Consolidate Daily Logs Report

The Consolidate Daily Logs (Consolidate) report merges and compresses all batch, history, print, scanner, statistics, system, WebCat, OPAC transaction, Z39.50 connect, and Z39.50 history logs as well as authority records imported from OCLC Connexion®. This function may also be accomplished through the Backup Daily Files report. Some logs are consolidated from daily files into single monthly files, and some are just compressed to take less disk storage space. Run this report daily.

To create statistics logs from either daily or monthly history logs, this report must be followed by the Statistics Log report.

This report contains the Basic Tab: Reports and is in the Administration Group Reports.

The Statistics Log (Statlog) report should be run every day after you have performed your daily backup. If you do not use the Backup Daily Files (Dailybackup) report, the Consolidate Daily Logs report will create the files required to run the Statistics Log report. One of the consolidation options combined with the Statistics Log report allows you to create statistical reports for the previous day’s activity.

For more information, refer to the Getting Information and Statistics from Your System’s Logs topic and the Schedule Frequencies for Required and Recommended Reports topic.

The results of this report are embedded in the report log. Do not select to view, print, or email results only, or the system will return an error message. In the View Finished Reports window, if you select the View Results check box but do not select the Format Report check box, WordPad may open and begin the unformatted report output with the following formatting text.


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