs. Functions such as charging items and creating holds contain both user and item IDs, so the Statistics Log process replaces them with the appropriate user and item demographics.

For example, this is a standard history log.

02/02/2005,13:51:43 Station: 029 Request: Sequence #: 13 Command: Bill User user access:ANNE-UACS clearance:TOP-SECRET station library:MAIN user ID:ANN amount billed:1.75 bill reason:DAMAGE itemID:1114-1001 call number:PN6081 .R435 1987 copy:1 paid in full flag:N

This is the statistics log created from the above history log.

02/02/2005,13:51:43 Station: 029 Request: Sequence #: 13 Command: Bill User user access:ANNE-UACS user cat1:ACTIVE user status:DELINQUENT department:LOST profile name:LOST user location:DRAFT userlibrary:MAIN call number:PN6081 .R435 1987 current location:CHECKEDOUT record format:MARC home location:STACKS library:MAIN type:DOCUMENT permanent:N year of publication:1989 station library:MAIN

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